由于大片扎堆,最近两周我马不停蹄飞了三个大洲参加活动,连续访谈了法鲨德普加朵派派等一众明星。加朵的微博发过了,法鲨的现在还不让说,今天就说说《加勒比海盗5: 死无对证》上海全球首映活动上对约翰尼德普的访谈吧。
巧合的是,2013年《加勒比海盗1》的全球首映礼也是在迪士尼乐园。当然,是美国的迪士尼乐园。十四年了,变的是体重,不变的是对浪迹天涯纵横四海之不羁青春的向往。下面是2013 vs 2017对比图:
访谈时,我分别问巴博萨船长Geoffrey Rush和威尔特纳Orlando Bloom:又一次在迪士尼乐园做全球首映,而且是在中国上海,而且是在全球唯一一个加勒比海盗主题园区做首映,感觉怎样?
(采访时我说的是emotional anchor and sanity of the franchise 导演听完问我: Can I quote that? )
I’m not a big fan of either. But I suppose if I have to choose one of me, maybe the 20-year-old one. Just because he’s young and dumb. Yeah, I choose neither, actually.
Yeah, they saw the films when they were really young. I remember one day Robert Downey who’s an old friend of mine, we sort of came up the ranks together. Bob Downey came over to my house for lunch. My boy Jack was probably about 7, 8. And he sat next to Downey at the table having lunch like this. Because he was having lunch with Ironman. I was like, hey! Dad, Captain Jack! Over here! He’s not impressed[meh]. Bob Downey blew me out of water.
[come up through the ranks] to rise to a position of leadership by working up through the sequence of lower positions.通过一步步向上的努力终于熬得出人头地
[blow someone out of water] to destroy or defeat someone completely 彻底击败某人
It’s still a mystery to me, but the character caught on. And people seem to enjoy the character, kiddies especially. It was interesting that it was a wide age group. What I’m trying to do is approach the kind of Bug’s Bunny-ish…try to have that kind of freedom. The freedom you will have if you are a cartoon character. And so having a daughter…when she was seven years old, she got very ill and was in the hospital for a few weeks. I’ve done the hospital visits in character, Make A Wish things. I go everywhere with Captain Jack in a box. If you can make them laugh, you can make them forget what hardship they’re facing for any length of time. You see such courage in children’s eyes you’ll learn so much about existence and what’s really important directly. And also the thing that having been a parent living in a hospital for 3 weeks with my daughter. It was like suspended agony. So you see the parents dying. You see the kids have this courage and drive and passion and hunger and thirst for life. And you see the parents withering. So if I can bring a smile to these kiddies’ faces and the parents’ faces then I’ll keep doing it until they throw me out.
Make A Wish为患有重病的儿童实现梦想的慈善组织。记得几年前我发过整个城市一起为小男孩实现超级英雄梦想,连市长都出动了的感人故事吗? 那就是Make A Wish愿望成真基金会的活动之一。
It sort of made me laugh, in a way. And now I know that’s possible and I like to do another movie like this again. I’ll be forever 20.! Characters in the future…you can do it now. It’s capable now. I can do a film with Humphrey Bogart. I can do another film with Marlon. Technology is such a high standard now. But I thought it was amazing the way they did that. But yeah, I mean, you know, you’re sort of looking at this once youth sort of thing…But I know I’m ugly. I know I’m 3000 years old. But I still feel like a kid. I just look bad.
Jerry was…at the beginning it was no great secret that Disney was hyperventilating and worried. I even remember saying to them that I understand. I get it. I understand that you are worried. But you hired me to play a character. Have you seen anything I’ve done before? Why would you hire me if you didn’t? Jerry was a very, very great support at that time. He saw ahead of the curve, thankfully, and supported me. And Gore saw ahead of the curve as well. And it was just pretty much just the three of us. No one else liked it. But I think it’s important to take those risks because if you don’t try to do something that hasn’t been done to death. If you don’t try another angle then you can’t…I mean there’s nothing you can really add to a character, to a film that’s interesting, unexpected, funny, absurd, whatever. I really came into this one, the initial talks were really about families that went to see this film two times, three times, five times. And for your average family, let’s say, in the US, that’s a good chunk of change, a lot of money for a night out. So right from the be ginning we talked about how do we approach this where we can tailor make it for those people, the audience because it’s the audience that’s absolutely for. It’s the audience that really employ us. It’s the audience that’s really our bosses, our employers. So, yeah.
