What was the most innocent thing you did as a kid?
Mian Mazhar Yasin, ✒MEDICAL STUDENT and interested in ➡BIOLOGY➕CHEMISTRY⬅
Updated 21h ago
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I dont remember anything, so I decided to ask my parents.
Me: Mama, what's the most innocent thing I have done as a kid?
Mom: innocent?! You weren't an innocent kid.
Me: what?!!
Mom: I mean, you were an intelligent kid. You were talkative and used to ask lots of questions. Sometimes I couldn’t answer your questions.
Me: oh, so you don't remember anything innocent I have done.
Mom: No. You should ask your dad.
Me: Dad, do you remember anything innocent which I have done as a kid?
Dad: yes, I do.
Me: Yay! Tell me.
So here is what my dad told me.
Once I was playing with my cousins. I was about 2 years old. I fell down and my knee was hurt. I started crying.
Dad: Hey, you have killed an ant when you fell down. Now its mother is coming to beat you with a stick. Come on, stand up. Otherwise ant's mother will beat you.
Me: *jumping onto his lap* *wiping my face*
Dad, save me.
Dad: Ok, let's run inside.
I forgot that my knee was hurt and ran with him inside the house, so that the ant's mother might not beat me.
Mom, you're wrong, see how innocent I was!