专栏名称: 赛门喵Simon
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毒舌金星的非凡人生 | 《经济学人》精读

赛门喵Simon  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-03-06 21:39




以政治经济评论为主体的《经济学人》在2月11日的杂志上很罕见地刊登了一位来自中国的娱乐明星——金星。标题是《China’s Transgender Oprah》,直译为「中国的变性版奥普拉」。奥普拉是美国非常有名的脱口秀女主持人,他主持的《奥普拉脱口秀》每周平均拥有3300万命观众,连续16年排在同类节目的第一位,虽然与2011年9月9日结束录制,但是奥普拉依然是美国极具影响力的人物。因此,将金星比为奥普拉,确实是一个非常高的评价。那么这篇文章以金星为人物是要表达什么呢?通读下来,作者其实想通过金星来讽刺一下人权状况。可惜,纵观全文,你能明显的感觉到作者绞尽脑汁也没能找到一个金星因为transgender的身份而受到歧视的具体例子,因此,未免有些缺乏说服力,为了黑而黑的感觉。不过,我们依然可以取其精华,提升英语。

难度指数  ★ ★ 



CHINA’S favourite chat-show host has had an extraordinary career. Jin Xing was the country’s most successful dancer before becoming a colonel in an army entertainment troupe. He won fame in America, where the New York Times called him “a Chinese genius”. He trained dancers in Brussels and Rome, before returning to China for a sex-change operation. As a woman, she resumed her career as a ballerina, set up the country’s first private ballet company, ran a bar in Beijing and married a German businessman.

In a conservative society where even homosexuality is frowned upon, let alone sex-reassignment, her life would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting. Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge. She began with a local version of “So You Think You Can Dance” and hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”, a variety and chat programme with an audience of around 100m. She has appeared with her husband on the Chinese version of “The Amazing Race”, in which couples race each other around the world. Her latest venture, “Chinese Dating”, is in its first season. 



CHINA’S favourite chat-show host has had an extraordinary career. Jin Xing was the country’s most successful dancer before becoming a colonel in an army entertainment troupe. He won fame in America, where the New York Times called him “a Chinese genius”. He trained dancers in Brussels and Rome, before returning to China for a sex-change operation. As a woman, she resumed her career as a ballerina, set up the country’s first private ballet company, ran a bar in Beijing and married a German businessman.


chat-show;entertainment troupe


CHINA’S favourite chat-show host has had an extraordinary career. Jin Xing was the country’s most successful dancer before becoming a colonel in an army entertainment troupe.


chat-show 即为脱口秀,也叫talk-show,类似《鲁豫有约》那种。但并非所有说话类的节目都叫做 talk-show,例如最近流行的《吐槽大会》就叫做 roast,算是comedy的一种形式。



roast is an event in which a specific individual, a guest of honor, is subjected to good-natured jokes at their expense intended to amuse the event's wider audience. 

be subjected to good-natured jokes 遭受善意的玩笑

to subjected to 是一个非常常见的短语,是遭受的意思,往往是指自己无力控制的事情。

People seeking care should not be subjected to abuse。


good-natured善意的,反义词当然是bad-natured。其实,恶意的还有一个词malicious,malicious jokes是指恶毒的笑话。

wider audience 广大的观众群。这里需要提醒一下,audience是一个collective noun,是指观众群,不能用来指某一个观众,所以这里没有用复数形式。类似的有飞机上的crew,是对飞机上所有机务的统称,所以不能用crew来特指某个空姐,如要特指可以说crew member。 

army entertainment troupe 军队文工团,文工团是很有中国特有的一个组织,所以不妨将army去掉,将entertainment troupe记为文工团。

won fame;sex-change;resume;ballerina

He won fame in America, where the New York Times called him “a Chinese genius”. He trained dancers in Brussels and Rome, before returning to China for a sex-change operation. As a woman, she resumed her career as a ballerina, set up the country’s first private ballet company, ran a bar in Beijing and married a German businessman.