好莱坞金牌制作人Jerry Bruckheimer杰瑞布洛克海默。代表作有《壮志凌云》《绝地战警》《勇闯夺命岛》《空中监狱》《国家公敌》《珍珠港》《黑鹰坠落》《加勒比海盗》《国家宝藏》等(还有CSI等经典罪案剧),总票房超过100亿美金。捧红了阿汤哥,德普,尼古拉斯凯奇,威尔史密斯等明星。
[a good chunk of change] a lot of money 很多钱
在澳大利亚某家医院,我遇到一个小孩。我们提前一小时告知医院我们要去。因为不想引来媒体什么的。他们有室内摄像机什么的。我和演Scrum的Stephen Graham一起穿着戏服去的,随身带着无数海盗金币,送给医院的小朋友做礼物。结果有个小男孩坐在一边,对此好不感兴趣。我走过去[用杰克船长的口音]说:“小子!我掏出一枚金币…你觉得帅不帅?” 小男孩回答:“这是假的,金子是喷漆的。” 我说[还是船长口音]:“ 你怎么知道呢?他说: “ 因为这是电影里的东西。是假的。我才不要呢。” 于是我就把金币拿回来了。我用尽办法才让这孩子笑起来。不过我觉得这是最棒的事情。“是假的啦!是喷漆的金子啦!下一个!你给我走开啦!”
In one hospital in Australia, there was a kid. We gave the hospital an hour’s note. We didn’t want any press or anything. They had their in-house cameras or whatever. Myself and Stephen Graham who plays Scrum. We went in costume. We brought tons of these gold pirates coins with us, just to give out to the kids. There was one of the kids sitting in the chair not really into it. I went over to him and: Boy! I pull a gold coin and I wanna…What do you think of that? And the kid goes, it’s fake and it’s spray painted gold. I said, how do you know? He said, because it’s from a movie. It’s fake. No, I don’t want that. Then I take it back. So I had to work on it to get a laugh out of him. But I thought it was the greatest thing, you know. It’s fake. It’s spray painted gold. Next. Get out of my face.
我觉得杰瑞做得比我多。迪士尼只会说:他怕不是个疯子吧?怕不是个醉鬼吧?怕不是个同性恋吧?你这是干啥呢?这都是啥动作啊[杰克船长举起双手在空中胡乱挥舞]?于是我说:我演过的所有角色都是同性恋呀[全场大笑]。[小声说]其实不是啦。主要是杰瑞去跟迪士尼沟通。这角色对我来说,看到剧本时我脑海中就有了图像。我想到的是三四百年前的海盗。在我的想象中,他们都是摇滚明星,摇滚明星坏小子们。因为在他们真正到达一个地方之前几个月甚至几年,关于他们的神秘故事就提前传到了。所以有点像夜魔人的感觉。但同时他们又因为干的坏事而臭名昭著、恶名远扬。就像巡演的摇滚明星一样。人们都熟悉他们的音乐,他们的故事,他们的...摇滚明星啊…唯一该成为海盗的摇滚明星就是Keith Richards。我的角色是建立在他身上的。还有个卡通角色叫Pepe Le Pew,是个臭鼬。他爱上一只猫,总想让猫也爱上他。但猫讨厌他,远离他。他却总是引以为容,以为她其实爱他,只是在装傻而已。所以这两个都是原材料。来点Keith Richards,再来点Pepe Le Pew。这里来点这个,那里来点那个。不过最重要的两个原型就是Keith Richards和Pepe Le Pew。
I think Jerry had to do a lot more than I do. They didn’t know what to say to me other than, It’s he insane? It’s he drunk? Is he gay? What are you doing? What is all these? Then I just said all my characters are gay. [Whispers]They’re not. Jerry has to deal with Disney far more than I do. The character for me was when I read the scripts I got the images. I thought of pirates back…4 hundred years ago, 3 hundred years ago, whatever. I thought in a way they were the rock and roll stars, the bad boy rock and roll stars because the myth of a pirate would arrive months maybe years before the ever got to that place. So there was this kind of boogeyman quality to it. But at the same time, they were sort of like notorious and infamous for bad deeds, let’s say. So it’s like a rock and roll star being on tour. Those people, they are familiar with the music, they are familiar with the stories; they are familiar with the…A rock and roll star that…The only rock and roll star is really really probably should be a pirate is Keith Richards. I base the character on Keith. And there is a cartoon character called Pepe Le Pew. He’s a skunk. And he sort of thinks this cat that he’s in love with…He’s always trying to make this cat love him. And she hates him. She runs away from him. But he’s always very proud about it. He thinks she’s in love with him. She’s playing coy. So it was kind of ingredients. Here’s some from Keith Richards and here’s some Pepe Le Pew. Here’s a bit of this. And here’s a bit of that. But the two main ingredients were Keith and this skunk, Pepe Le Pew.
