专栏名称: 译术人生
新达雅翻译专修学校是中国外文局旗下专业的翻译教育机构,直属于中国外文局教育培训中心,是经北京市教委批准成立的社会力量办学事业单位,专门从事多语种口笔译培训。 现开设有CATTI口笔译课程班 笔译名师班 北外高翻模式课程班 及世界名校翻译班。
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2019.11 CATTI 英语三级口译实务试题来源

译术人生  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-17 23:40


英译汉篇章来源: 国际抗癌联盟主席 2016年世界癌症大会欢迎致辞

来源: worldcancercongress.org


Prof. Tezer Kutluk

President, Union for International Cancer Control

Speech World Cancer Congress Opening Ceremony

31st October 2016, Paris, France

Ladies, gentlemen and distinguished guests,

My name is Tezer Kutluk and I am the President of the UICC.

It is my honor this evening to welcome you all to the World Cancer Congress here in Paris. This is our opportunity to enjoy each others’ company before the hard work starts tomorrow!

I know that many of you have travelled long distances to be with us tonight and I would like to register my appreciation for the efforts many of you have made to be here.

In the room we have leaders from the United Nations, International organisations, cancer and NCD NGOs and the private sector.

We have young leaders and old leaders (like me)

We have outstanding individuals who inspire us all through their dedication and commitment.

We have scientists, researchers, oncologists, advocates, nurses, CEOs and Presidents.

We have ministers of health and representatives from ministries from 11 countries.

Some of us are survivors. All of us have lost someone to cancer.

We share a burning ambition to reduce the burden of cancer globally, by driving equitable availability and access to information, early detection and diagnosis and improved outcomes for patients. And that is what binds us together.

And between us we have the abilities, resources and influence to impact the future. To give hope to the next generation. To give hope to our children and their children also.

And that, ladies gentlemen and distinguished guests is why we are in Paris at the World Cancer Cancer Congress.

It is my duty this evening to thank the individuals and organisations who have contributed to delivering this week of incredible events in Paris.

Let me start by thanking Jacqueline Godet, the Board and staff of La Ligue and Alliam who have been our host partners, this week in Paris.

Thank you Jacqueline for your leadership and support.

I would also like to recognise the contribution of the Host Committee whose members have helped raise the profile of the Congress across Europe.

Such an event as this involves many people and from all parts of the world.

The Congress and Summit Committees include UICC Board members and volunteers who work diligently with the UICC team in Geneva to bring together a week of:

 Nearly 150 sessions,

 57 organisations in the Global Village

 More than 450 speakers and presenters

 More than 3000 delegates from 139 countries

It is a mammoth task to ensure that the content and the logistics are delivered with outstanding professionalism so that we all get the most out of the few days we are in this beautiful city.

Let me name a few stars in our midst.

The Programme co-chairs, Sanchia Aranda from Australia and Anil D’Cruz from India and the track chairs: Sarah Hiom, Terry Slevin, Fatima Cardoso, Mary Gospodarowicz, Anna Boltong, Jane Maher,

Heather Bryant, Richard Sullivan, Saunthari Somasudaram and Susan Henshall. Plus I must mention David Hill who led our Abstracts Committee.

Thank you to all of you for your commitment over the last two years. Can we please show our appreciation for all their work.

I must mention the UICC Congress team in Geneva which is so ably led by the incredible Jessica Mathieu and the other members of the team in Geneva who I know have played their part in making this

a week of great interaction and learning for us all.

Perhaps I could ask the UICC team to stand up so we can formally recognize them!

I would also like to thank the Summit Platinum Sponsors. Namely:

 the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer,

 Merck Serono,

 the Merck Group,

 the National Cancer Institute USA

 Pfizer and

 Roche.

I would also like to thank all the volunteers who will be working hard for the next few days and the students from the International School Tunon.

Finally I would like to thank President Hollande for so graciously being with our community this evening and sharing his views on global health and the challenges we face addressing cancer in France, Europe and the world.

The next three days will work if you are willing to share, learn, engage and reach out to your fellow delegates so that we leave inspired and enthused in our shared ambition to reduce the global cancer burden.

