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清晨朗读3217:7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (2)

清晨朗读会  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2025-03-18 06:15


Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯正又充满磁性的美音,这里有多样化的学习素材,这里有超过 19 万充满激情的英语学习者。 关注清晨朗读会 ,让我们共同向梦想前进!
Good Morning!

今天的练习内容来自 Leo Babauta,标题是 7 Keys to Effective Mental Training 。我们将分三部分练习这篇文章,今天是第二部分。
在今天节选的部分,Leo 建议我们通过不同方式尝试“沉浸式学习”。

H a ve fun!



在微信视频号、微博、抖音上搜索@王渊源John 关注我分享的其它有趣内容,扫描右边二维码直达我的视频号。也要记得每天都来 清晨朗读会 卡哦~


7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (2)

By Leo Babauta

2: Immerse Yourself

Sometimes people have hopes that they’ll learn something in just a few minutes a day, or maybe a good long weekend of hard work. Neither of these work very well.
What works is immersion, on a (nearly) daily basis. Imagine if you wanted to learn Italian, and looked at vocabulary flashcards for 5 minutes a day … or alternatively, you could instantly travel to Italy for an hour every day. In the second scenario, you’d be surrounded by people speaking Italian, you’d be immersed in it, and you’d be much more motivated to learn.
This works not just with languages but with anything.


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