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天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-03-14 18:12


China Transportation


Rising oil prices benefit China’s railway and port supply chain markets

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis



Energy substitution and expanding coal shipments

As oil prices rise sharply, coal consumption would rise as an alternative energy source, along with transportation demand. China’s main coal producing areas are Shanxi, Shaanxi and western Inner Mongolia, where Daqin, Shuohuang and Zhangtang railways transport coal to ports and other coastal consumption areas by sea. Tangshan Port, Daqin Railway, Qinhuangdao Port would benefit from rising coal shipments.

Jiayou International’s China-Mongolia coal supply chain would thus increase in business volume. As profit elasticity increased, coal accounted for about 70% of revenue and gross profit at Qinhuangdao Port, Ningbo Marine and Daqin Railway in 1H21. In valuation terms, Tangshan Port and Daqin Railway had PEs (TTM) of about 8x and dividend yields of about 7% in 2020. With energy substitution representing a small portion of the volume increase in coal transportation and thus low profit increase potential, relative valuations would be a bigger factor in stock considerations.

We recommend:

-Tangshan Port: 601000 CH, BUY

-Jiayou International: 603871 CH, BUY (upgrade from ACCUMULATE)



Transportation substitution and higher railway cost effectiveness

The rise in oil prices increased costs in road and air transportation, while electric railway costs stayed stable, improving its relative cost performance. We expect transportation volume to shift from road and air to railways. As a portion of total fuel cost, road freight comprised one-quarter in 1H17; while passenger road transportation comprised about one-third and aviation about one-fifth in 2020. The increase in fuel prices has a deep impact on cost and affects freight cost. Companies such as Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway (601816 CH, ACCUMULATE), Daqin Railway, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, China Railway Special Cargo and Tielong Container Logistics would see increases in traffic volume. In addition, when oil prices are high, Bohai Ferry, which enjoys fuel subsidies, has a cost advantage over road transportation around the Bohai Sea and its business volume would increase. As vehicle and passenger volume growth from substitution is not sustainable and railway companies are an asset-heavy business, relative valuations would be a bigger factor in stock considerations.



Commodity price rises benefit the bulk supply chain

As oil prices rise, prices of commodities such as energy, grain and metals would rise as well, and revenue and profit at major supply chain companies would increase accordingly. Bulk supply chain companies include the value of goods in their revenue calculations, so income increases with higher commodity prices. Meanwhile, profit margins remain stable under a service fee model, so profit would increase with income. Historically, profit growth at bulk supply chain companies often accelerated during periods of commodity price hikes. With the large bulk supply chain market marked by many small companies, leading players are rapidly increasing market share by leveraging their competitive advantages, so they would grow faster in the future.

We recommend:

-Zheshang Development Group  (high-growth stock; 000906 CH, BUY)

-Xiamen C&D (high-dividend stock; 600153 CH, BUY).

投资建议 / Investment Ideas


Risks include: economic growth decline; falling fuel prices; and deterioration in the Covid-19 pandemic conditions. 

Not-rated companies mentioned:

Bohai Ferry Group (603167 CH)

China Railway Special Cargo Logistics (001213 CH)

China Railway Tielong Container Logistics (600125 CH)

Daqin Railway (601006 CH)

Guangshen Railway (601333 CH)

Ningbo Marine (600798 CH)

Qinhuangdao Port (601326 CH)

Rizhao Port (600017 CH)

Wuchan Zhongda Group (600704 CH)

Xiamen Xiangyu (600057 CH)

Xiamen ITG Group Corp (600755 CH).


The following is an extract. For the full report, please contact our sales team or visit the TFI report website.

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预期行业指数涨幅 -5%5%


预期行业指数涨幅 -5%














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Ratings Definitions

Investment Ratings





Stock  investment ratings

within 6 months from the report issuance date,  increase or decrease relative to the Index of the jurisdiction of the Stock  in the same period


Expected  relative return over stock price above 20%


Expected  relative return over stock price between 10% and 20%


Expected  relative return over stock price between -10% and 10%


Expected  relative return over stock price below -10%

Industry  investment ratings

within 6 months from the report issuance date,  increase or decrease relative to the Index of the jurisdiction of the  Industry in the same period


Expected  increase of industry index over 5%


Expected  increase of industry index between -5% and 5%


Expected  increase of industry index below -5%


Index Used for Ratings  Definitions

China Mainland

CSI 300 Index

China-Hong Kong

Hang Seng Index


Hang Seng Index


Standard & Poor’s  500 Index

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