I know that the true value of a Congress is its ability to help you all return to your own countries and organisations with new ideas, tools, skills and connections which will improve the way you impact your

communities next week.

I believe that no matter who you are and where you live, this Congress will help you learn something new which will help you improve cancer control in your country.

Whether that be focused on one cancer or many, in prevention, early detection, treatment or palliative care. In high, middle or low income settings. I am sure that you will find something in Paris this week

which can help you be better at what you do.

It has taken two years to perfect the next three days. I hope the impact will be for many years.

May I wish you a wonderful Congress.

2019.11 CATTI 英语三级口译实务篇章汉译英来源文章:驻瑞士大使耿文兵在西北应用科技大学发表演讲













很高兴应邀来参加《关注中国》的活动,就中国40年改革开放的成果这一主题与同学们进行交流。 瑞士西北应用科技大学与中国许多大学都有交流与合作,鲁迪-纽因茨院长数十年来经常往返中瑞之间,几乎见证了中国改革开放全过程。两周前,我来过这里,听他讲中瑞关系,他也讲到了中国改革开放。 因此,我今天给同学们介绍的主要是中国改革开放的成就 ,这是校方要求的,但我认为, 中国40年的改革开放,不仅有成就,也有一些教训,在摸索发展的道路上,也经历过不少曲折。今年是新中国成立70周年,改革开放之前的30年,还有中国的近代史,我也想给同学们做一些简要的介绍 ,这样,大家对中国会有一个相对完整和连贯的了解。

首先,我想告诉大家的是,中国在历史上有过辉煌,有过四大发明,对人类进步作出过重大贡献。但到了近代,也就是从1840年到1949年,中国经历了一百多年的战乱,遭受世界列强的侵略,处于山河破碎、民不聊生的境地, 形象具体一点讲,就是绝大多数中国人那时衣不蔽体、食不果腹,中国人的平均寿命才30多岁。但中国毕竟有5000多年的文明史,中华民族也不乏优秀儿女,在中华民族最危难的时刻,中华优秀儿女开始觉醒,中国共产党应运而生,1949年取得了政权,成立了新中国。 新中国成立70年来,前30年为后40年打下了基础,完成了基本政治制度的建设,形成了比较完整的工业体系、国防体系和科技体系。 我要特别指出的是,新中国成立后的国际环境对中国发展是不利的,一是当时国际社会分成两大阵营,美国和前苏联在全球争夺霸权,导致世界两极长期处于冷战。二是以美国为首的西方对新中国长期采取孤立政策,新中国没有能够尽快融入国际社会。除了国际环境外,中国国内政策也有一些较大的失误,极左思想、极左路线导致了所谓的无产阶级文化大革命,使新中国在发展的道路上偏离了方向,偏离了世界主潮流,耽误了差不多整整十年的大好光阴。


40年来,中国GDP年均增长约9.5%,对外贸易额年均增长14.5%。即便自2012年以来,中国经济进入增速换挡期,经济仍实现7.1%的年均增长,远高于同期全球2.8%左右的平均水平。从2006年开始,中国经济总量以每两年约1.5万亿美元的增量上升着。当今中国的综合实力,虽然距美欧等发达国家还有一定的差距,但经济体量已位居全球第二位。近年来,中国正努力调整经济结构,优化增长方式,不刻意追求经济增长的速度,转而更加注重经济增长的质量,使经济能够保持可持续发展。 事实上,中国在质的增长方面进步也比较快,在科研方面、创新方面,中国已迈入世界上进步最快国家行列。比如,中国有先进的以高铁为代表的轨道交通装备、通信设备、智能手机、电网,中国有全球最好的特高压技术和智能电网技术,自主产权的5G技术。中国的水电、火电、第四代核电,世界上最大的工程项目几乎都在中国,包括高铁工程、港珠澳大桥、隐形战机、大型运输机、量子通信、高性能计算机、北斗定位系统等等,应该说在这些尖端领域,中国现在在世界上都是领先的。
