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How should children repay their parents?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-05-23 22:16


How should children repay their parents?

I am a university student. Hope you can answer this question in consideration of one person's whole life, thank you.

PS: It's the first time I ask in Quora……

Noam Kaiser, I am one. Andit's the best thing I'll ever do.

111.3k Views • Upvoted by Margaret Plotkin, I have three and Bart Loews, Father of 3

Noam has 300+ answers in Philosophy of Everyday Life

118.6k Views · Upvote 7.1k

There is absolutely nothing I wish my children will ever feel that they owe me.

They need not repay me for anything.

It was my wife and I, who chose to bring them to this world, it was us who decided to grant ourselves with the privilege of being the parents of our three children.

They have awarded us with discovering a capacity for love neither of us knew existed, and levels of happiness we didn't know were possible to feel.

I owe my children everything. They owe me nothing.

If and when they choose to do for me, for my wife, that's a heartwarming bonus - It means we're doing well. But I don't expect it as if I am owed it.

I want them to be healthy, happy, safe and feel satisfied, loved, and accomplished, and later on capable of creating families that are the same.

Don't get me wrong.

This isn't a free pass to disrespect parents, not feel gratitude for what they do and take them for granted - Not at all.

It is exactly the opposite.


Eckart Mildenstein:

        One father who I met with his 4 year old son told me:"My son is bringing me the greatest pleasure of my life. I expect him to do this until he is ten. After that I will repay him for the rest of his life!"  That was the loveliest I ever heard a father say. You capture that spirit! Congratulations!

Nagarajan Srinivas:

        This is a very sincere and insightful answer. As a parent myself, I could whole heartedly relate to each and every word in this answer. Hats off.
