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志邦家居: 23Q4靚麗,整家戰略成效顯現

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-19 20:11


Zbom Home Collection

(603801 CH)


2023E preliminary results: Zbom’s whole-home strategy is paying off with Q4E maintaining strong growth


投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


23Q4擬收入21.9億,同增16.9%;歸母2.5億,同增10.9%;扣非歸母2.2億,同增11.5%; 23年擬收入61.2億,同增13.5%;歸母6.0億,同增10.8%,扣非歸母5.5億,同增10.1%;預計剔除減值影響後歸母淨利潤增速更高。

2023E preliminary results: net profit up 11%, likely higher ex-impairments

Zbom released 2023E preliminary results:

•23Q4E revenue came to RMB2.19bn, up 16.9% yoy; with net profit at RMB250m, up 10.9% yoy and ex-nonrecurring net profit at RMB220m, up 11.5% yoy.

•2023E revenue rose 13.5% to RMB6.12bn, while net profit lifted 10.8% to RMB600m and ex-nonrecurring net profit grew 10.1% to RMB550m; excluding impairment impacts, net profit growth would have been higher.





Whole-home strategy boosts retail and export business; stabilizes volumes

Retail: mindful of consumer decoration demand for the entire home, Zbom strategically fleshes out a whole-home business model and is building out the southern China market. It taps current resources to develop full-suite product categories for entire-home installations and turnkey housing estates. Zbom is also exploring catalysts such as new retail markets, while enhancing the value of whole-home bills of lading. Its innovations have led to stable retail growth.

Bulk business: Zbom enforced its systemic risk management and control system, improved its customer mix and cultivated innovative businesses. We expect strong growth in wardrobe and wooden door sales volumes, while bulk business maintains a stable and healthy uptrend.

Exports: while China is the company’s main market, it is also oriented to the international market to build up its export business. It held a press conference in Thailand in November 2023, for instance. Its foreign business, which provides a strong supply chain and smart manufacturing technologies, covers dozens of markets around the world through more than 5,000 stores. We are bullish about its future export growth.



Profit margin uptrend: cost curb and efficiency boost effects are coming through

Gross margin was 38.4% in 23Q1-3 (up 1.64ppt yoy); excluding impairments, net margin would have greatly increased. In prioritizing professional and operational management, Zbom streamlines resources in research, production, supply and marketing. Its digitalization restructure saw heavier investments into R&D, alongside innovations and explorations into design software, new retail markets, smart homes and other areas. It stepped up supply chain reforms and implemented measures to reduce costs and lift efficiency. It ensured compliance governance and pushed operational management efficiency improvements through organizational innovations, and process and system improvements. The results of these cost reduction and efficiency enhancement efforts are gradually coming through, so we expect it will maintain its profit margin at 10%.

投资建议/Investment Ideas



Valuation and risks

Zbom is driving a strategy of multi-category integration and whole-home sales. We expect its southern China and foreign market buildout will expand growth headroom, while cost reduction and efficiency enhancement results are coming through. In view of the company’s preliminary earnings report, we have taken our forecast down a notch after considering its market buildout and investments into foreign markets, as well as its stable profitability. We forecast net profit at RMB600m/690m/790m in 2023/24/25E (previously RMB610m/720m/870m), with EPS at RMB1.38/1.59/1.81 and corresponding to 12x/11x/9x PE. We maintain our BUY rating.

風險提示: 地產下滑風險;國內需求復甦不及預期風險;減值風險;海外市場拓展不及預期風險;業績快報僅爲初步覈算結果,具體數據以公司正式發佈的2023年年報爲準。

Risks include: real estate market decline; less-than-expected Chinese demand recovery; impairments; and less-than-expected foreign market expansion. Note: the earnings report provides preliminary accounting data and is subject to the release of Zbom’s final 2023 results report.

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