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Multiple genome alignment

生信百科  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-06-16 07:38



多个全基因组比对是个比较麻烦的事儿,基因组太大难免会带来各种比对错误。[Lastz] (http://www.bx.psu.edu/~rsharris/lastz/lastz-1.04.00.tar.gz) 是最近比较流行的方法用于全基因组比对。但是结果整理有点小复杂。

这里我们打算alignment 13个oryza属的choloraplast genome, 开始的时候打算用muscle直接进行全基因组比对,但是不知什么原因老是报错没法今进行。没办法只能试一下lastz了。


1. 准备fasta文件


2. 分别比对



lastz Oryza_rufipogon.fa Oryza_longistaminata.fa --notransition --step=20 --nogapped --format=maf > ruf_longistaminata.maf


# coding=utf-8

#python MultGenAln.py [fa folderName]

import glob,os,sys Lst = glob.glob(sys.argv[1]+"*.fa") ref = "Oryza_rufipogon.fa"refFa = ref.split("/")[-1] faLst = []
for i in Lst:    _fa = i.split("/")[-1]for fa in Lst:    
   if fa != ref:        cmd = "lastz %s %s --notransition --step=20 --nogapped --format=maf > %s.maf"%(ref,fa,"ref_%s"%fa.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0])        os.system(cmd)        
       print fa

3. 提取polymorphism位点


# coding=utf-8

#python extractPoly.py [mafFile] [outHpFile]

import sys, re maf = open(sys.argv[1],'rU') out = open(sys.argv[2],'w')
for line in maf:    
if re.search(r"^s", line) and not re.search(r"rufipogon", line):        acc = line.rstrip().split()[1]        
maf.seek(0,0) head = "Position\tO.rufipogon\t%s\n"%acc out.write(head)
tagNum = 0
tag = 0
tag2 = 0
for line in maf:    
if re.search(r"^a",line):        tag = 0        tag2 = 0elif re.search(r"^s\ O\.rufipogon",line):        tag = 1        _line = line.rstrip().split()        start_ruf = int(_line[2])        end_ruf = int(_line[3])+1-start_ruf        ruf = _line[6]    
elif re.search(r"^s",line) and not re.search(r"rufipogon",line):        tag2 = 1        _line = line.rstrip().split()        seq = _line[6]    
else:        tag = 3        if tag == 1 and tag2 == 1:            seqTag = []        
for i in range(len(ruf)):            
   if ruf[i]!=seq[i]:                seqTag.append(ruf[i])                count = seqTag.count("-")                out.write(str(start_ruf+i-count)+"\t"+ruf[i]+"\t"+seq[i]+"\n")        tagNum += 1        print tagNum maf.close() out.close()

4. 将所有hp文件进行合并


# coding=utf-8

# python mergeHp.py

import glob lst = glob.glob("./*_*") out = open("merged.hp",'w') dic = {} keys = []
for Lst in lst:    Name = Lst.split("_")[1]    
   print Name    dic[Name]={}    f = open(Lst,'rU')    f.readline()    
   for line in f:        _line = line.rstrip().split("\t")        
       if _line[1]!="-":            pos = "_".join(_line[:2])            keys.append(pos)            dic[Name][pos]=_line[-1]    f.close()    
   print f
def sortNum(x):    return int(x.split("_")[0]) keys = list(set(keys)) keys = sorted(keys,key=sortNum)#print keys

head = "Position\tO.rufipogon"
for i in lst:    Name = i.split("_")[-1]    head = head+"\t"+Name out.write(head+"\n")
for i in keys:    line = i.split("_")    
   for key in lst:        key = key.split("_")[-1]        
       if i in dic[key].keys():            line.append(dic[key][i])        
       else:            line.append(line[1])    _line = "\t".join(line)    _line = _line+"\n"    out.write(_line)    
   print _line out.close()


QQ群:生信百科 575383226