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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-25 12:44




关键观点1: 新的奖励计划推出


关键观点2: 奖励计划的要点


关键观点3: 员工故事分享


关键观点4: 其他福利



2024年8月15日,普华永道官网宣布,为了在普华永道的职业生涯中提供更频繁、更个性化的奖励, 普华永道于2024年7月1日向美国和墨西哥的员工推出了“我的里程碑奖励”(My Milestone Rewards) 它扩展了之前的计划,奖励更多的员工。


员工入职三年后就会给予奖励。 在入职第3年、第6年、第10年和第15年(后续在美国公司工作 每满 5年,在墨西哥公司工作每满5年),员工有机会选择个性化的奖励。

增强奖励选项,包括新的福利产品。 除了时间或现金外, 该项目还包括幸福感和目标驱动体验的选择。员工可以选择对他们最重要的奖励和经历 ——无论是有目的的海外冒险,还是与亲人共度的假期。




Through our My+ strategy, PwC is creating a people experience that puts employee well-being and technology at the center, along with the tools and development opportunities needed to personalize your career.

To offer more frequent, personalized rewards throughout a PwC career, we launched My Milestone Rewards on July 1, 2024 to employees across the US and Mexico. It expands on prior programs to reward more employees, while offering opportunities to select how they celebrate key tenure milestones. Key elements include:

Awards as early as three years into an employee’s tenure. At the three, six, 10, and 15 year milestones (and every five years thereafter in the US, or every five years in Mexico), employees have the opportunity to personalize their reward selection.

Enhanced reward options, including new well-being offerings. The program includes options for well-being and purpose-driven experiences, in addition to time away or cash. Employees can choose the rewards and experiences that matter most to them – whether it’s a purpose adventure volunteering abroad, or time off with their loved ones.

Employees can track their reward status and timing of upcoming rewards, as well as choose the reward that’s right for them all in one place.

This program is an extension of our ongoing focus on supporting our people as their lives and needs evolve over time. In addition to My Milestone Rewards, we also offer two week-long firmwide shutdowns in the US, observed since 2003, and a robust suite of benefits, from reduced schedules, paid leaves of absence, student loan paydown and international work options.

Sharing our stories:

Check out some unique ways PwCers have used our flexible work arrangements and celebrated past firm milestones that helped inform our evolved rewards program.

"I had an unforgettable experience at a wellness retreat. It was a journey of self-discovery, where I delved into the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and digital wellness. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature, I learned to be present in the moment and nurture deeper connections with others. I am grateful to have shared this enriching experience with my husband, Kareem."– Charlena Green, Senior Associate, Tax (Atlanta, GA)

"My award allowed me the time to prepare, lead, and decompress after participating in volunteer activities with a nonprofit organization, where I supported 60 high school students alongside 30 volunteers in planning their inaugural leadership development program. I worked with a team to raise funding and build relationships to make the event possible. The time off allowed me the space and time I needed to make the experience special." – Bryan O’Donnell, Director, Business Services (Philadelphia, PA)

"I spent my time away with my newborn son, as an extension of my parental leave. I was so happy to have that time to bond with him and recharge prior to returning to PwC as a working mother!" – Sindhu Mathew, Director, Advisory (New York, NY)

"During my time away, I had the opportunity to first give back to my community by providing mentorship to students, while I also identified local nonprofit organizations to work with. I was also able to enjoy a concert with a few colleagues and visit my home, Puerto Rico, for two weeks where I explored the island alone and spent valuable time with my family, camping or on the beach."– Angel Cardona, Director, Assurance (Portland, OR)



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推荐您看看《 审计漫行三十年 》,立信会计师事务所高级合伙人顾文贤先生几十年CPA职业生涯的真情感悟和经验总结。作者把CPA执业实践中遇到的最有代表性的理论和实务问题,提炼成近四十个主题,内容涉及会计改革、诚信文化、职业精神、质量管理、沟通协调和专业素养等方面,用朴实简练的语言,以讲故事的形式娓娓道来,字字珠玑,意味深长。
