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经济学人 | 为什么亚洲年轻人不愿意学习历史了?

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-13 09:00




The strange death of liberal arts


Why many young Asians are no longer studying history


With cannons on campus, its own Qing-dynasty wall and the first Dutch fort in Taiwan nearby, National Cheng Kung University seems an appealing place for a budding historian.


However, after a first round of applications, no students had accepted places in the history department for next year. It is a shock for the university, ranked third in Taiwan. But it is part of a broader trend.


In much of East Asia, universities face a demographic crisis. In Japan the population of 18-year-olds has been declining since the 1990s. In Taiwan the undergraduate population has dipped by more than a quarter in the past decade. Experts in South Korea talk of an “enrolment cliff”, as 3.6m students in 2010 fell to 3m last year.

东亚多国正经历着前所未有的高等教育人口挑战。日本自90年代起,便目睹了18岁人口数量的持续下滑;中国台湾省,则在过去的十年间,本科生人数锐减超过四分之一。韩国的教育界则形象地称之为“入学悬崖”, 因为学生总数已从2010年的360万高峰滑落至去年的300万关口。

This has hit humanities and social-sciences departments hard. Faced with a more uncertain economic environment than their parents, students want to study subjects that will lead to well-paid jobs. These are mostly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).


Private universities, which educate most students in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, often depend on tuition fees, and therefore most need to adapt to students’ wishes to stay afloat. In South Korea 18 private universities have closed for good since 2000.


Governments are also keen on STEM subjects. In Taiwan new academies at 12 universities train young people to work in the semiconductor sector and other high-tech fields. In the past two years 126 institutions in Japan have applied for a government subsidy to focus on digital and green technologies.

政府层面亦不例外,纷纷将目光投向 STEM 领域,视为推动国家创新发展的关键力量。中国台湾省,正以12所大学的新学院为阵地,着力培养半导体及高科技行业的未来之星;而日本,则在过去两年内见证了126所教育机构竞相申请政府资助,聚焦于数字技术与绿色科技的创新发展。

What could be done? Universities have managed to increase foreign student numbers, but not enough to offset demographic decline. But efforts to increase the rate of university-going among locals could still bear fruit. In Japan the growth in female students has meant that the university population increased slightly from 2012 to 2022.


In Singapore the number of students continues to rise, even as the traditional university-age population is falling, through policies which encourage older student cohorts to enroll.


Singapore’s government, while fond of STEM subjects, also stresses the importance of social sciences and the humanities for policymaking. The number of students in those faculties is growing.

新加坡政府虽在 STEM 领域倾注大量资源,却也不忘社会科学与人文科学对于政策制定的重要性,这些专业的学生数量亦在稳步增长之中。


be keen on 热衷于;对…有浓厚兴趣;渴望;喜爱

offset [ ˈɔ ː fset] n. 抵消;补偿;平衡 v. 抵消;弥补

cohort [ ˈ ko ʊ h ɔ ː rt] n. 一群人;一批人;群体

经济学人 | 数字时代,礼仪还重要吗?
