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关于实习的10个Q&A | 假期变好小论坛

lolapola  · 公众号  · 时尚  · 2017-08-02 09:23


点击上方 lolapola ” 发现生活中的一万种可能:)

【假期变好小论坛】 ,之所以取名为论坛,是希望能够百家争鸣,我 作为博主仅仅做到分享经验抛砖引玉,也想看到大家各抒己见,一起打卡一起变好。

德国🇩🇪中国🇨🇳两位笔者,用双语的形式撰文,让大家锻炼到英语的同时, 两种文化两种视角, 来为大家呈现这样一个小小的变好论坛。









变好论坛】 第三弹,是我们俩以问答形式做的实习Q&A, 希望能对你们有用,如果喜欢的话,也请不要吝啬地点个👍,分享到朋友圈,以及到下方留言区和我互动交流哦。


首先,大多数 500 强公司的官网上会有很多及时更新的信息,找到自己的兴趣所在就能从中汲取有效信息,当然,现在很多公司也有微博微信账号,也会发布很多实习信息。其次,不少公司和大学之间都是有密切联系的,不妨去学校的就业中心咨询一下,或者去参加校招,校招上通常能够认识很多公司的人事,建立起有效的人际关系网络。最后一点呢,就是通过学长学姐了,或者内推的机会也是很重要的!

本科 / 硕士期间应该要做多少实习呢?

















努力工作,严肃地对待这份实习,花时间和精力进去。在实习过程中遇到不懂不会的,不要害羞,及时求教及时解决,积极地建立属于你的人际网络,还有最重要的一点 —— 享受这段难得的经历!很多实习本来就有留用的可能性,更不用提,如果在实习期间表现良好,说不定还能被推荐去海外分公司实习,或者被邀请在这家公司写论文之类的机会。


1. How to inform yourself about internship vacancies?

First of all, you should think about specific industries or branches that spark your interest and thus might be suitable for an internship. Nowadays, a lot of Fortune500 companies advertise the largest extent of their vacancies through corporate career websites or job portals. Hence, you’re well-advised to keep an eye on those portals in order to spot interesting positions as soon as possible. However, it is also a smart idea to keep an eye on firms’ social media channels as it became quite popular recently to publish vacancies on there as well. Moreover, most of the successful companies keep in touch with local universities in order to recruit high potential students. Therefore, you might be interested in attending a job fair event at your school in order to socialize with company representatives, which is usually the best way to inform yourself about your personal possibilities and literally enables you to have a foot in the door. Finally, keep in touch with fellow students who are currently doing an internship or might have done one in the past – getting recommended by a friend is sometimes the easiest and most effective way of getting hold of an internship.

2. How many internships should one do during a Bachelor/Master course?

I don’t think that there is an ideal number of internships that you should have in your CV and it highly depends on your personal preferences. However, due to the intense competition on the job market nowadays, I believe that the time lapse between starting with your Bachelor’s and graduating at the end of your Master studies, gives you enough time to successfully engage in at least two opportunities to gain practical experience.

3. What is your expectation of an internship?

In my opinion, one should always maintain a decent level of patience. Don’t expect to make a huge difference at the very beginning. You’re new on the job, take some time to get comfortable with your new working environment, learn the company procedures and get to know your colleagues first. Additionally, don’t be upset or frustrated if you do not directly get charged with highly complex tasks or projects. There are often reasons why some things are being handled in a certain way. In the course of time, there will be sufficient opportunities to put your abilities and skills to the test.

4. What’s the respond rate of some popular Fortune500 companies?

That’s quite hard for me to answer since I have only been interning in three different companies in total. Hereby, the respond rate varied from only a couple of days to entire weeks. Overall I gained the impression that companies try to respond to your application as fast as possible though. If you haven’t heard from them in a while, do not hesitate to ask for a little update on the current status in a polite and respectful way.

5. How to be impressive during an interview and how to prepare?

Obviously, an interview is usually highly subjective. However, it is directly noticeable whether you have done your homework or not. Therefore, I would advise you to gather as much information about the company’s history, values, products, goals, KPIs and current challenges as possible in order to be prepared for any company-related questions during the interview. Obviously, you should know your personal CV perfectly, hence being able to give a brief introduction in front of the company representatives. Expect little surprises from your interview partners that are designed to test you. For instance, I also had to switch languages during two telephone interviews once in order to prove my proficiency in English. Common questions are also based on your personal strengths and weaknesses or how you might have solved a conflict in the past. However, all of these things can be slightly prepared in advance to be all set for the final job interview. Moreover, I experienced that interview partners specifically leave some space for questions in the end – use that chance to turn the tables by scoring with some smart and relevant questions. This is another chance for you to show the company that you have actually prepared for the interview and show serious interest in the company.
