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What small thing can tell you a lot about a person?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-06-15 09:18


What small thing can tell you a lot about a person?

Sean Kernan, Son of Quora

Answered Mon · Upvoted by Michelle Roses

70.4k Views · 7.9k Upvotes

How bothered they get by small problems.

Example: Yelling at a store employee for not having the right shoe size available. When there are 3 more shoe stores right next door.

I’m impressed by a person who doesn’t get upset over things they can’t control. They focus on problems they can fix.

They reserve their concern for things that matter: a sick family member, their children’s well-being, etc.


freak out

  • have an extreme reaction to sth 对某事物有极端强烈的反应;

  • temporarily lose control of oneself; go crazy; act abnormally, usu under the influence of drugs 暂时对自己失去控制、发疯、行为异常(通常为毒品所致);



  • fairness; right judgement 公平; 公正的裁判: The equity of the referee's decision was accepted by everyone. 大家都同意裁判员的公正裁判。

  • ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest (利息不定的)普通股。(文中含义)


Sriram Ramaswamy

        I had a business partner who would freak out at the smallest setback. Especially when it came to money. He'd go crazy and try to freak me out as well. I'd then tell him to calm down. I'd tell him I'm concerned as well but what's the point of getting tensed. 

        I looked for solutions while he wanted to complain all the time. I moved his role to a non involving equity partner and things became so much better. Now I'm cool as ice during difficult situations.