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林 媛|女性歌者与城市声音景观的再造——上海广播电台“歌唱社现象”研究(1931—1949)

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-28 10:09



林 媛

摘     要 : 20世纪30年代,大量歌唱社团进入上海广播电台演唱,先后成立的几百个歌唱社团为时代曲和抗战歌曲的大众化传播提供“歌唱源”。歌唱社的演唱者以女性居多,留下来的经典唱片也鲜明地将那个时期的声音指向女性。上海广播电台里的“歌唱社现象”持续了十余年。歌唱社团在歌唱资源、慈善资源和抗战资源之间不断转换,持续性的演唱形成了笼罩性的听觉刺激,从广播电台里传出的歌声塑造了城市的声音景观,改变了以传统演艺类型为主的上海广播电台娱乐节目的版图。一种女性化、标志性、象征性,具有隐喻功能的歌声重新绘制了上海的声音图景。
关键词 : 女性歌者;广播电台;歌唱社;时代曲;抗战歌曲
中图分类号 : J609 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1 002-9923(2024)04-0174-09
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2024.04.018
作者简介: 林 媛(1978—  ), 女,汉族,博士,哈尔滨音乐学院教授、博士生导师。
基金项目: 本文为2022年度国家社科基金艺术学项目“中国广播音乐史(1923—1949)”(项目编号:22BD067)的阶段成果;2024年度黑龙江省省属高校基本科研业务费哈尔滨音乐学院专项资金项目“女性歌者与城市声音景观的再造”的阶段成果。

The Reconstruction of Female Vocalists and the Urban Soundscape: A Study of the "Singing Society Phenomenon" at Shanghai Broadcasting Station (1931-1949)

○Lin Yuan

Abstract: In the 1930s, a large number of singing societies entered the Shanghai Broadcasting Station to perform, and hundreds of singing societies established one after another, providing a "singing source" for the popularisation of wartime songs and patriotic songs. The performers of the singing societies were predominantly female, and the classic recordings left behind also clearly directed the sounds of that era towards women. The "singing society phenomenon" at the Shanghai Broadcasting Station lasted for more than a decade. The singing societies constantly shifted between singing resources, charitable resources, and wartime resources, and the sustained performances formed a pervasive auditory stimulation. The songs broadcast from the radio station shaped the city's soundscape and changed the landscape of the entertainment programs at the Shanghai Broadcasting Station, which were mainly traditional performing arts. A feminised, iconic, symbolic, and metaphorical voice has redrawn the sound map of Shanghai.
Keywords: Female Vocalists; Broadcasting Station; Singing Society; Wartime Songs; Patriotic Songs


《中国音乐》2024年 第4期




