1.Time it right. 在合适的时间发送。
Sending an emailat the right time with the right subject line can make a huge difference inopen and click rate.
2.Create a senseof urgency. 创造紧迫感。
Subject lines thatcreate a sense of urgency can give a 22% higher open rate. Using deadlines like“todayonly” or “24-hour giveaway”will encourage your reader to act now instead of putting it off until later.
造成紧迫感的邮件主题打开率能提高22%。用一些表示最后期限的词,例如“today only”或“24-hour giveaway”。
3.Use numbers.使用数字。
A lot ofbusinesses send emails with vague statements in their subject lines -- which iswhy using data and numbers is a great way to get your emails noticed. Aspecific discount,or the numerical benefit of a particularresource you're providing -- like "Join more than 750 others at this event!"
许多企业在发邮件时用一些意义不明确的主题,这就是为什么有数字和具体数据的字眼会在一堆邮件中被注意到。就像博客标题一样,在主题行中使用数字是一个提高邮件打开率的有效方法。写上一个特别的折扣、优惠或是特别的资源,比如这句“Join more than 750 others at this event!”
4.Make peoplefeel special. A few ideas for phrasing include:
"For ourbeloved customers only"
"An exclusiveoffer for you"
"My gift toyou"
40% of emails areopened on mobile first–where the average mobile screen can only fit4-7 words max.
6.Using the words“Sale”“New”or “Video” in subject lines boost open rates.
7.Emails with“Free”inthe subject line were opened 10% more than those without.
8.Emails with"Tomorrow" in the subject line were opened 10% more than thosewithout.
9.The top fivesubject lines in a recent study all included“Re:”.
10.A/B test yoursubject lines.对你的邮件主题进行AB测试。
Although thesetips and best practices are a great place to start,whatworks best for some companies may not work as well for others. It's all aboutfiguring out what works best for your specific audience. That's where A/Btesting comes in.
While it can betempting to use your intuition to predict what subject line language will makepeople click on your emails,you should constantly be A/B testing yoursubject lines and tweaking wording according to your results. What works bestfor your audience: Long or short subject lines?Including numbers or not including numbers?Questionsor statements?Good luck!