My father Sri PVN Raju created this company in the times of the license raj in India, when it was difficult to raise money as interest rates were so high that it was unviable to do cap-ex intensive business in India. Even in such times he created this platform and culture of excellence and GMPs when very few knew about it in India. Gland Pharma had its first injectable plant in 1998 and had US FDA inspection and approval by 2013. We as a team have worked hard and have never let our employees, our families and our investors down. This spirit shall continue. Leadership, inspiration, technical knowledge and wisdom was provided by my father all these years. The four pillars of support were along with me, KVGK Raju, BNR and Sadu. Over the last 400 days my personal interactions with Fosun group, they are focused, motivated, inspirational, driven by a wish to excel and grow at the same time. We join Fosun Pharma in believing ONE WORLD - ONE TEAM - ONE FOSUN FAMILY – Gland Pharma will continue its identity and be a part of the FOSUN family.
在印度“许可证制度”盛行的年代,我的父亲Sri PVN Raju先生成立了Gland Pharma。当时银行的利息非常高,很难筹到资金,因此在印度开展资本密集型业务几乎是不可能的。在异常困难的情况下,他建立了这个平台并引入精益求精和落实药品生产质量管理规范的观念,这在当时印度是难能可贵的。1998年, Gland Pharma有了第一个注射剂工厂并在2013年取得了美国FDA的许可。作为一个辛勤努力工作的团队,我们从来没有让员工,家庭和投资者失望过。这种精神将会继续保持。这些年来,我父亲一直在公司塑造领导力,推行重视专业知识和才智发展;同时,Mr. KVGK Raju, Mr. BNR 和Mr. Sadu也给予了我很多支持与帮助。与复星团队接触的400多天来,我感觉到复星是一支十分专业、富有激情、积极向上、不断追求成长和卓越的团队。我们加入复星大家庭正是因为我们相信同一个世界,同一个团队,复星一家的观念,Gland Pharma 也将会继续保持自身的特色并非常荣幸成为复星大家庭的一员。