专栏名称: 猛犸君侯
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  猛犸君侯


猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2019-11-01 19:59


2019-11-01 19:59

【58分钟英字完整版.六集连发.①】【纪录片.BBC.毛毛骑手:美国66号公路.Hairy.Bikers.Route.66.S01.2019】66号公路(US Route 66),美国历史上交通要道之一,由芝加哥一路连贯到洛杉矶。毛毛骑手兄弟二人在两千余英里的旅途上体味历史文化,品尝当地美食。
The Hairy Bikers traverse the infamous Route 66, serving up plenty of delicious food along the way.

6/6 The bikers visit Las Vegas to learn how to make the best mashed potato in the world.

5/6 The bikers cross the state of Arizona and attend a traditional Navajo barbecue.

4/6 Dave and Si ride from Texas into New Mexico and cook carnitas with mac and cheese.

3/6 On the third leg of their trip, Dave and Si are on the trail of Oklahoma’s famous beef.

2/6 Dave and Si set out to discover what lies beneath the legend of Route 66.

1/6 The Bikers journey from Chicago to St Louis and discover hickory smoked BBQ meat. 猛犸君侯的微博视频