看完FT的报道,我们再看一下英国《卫报》记者Tom Phillips和 Michael Safi 分别发自北京和印度德里的报道全文(本人翻译)。该报道介绍了易富贤的上述观点,然后引用了王丰教授和印度学者的评论,对易富贤的“发现”提出了强烈质疑。
标题:India is world's most populous nation with 1.32bn people, academicclaims
摘要:Yi Fuxian says 1.29bn Chinese are outstripped by 1.32bn Indians. Buthis findings are disputed with one demographer calling them ‘sloppy’
Wednesday 24 May 2017 07.30 BST Lastmodified on Wednesday 24 May 2017 07.37 BST
Claims that India may already haveovertaken China as the world’s most populous nation have sparked consternationamong demographers.
The claims were made on Monday by YiFuxian, a University of Wisconsin-Madison academic who has spent yearscampaigning against Beijing ’s draconian family-planning laws, and picked up bynewspapers in both China and India.
Speaking at a conference in Beijing, Yisaid he was convinced that over the last 26 years Chinese statisticians had overestimatedthe country’s population by about 90 million, partly by inflating rates offertility. As a result, China’s population at the end of last year would havebeen 1.29 billion.
The academic repeated his claims onWednesday in an interview with the Guardian. “I think the real number is 1.29billion but the government thinks it is 1.38 billion,” Yi said. “India is maybe1.32 billion right now.”
Yi argued that his findings showed thatBeijing – which ditched its notorious one-child policy for a two-child policyin 2015 – should immediately scrap all such controls in order to soften theblow of a looming ageing crisis.
He said he hoped his controversial findingswould prompt a debate over China’s demographic time bomb which he called thecountry’s “number one problem”.
Instead, however, they have stirred up astorm with Chinese and Indian scholars expressing bewilderment and scepticismat his claims.
Wang Feng, a leading demographer from theUniversity of California, Irvine, dismissed Yi’s claims as sensational,extremely sloppy and based on highly politicised back-of-the-envelopecalculations.
“He’s a person with a political agenda and[who has been] a consistent critic of the Chinese government’s policy ... [so]his numbers should not be taken at face value.”
“I don’t disagree with his generalcriticisms [of China’s birth control policy],” Wang added. “But ... we have tospeak from facts or we just speak from conjecture ... I think he just wants tomake a point to say that fertility is very low in China, the government hasinflated the birth numbers, and [therefore] China should have no birth controlpolicy.”
Asked what he thought China’s truepopulation was, Wang said: “I would go with the government number.”
Indian demographers also scotched thesuggestion their country had already overtaken China. “China is still the mostpopulated, but India will overtake them by 2025,” said Laushram Ladu Singh, apopulation researcher at Mumbai’s International Institute for PopulationSciences.
印度人口学者也反击印度人口已超过中国的说法。孟买国际人口科学研究所人口专家Laushram Ladu Singh说:“中国(目前)依然是人口最多的国家,但到2025年,印度(人口)将超过中国。”
India’s population, currently around 1.3billion, has quadrupled since the country became independent in 1947 but thespeed of growth – still very high at around 17.7% in the decade to 2011 – isslowing significantly. The World Health Organisation projects India’spopulation will reach 1.7bn by 2050 and begin to decline.
In southern states such as and, wherequality of life is higher, population growth has already stabilised. The largeincreases are being driven by eight mostly northern states, including UttarPradesh and Jharkhand, that are “lagging in the development and socialsectors”, said Singh.
Singh说,印度南部各邦如Tamil Nadu和Kerala,因生活质量较高,人口增长已经稳定。(印度)人口的巨大增长主要受北方八个邦的推动,包括Uttar Pradesh和Jharkhand邦在内。(这些北部)邦的“发展和社会部门落在后面”。
“Inmany states fertility has come down to the replacement level, by which we meanone woman replacing one daughter on average,” Singh said. “But in these eightbig states, which make up 40% of the population, fertility is still high,though coming down.”
Wang said Chinese statisticians might haveoverstated the size of China’s population but would not have been so “simpleand foolish” to do so by 90 million people. “That is two Spains. It’s notpossible to be off by that much. That’s like one of China’s largest provincesnot being there.”
If current trends continued, Wang said itwas likely, possibly over the next five years, that China’s population wouldpeak at about 1.4 billion and then start to fall. India’s population, dependingon its growth rate, might overtake China’s within the next decade. “It could bea few years earlier, it could be a few years later ... But the bottom line isChina has not yet been passed by India.”
Wang said he expected some Chinesenationalists to lament the day China was passed by India. But ultimately it wasirrelevant if one country had slightly more people than the other. “Whether itis number two or number one or number three, it doesn’t matter ... Any seriouspolitician or serious person would not think this matters.
“It doesn’t change anyone’s life exceptpeople who like China to be number one. I don’t care. Most people should notcare.”