won fame是指获得了成功,也就是成名。有个短语叫做 claim to fame,即成名的原因,比如金星靠跳舞成名,那么dancing就是她的claim to fame,也就是支撑她成功的那个最重要的才华。这里不妨想一下,你自己的claim to fame是什么呢?:)

sex-change operation变性手术。sex-change是一个偏口语的说法,如果更加学术一点的话,叫做sex reassignment surgery(SRS)。一个人经过SRS之后,就成为了一个transgender,即变性人。


resume her career 里的resume隐含有之前中断了的意思,暗示金星之前为了手术,中断了跳舞。

这段话里最容易忽视的就是作者对于代词的变化。仔细看,在sex-change operation之前,作者指代金星的时候用的都是 He,之后就变成了 She。这里引出一个知识点,即gender和sex有什么区别?两者一般都被我们粗暴的翻译为「性别」,但是其实它们是有区别的。Gender是指一个人的自我认同性别,sex指生理性别。对于变性前的金星,他的sex是He,但是她的idenfitifed gender确是女性。也就是说,gender和sex可以不同。 


CHINA’S favourite chat-show host has had an extraordinary career. Jin Xing was the country’s most successful dancer before becoming a colonel in an army entertainment troupe. He won fame in America, where the New York Times called him “a Chinese genius”. He trained dancers in Brussels and Rome, before returning to China for a sex-change operation. As a woman, she resumed her career as a ballerina, set up the country’s first private ballet company, ran a bar in Beijing and married a German businessman.



In a conservative society where even homosexuality is frowned upon, let alone sex-reassignment, her life would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting. Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge. She began with a local version of “So You Think You Can Dance” and hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”, a variety and chat programme with an audience of around 100m. She has appeared with her husband on the Chinese version of “The Amazing Race”, in which couples race each other around the world. Her latest venture, “Chinese Dating”, is in its first season.



conservative society;homosexuality;frown upon;let alone;stodgy;mainstream 

In a conservative society where even homosexuality is frowned upon, let alone sex-reassignment, her life would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting.

let alone更不用说,更别提的意思,主要用于进一步强调和延伸之前的论述(in a conservative society)。从意思上也很容易理解,let alone不能放在句首,应该放在一句话之后,或者如本例的两句话中间。

There isn’t enough room for us, let alone the guests.

另外,let alone后面如果跟动词,一般和前面并列关系的动词保持同样的形式。

We hadn’t got the money to have a meal, let alone stay in a hotel. (stay 和 have 并列)

conservative 保守的,这里主要指思想上的保守。


frown upon不赞成,这个词字面的意思是「皱眉头」,非常形象。这里为被动语态,是说同性恋都会招致反感。如下图 



I frown upon smoking in public restaurants.


would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting (她的生活)似乎本应该将她置于中国电视业古板主流之外

would seem to 是一个典型的虚拟语气,其中隐含了实际情况于此相反。其实有would,could,should等这类情态动词的出现,常常就已经带有了某种虚拟的口气。 

Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge. She began with a local version of “So You Think You Can Dance” and hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”, a variety and chat programme with an audience of around 100m.

第一句话Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge.中的 who is 49 是一个非限定性定语从句,两边的逗号不能省略,否则意思完全不同了。对于这一点,我在之前帖子90%人都会错用的定语从句!中有详细解释。

jackpot 累积奖池。是赌场中机台所累积的奖金,它是所有玩家每一笔的下注中特别提取出来,并且不断累积,当金额够高的时候,就有可能开出来。如果你运气足够好,一旦触发就可以得到奖池所有的钱。在赌场里,jackpot是赌客最最期待的大奖,如果想要赢得巨额奖金,非要jackpot。

如下图某赌场hit the jackpot赌客,一夜暴富 

所以 hit the jackpot 就是撞了大运的意思。在这里就是说金星凭借《金星秀》走红,有走了好运的意思。

I think we hit the jackpot with our ad campaign because our sales have nearly doubled.


She has appeared with her husband on the Chinese version of “The Amazing Race”, in which couples race each other around the world. Her latest venture, “Chinese Dating”, is in its first season.

venture 一般指有一些风险的事情,比如风险投资,或者去野外探险等。她的新节目Chinese Dating才是第一季,所以还不知道能不能成功,所以这里用了venture这个词。

Venture是一个非常常见的词,例如创业公司需要找风投,即VC,就是Venture Capital的缩写,这里就隐含了风险的含义。


When darkness fell, he would venture out.


I ventured to ask him what he was writing.



In a conservative society where even homosexuality is frowned upon, let alone sex-reassignment, her life would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting. Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge. She began with a local version of “So You Think You Can Dance” and hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”, a variety and chat programme with an audience of around 100m. She has appeared with her husband on the Chinese version of “The Amazing Race”, in which couples race each other around the world. Her latest venture, “Chinese Dating”, is in its first season.



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