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华裔青年科学家张锋、崔屹摘得布拉瓦尼克奖,各获 25 万美元

药时代  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2017-07-03 07:19


内容来源:澎湃新闻 / 作者:王盈颖 / 2017629

(Picture source: blavatnikawards.org)

左起:麻省理工学院教授张锋、密歇根大学教授 Melanie S. Sanford 和斯坦福大学教授崔屹。

美国当地时间 6 月 27 日,美国布拉瓦尼克基金会与纽约科学院宣布,2017 年度布拉瓦尼克青年科学家奖(Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists)授予麻省理工学院教授张锋、密歇根大学教授 Melanie S. Sanford 和斯坦福大学教授崔屹,每人将获得 25 万美元奖金。

该奖项由英国实业家 Len Blavatnik 的慈善基金出资,于 2007 年设立,委托纽约科学院管理。每年,美国各大顶尖学术研究机构会提名 42 岁及以下的青年科学家,由评委会从中评选出 3 位,分别获得当年布拉瓦尼克青年科学家奖的生命科学奖、化学奖以及物理科学与工程奖。

据介绍,此次获奖的三位青年科学家是从 308 名提名者中脱颖而出。“三位出色的获奖者展示了在美国顶尖研究机构完成的杰出科学工作,这些发现将深刻地影响下一代人。”该奖项的发起人 Len Blavatnik 在声明中表示。

生命科学奖获得者张锋今年 35 岁,他早期在光遗传学上做出杰出工作,后成为新一代基因编辑技术 CRISPR-Cas9 的先驱者,率先在哺乳动物身上使用该工具完成基因编辑。基因编辑技术的出现使得人类可以精准地对特定基因进行切割、剔除、添加,在疾病治疗上孕育巨大潜力。目前,他的团队依然在钻研如何完善基因编辑技术。他曾和另两位 CRISPR 技术先驱共享了加拿大的盖尔德纳国际奖、中国台湾的唐奖。


化学奖获得者 Melanie S. Sanford 是一位有机化学家,今年 42 岁,她构建、合成了一系列“让世界更美好”的化学分子。作为 2011 年度麦克阿瑟天才奖获得者,Sanford 不仅搭建了能帮助电池储存能量的分子,能用作新型医学成像剂的分子,还构建了能将二氧化碳转化为燃料的分子,或是能作为药物治疗疾病的分子。而她最新的一项突破是在氧化还原液流电池领域,这类大容量电池将用于储存太阳能、风能等可再生能源。

物理科学与工程奖的获得者崔屹今年 41 岁,在纳米材料和可持续能源方面做出重要贡献。两年前,他曾研发出高效的半透明空气过滤器,能用于收集 99% 以上的微型 PM2.5 颗粒。

去年,崔屹团队利用纳米多孔聚乙烯材料,发明了一种让皮肤散热的新型服装材料,预计这将有助于减少 30% 使用空调制冷所消耗的电量。此外,崔屹还致力于将电池和纳米技术结合,构筑一系列复杂结构的电池电极,实现更大量、更迅速地吸收和释放带电离子,同时减少副产物。过去,崔屹团队的研究成果曾三度上榜《科学美国人》的年度“十大创新技术”。


2017 年度布拉瓦尼克青年科学家奖新闻稿


June 27, 2017

NEW YORK – June 27, 2017 – The Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences today announced the 2017 Laureates of the Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists. Starting with a pool of 308 nominees – the most promising scientific researchers aged 42 years and younger nominated by America’s top academic and research institutions – a distinguished jury first narrowed their selections to 30 Finalists, and then to three outstanding Laureates, one each from the disciplines of Life Sciences, Chemistry and Physical Sciences & Engineering. Each Laureate will receive $250,000 - the largest unrestricted award of its kind for early career scientists and engineers. This year’s Blavatnik National Laureates are:

  • Feng Zhang, PhD, Core Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, MIT; Robertson Investigator, New York Stem Cell Foundation; James and Patricia Poitras ’63 Professor in Neuroscience, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. Dr. Zhang is being recognized for his role in developing the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing system and demonstrating pioneering uses in mammalian cells, and for his development of revolutionary technologies in neuroscience.

  • Melanie S. Sanford, PhD, Moses Gomberg Distinguished University Professor and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Chemistry, University of Michigan. Dr. Sanford is being celebrated for developing simpler chemical approaches – with less environmental impact – to the synthesis of molecules that have applications ranging from carbon dioxide recycling to drug discovery.

  • Yi Cui, PhD, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Photon Science and Chemistry, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Dr. Cui is being honored for his technological innovations in the use of nanomaterials for environmental protection and the development of sustainable energy sources.

“The work of these three brilliant Laureates demonstrates the exceptional science being performed at America’s premiere research institutions and the discoveries that will make the lives of future generations immeasurably better,” said Len Blavatnik, Founder and Chairman of Access Industries, head of the Blavatnik Family Foundation, and an Academy Board Governor.

