免责声明 分析师声明 |
一般声明 |
特别声明 天风集团对于在研究业务当中可能产生的利益冲突有着完备的辨识和管理章程。天风集团的分析师以及其他参与本研究出版物撰写和宣传的员工有着独立于天风集团投资银行业务线的管理体系。投资银行、自营交易以及研究业务各自之间有着信息壁垒,确保任何机密以及/或者价格敏感信息被妥善处置。
中国:本出版物在中华人民共和国(除开香港、澳门和台湾地区)由天风证券有限公司发布。天风证券股份有限公司根据中国证券监督管理委员会合法的经营业务许可运营, 当中含证券投资咨询业务。
投资评级 |
类别 | 说明 | 评级 | 体系 |
| 在报告发布日期后的6个月内,相对同期该股票的司法管辖区之指数的涨跌幅 | 买入 | 预期股价相对收益20%以上 |
增持 | 预期股价相对收益10%到20% |
中立 | 预期股价相对收益-10%到10% |
持有 | 预期股价相对收益-10% |
行业投资评级 | 在报告发布日期后的6个月内,相对同期该行业的司法管辖区之指数的涨跌幅 | 强于大市 | 预期行业指数涨幅5% |
中性 | 预期行业指数涨幅 -5%到5% |
弱于大市 | 预期行业指数涨幅 -5% |
管辖区 | 用于定义评级的指数 |
中国大陆 | 沪深300指数 |
中国-香港 | 恒生指数 |
中国-澳门 | 恒生指数 |
美国 | 标准普尔500指数
Analyst Statement
Each research analyst identified in this publicationcertifies that all of the views expressed in this publication by such analystaccurately reflect the personal views of each such analyst about the subjectsecurities and issuers. In addition, each research analyst identified in thispublication certifies that no part of the analyst’s compensation was, is orwill be, directly or indirectly related to the specific investmentrecommendations or views expressed in this publication, nor is it tied to anyspecific investment banking transactions performed by Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltdor any other affiliates and subsidiaries globally.
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The term "TF Group" used in thispublication refers to Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd. and its affiliates andsubsidiaries globally, including TFI Asset Management Limited (CE No.: ASF056).This publication and all materials contained in it has been prepared by the TFGroup and, if applicable, with the contributions of one or more TF Groupentities whose employees are specified on page 1 or identified elsewhere in thepublication.
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Ratings Definitions
Investment Ratings
Category | Description | Ratings | System |
Stock investment ratings | within 6 months from the report issuance date, increase or decrease relative to the Index of the jurisdiction of the Stock in the same period | Buy | Expected relative return over stock price above 20% |
Accumulate | Expected relative return over stock price between 10% and 20% |
Neutral | Expected relative return over stock price between -10% and 10% |
Sell | Expected relative return over stock price below -10% |
Industry investment ratings | within 6 months from the report issuance date, increase or decrease relative to the Index of the jurisdiction of the Industry in the same period | Outperform | Expected increase of industry index over 5% |
Neutral | Expected increase of industry index between -5% and 5% |
Underperform | Expected increase of industry index below -5% |
Jurisdictions | Index Used for Ratings Definitions |
China Mainland | CSI 300 Index |
China-Hong Kong | Hang Seng Index |
China-Marco | Hang Seng Index |
USA | Standard & Poor’s 500 Index |
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