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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-21 13:04


2025年2月12日, 毕马威国际(KPMG International)宣布推出全新的人工智能平台KPMG Velocity。 该平台将毕马威各成员所现有的数十亿美元业务转型解决方案与人工智能工具及统一方法论相结合 , 旨在加速人工智能时代的变革。 新平台将于2025年中期在澳大利亚、中国、加拿大、法国、德国、日本、英国和美国推出,然后扩展到全球各成员公司 。

KPMG Velocity将KPMG Connected Enterprise、KPMG Powered Enterprise、KPMG Trusted Imperative和KPMG Elevate与行业见解、人工智能、数据、ESG、网络安全、风险和监管考虑因素、转型资产等整合在一起。 这一全新的企业平台整合了思维、方法、工具和技术,使KPMG专业人员能够帮助客户设计和执行更智能、更快速的数字化转型策略。

根据毕马威2024年发布的报告《变革未来企业》(Transforming the Enterprise of the Future),全球超过88%的首席执行官正在同时进行两项或更多转型,商业格局正在迅速变化。KPMG Velocity旨在通过由人工智能驱动的领先实践、多学科数字平台,使组织能够充满信心地面对这种不确定性。

毕马威国际咨询全球主管兼毕马威美国咨询副主席Carl Carande称:“毕马威在构建转型技术解决方案方面的大量投资,使我们能够为客户打造一个无缝整合数字化转型能力的统一转型环境。这将提升客户前进的速度、敏捷性、精确性和信心,助力他们创造价值。”

Carl Carande

毕马威国际(KPMG International)全球咨询主管Ian Hancock表示:“随着世界快速变化,组织必须迅速行动以保持领先地位,应对复杂的挑战,同时有效维持变革。孤立的转型已不再足够。为了持续前进,客户需要速度以取得领先,也需要战略方向以保持优势。KPMG Velocity通过消除低效环节,帮助确保转型过程的每一步都安全且与长期目标保持一致,使他们能够轻松应对复杂性。

Ian Hancock


毕马威专业人士将在客户转型项目中使用KPMG Velocity来设计和执行更智能、更快速的转型方案。


重组技术基础 :KPMG Velocity旨在建立客户组织转型和发展所需的可信赖的数字基础。

重新设计业务功能 :KPMG Velocity旨在通过将其与最先进的人工智能和技术相结合,使客户组织的每个功能和运营模式现代化。

重新构想企业 :KPMG Velocity通过将客户当前的战略和技术与未来蓝图联系起来,为变革性增长铺平道路-创造带来持久价值的持久变革。

KPMG Velocity包含一系列方案、进程等,还涵盖评估、工具、模板以及预配置解决方案,以帮助客户在其选定的平台上实施变革。


London February 12th, 2025: KPMG International today announced KPMG Velocity – a new AI-enabled platform, that combines KPMG firms’ existing multibillion-dollar business transformation suite* with AI-tools and a common methodology.  Designed and built to accelerate change in an AI world, the new platform will be rolled out in Australia, China, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, UK, and the USA in mid-2025 then extended to member firms globally.

KPMG Velocity combines KPMG Connected Enterprise, KPMG Powered Enterprise, KPMG Trusted Imperative and KPMG Elevate with industry insights, AI, data, ESG, cyber, risk and regulatory considerations, transformation assets and more, in one place   The new enterprise platform integrates thinking, methods, tools and technology to empower KPMG professionals to help clients design and execute smarter, faster digital transformation journeys.

With over 88% of global CEOs going through two or more transformations at once KPMG’s report Transforming the Enterprise of the Future, 2024, the business landscape is changing quickly. KPMG Velocity is designed to give organizations the ability to face such uncertainty with confidence, enabled by a leading practice, multidisciplinary digital platform, powered by AI.

Carl Carande

Global Head of Advisory, KPMG International and Vice Chair – Advisory, KPMG in the US.

“KPMG’s substantial investments in building transformation technology solutions have made it possible to build one transformation environment for our clients that seamlessly integrates our digital transformation capability. This will enhance the speed, agility, precision and confidence with which our clients can move forward and build value”

Ian Hancock

Global Head of Consulting, KPMG International

With the world changing at pace, organizations must move quickly to stay ahead and see through complex challenges while effectively sustaining change. Isolated transformations are no longer enough.

To keep advancing, clients need the pace to get ahead and the strategic direction to stay there. KPMG Velocity gives them both by eliminating inefficiencies and helping to ensure each step of the transformational journey is secure and in sync with their long-term goals, allowing them to navigate complexity with ease,

The new platform is designed to help organizations change at an enterprise, operational and technology level, using one consistent method and portfolio of tools and enablers across all leading global technology platforms.

KPMG’s digital transformation suite consists of KPMG Connected Enterprise, KPMG Powered Enterprise, KPMG Trusted Imperative and KPMG Elevate.

About KPMG Velocity

KPMG Velocity will be used by KPMG professionals on client transformation projects to design and execute smarter and faster transformation journeys.

Whether growing, merging, modernizing, embracing AI or evolving to lead an ecosystem, organizations will have the insight and guidance to:

Retool technology foundations: KPMG Velocity is designed to build on the trusted digital foundations that client organizations need to transform and evolve.

Redesign business functions: KPMG Velocity is designed to modernize every function and operating model in client organizations by integrating them with the state-of-the-art AI and tech.

Reimagine an enterprise: KPMG Velocity paves the way for transformative growth by connecting the client’s current strategy and technology to a future blueprint – creating lasting change that brings lasting value.

KPMG Velocity consists of propositions, journeys etc. and includes assessments, tools, templates and pre-configured solutions to help clients implement change on their platform of choice。



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