“Each of our 2017 National Laureates is shifting paradigms in areas that profoundly affect the way we tackle the health of our population and our planet — improved ways to store energy, “greener” drug and fuel production, and novel tools to correct disease-causing genetic mutations,” said Ellis Rubinstein, President and CEO of the Academy and Chair of the Awards’ Scientific Advisory Council. “Recognition programs like the Blavatnik Awards provide incentives and resources for rising stars, and help them to continue their important work. We look forward to learning where their innovations and future discoveries will take us in the years ahead.”

The annual Blavatnik Awards, established in 2007 by the Blavatnik Family Foundation and administered by the New York Academy of Sciences, recognize exceptional young researchers who will drive the next generation of innovation by answering today’s most complex and intriguing scientific questions.


Feng Zhang, PhD

2017 Blavatnik National Laureate in Life Sciences
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
PhD, Stanford University
AB, Harvard College

Developing neuroscience and gene editing technologies to eradicate devastating diseases

Being the inventor of revolutionary technologies with a huge impact on both molecular biology and medicine is not enough for bioengineer Dr. Feng Zhang. Now, he wants to use these technologies to help us better understand how the human brain functions.

Early in his career, Dr. Zhang was a co-inventor of optogenetics, a new neuroscience technology. The first genetically encoded optical tool that can precisely control brain cells (neurons) by the millisecond, optogenetics allows for light-induced control of neuronal activity, helping researchers understand how neurons form circuits that control behavior.

Dr. Zhang then turned to genome editing strategies, whereby precise changes to an organism’s DNA can be made. In a milestone for the medical and scientific community, he re-engineered the microbial CRISPR-Cas9 system for genome editing in human cells. He has since made this revolutionary tool available to biomedical researchers around the world.

Dr. Zhang shared the prestigious Canada Gairdner International Award for this invention.

“The sequencing of the human genome has helped reveal genetic mutations that lead to thousands of devastating diseases, most of which are untreatable,” says Dr. Zhang. “We wondered, ‘what if we could develop one treatment that can precisely remove these mutations from the genes of affected patients?’” Dr. Zhang and his team saw potential in harnessing the bacterial immune system to address the challenge of overcoming human disease. Since their initial demonstration using Cas9 to edit the human genome, his lab has been working to further refine and expand genome editing technologies and apply them to better understand human disease.

He says: “It is my hope that we can one day use these technologies to erase the mutations that cause illnesses.”

"Feng Zhang has, since he was a graduate student, displayed the highest level of innovation in research. His accomplishments as an independent investigator have been stunning, contributing to the development of new technologies that have revolutionized gene engineering.” - Bruce Stillman, PhD, FRS, President & CEO, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and a member of the 2017 National Jury.

Melanie S. Sanford, PhD

2017 Blavatnik National Laureate in Chemistry
University of Michigan
Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University
PhD, California Institute of Technology
BS/MS, Yale University

Building new molecules to construct a better world

One might think of organic chemist Dr. Melanie Sanford as an architect and a builder. Instead of designing and constructing buildings, however, her research team works on building molecules. These molecules have major applications, ranging from carbon dioxide recycling to drug discovery.

Dr. Sanford, who is both a member of the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of a MacArthur “genius grant,” has designed molecules that can be used to store energy in batteries, serve as new medical imaging agents, convert carbon dioxide into fuels, or serve as pharmaceuticals to treat disease. The chemical reactions she has developed are widely used throughout the pharmaceutical industry to create new drug candidates, are being studied by chemical companies interested in accessing important chemicals used in farming, and are being utilized to prepare a type of chemical (tracer) that allows doctors to view the heart’s sympathetic nervous system through positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

One of the Sanford lab’s most exciting recent breakthroughs is in the area of redox flow batteries. These are large-scale batteries that will ultimately be used to store energy from renewable sources such as solar and wind. These huge, long-lasting batteries have many requirements that everyday phone, computer or car batteries do not have, and they need to meet safety and cost standards unlike those of other batteries.

“This has been a really exciting project because it leverages my group’s expertise as chemical architects and builders for a new and really important application,” says Dr. Sanford. “It is also an area where there is still a tremendous amount to be discovered.”

She adds: “I think energy storage is particularly important and exciting. I am thrilled with the prospect of continuing to pursue this frontier in the coming years.”

“Melanie Sanford’s insightful studies on the details as well as applications in the field of carbon-hydrogen bond activation have led to new methods to efficiently modify existing pharmaceuticals to arrive at new and better forms in a more efficient and rapid way than was previously possible. Her rigorous studies and focus on delivering impactful solutions to large problems make her the ideal recipient of the 2017 Blavatnik National Award in Chemistry.” – Stephen Buchwald, PhD, Camille Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry, MIT and a member of the 2017 National Jury.

Yi Cui, PhD
