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What small thing can tell you a lot about a person?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-06-15 09:18


What small thing can tell you a lot about a person?

Sean Kernan , Son of Quora

Answered Mon · Upvoted by Michelle Roses

70 .4 k Views · 7.9k Upvotes

How bothered they get by small problems.

Example: Yelling at a store employee for not having the right shoe size available. When there are 3 more shoe stores right next door.

I’m impressed by a person who doesn’t get upset over things they can’t control. They focus on problems they can fix.

They reserve their concern for things that matter : a sick family member, their children’s well-being, etc.


freak out

  • have an extreme reaction to sth 对某事物有极端强烈的反应;

  • temporarily lose control of oneself; go crazy; act abnormally, usu under the influence of drugs 暂时对自己失去控制、发疯、行为异常(通常为毒品所致);

setback :挫折;


  • fairness; right judgement 公平; 公正的裁判: The equity of the referee's decision was accepted by everyone. 大家都同意裁判员的公正裁判。

  • ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest (利息不定的)普通股。(文中含义)