Keith Richards,著名摇滚明星,滚石乐队成员,在《加勒比海盗》系列中扮演过杰克他爸。
Yeah, I did. I love pirates when I was a kid. I love it. But yeah, you know, I was always fascinated with darker movies when I was a child.
Do I want to be pirate when I watch the film? I am a pirate when I watch the film.
So, the thing is, Marlon Brando put it the best when he said that acting…He described acting as a strange job for a grown man. And it is. It’s essentially, you are manipulating the truth for a living. It’s not to say that you are lying. But you’re manipulating the truth for a living. So it’s kind of…you know, the ability to walk down the street left a long time ago for me. So I suppose what happens is simplicity and real life become very difficult things to obtain at a certain point. It’s still strange to me to not be able to just go out in the street, go to a store, walk around. Not that I…I’ve never been a biggest social animal. For sure. But it is an odd life to live in a weird way like a fugitive. You know, like being hunted. So simplicity is that deep breath that you feel you’ve earned. You earn that moment of nothingness.
I think he just jumps into situations. I don’t think he gives a great amount of thought first. He just sees, wants, takes. I think his instincts are much like a dog in a way. I wanna sleep. I wanna eat. I wanna drink. He’s not like a character looking for redemption or thinking deep thoughts about his spiritual being. I think he’s just a kind of…He’s the Id. He’s the very center of the reptilian brain. He’s just a kind of a thing, if you will.
[Id] 本我。弗洛伊德提出的本我Id自我Ego超我Super-Ego。本我是人最为原始的、属满足本能冲动的欲望。
[reptilian brain] 爬虫脑。是大脑中最古老的部分,负责最基本的活动。
I don’t think he grows up. I don’t think he learns. I don’t think he ever changes. I think he’s always just going to be that. And I really like that as a choice. Because very often when people look into a character and they’re trying to find that what they call the character arc. And I think every moment Jack is at the character’s arc that doesn’t go anywhere.
[character arc] 角色的发展方向,发展历程,发展轨迹。因为通常的角色都会随着剧情发展而改变,所以会有像arc弧线一样的改变轨迹。而杰克船长根本没有,导演在另一场圆桌也调侃过这事:杰克船长的角色arc就是…呃…一条平平的直线。
我想过这事。真相是,很不幸,或者很幸运,我也不知道,杰克他永远都会是我的一部分。他是我能接触的一部分。我演过的所有角色都在我身体里面。这事我说过的。就好像是一柜子抽屉。他一直都在这里。[他做出在胸前拉开抽屉的动作。而且每说到一个角色,他就会模仿该角色的口音,所以之前发的那段音频里在场的大家都被逗得不行] 那里是剪刀手爱德华![拉开另一个抽屉]这边是杰克船长![另一个抽屉]疯帽子在那边![又拉开一个抽屉]还有威利旺卡!我觉得这样对大脑特别不健康。但我就这样了,他永远不会离开我。如果杰克船长真要有个结局的话,我唯一能想到的就是看着他向着无法到达的海天交界继续航行。他会继续漂泊。就算故事都没了,你也会想起他这个角色。如果你熟悉这个角色,你就可以想象他做任何事情。我很高兴我找到了他。但也许他是个疯子,但他永远会在我心里。
I have thought about it. The truth of the matter is unfortunately, well, maybe it’s fortunate. I don’t know what it is. He’s always gonna be a part of me. I mean, he always was a part of me. A part that I can access. You know, all the characters I played are still in there. I’ve explained this before. It’s almost like a chest of drawers. He’s always been there. And there’s Edward! And Jack’s over here. And Mad Hatter is over there. And you’ve got Willy Wonka. I don’t think it’s healthy for the brain. But that’s what I got. So he’ll never leave me. And I think if there is an end to Captain Jack, I think the only thing that I can see is him just continuing toward the unattainable horizon. He just continues on. And if the stories go away, I think he’s a character that you can think about. And picture him doing anything if you know the character well. I’m glad that I found him in there. But he’s maybe insane. He’ll always be in here.
在场约有十名记者,德普跟每个人都握了手。有位男记者提问前起立跟德普握手,随后说,其实我想问的是杰瑞。结果全场大笑。德普假装生气,起身又跟他握手“Take that back”(把你刚才握的手拿回去吧)。然后又跟他握了一次“我开玩笑啦”。后来一女生跟德普握手后提问德普,德普美滋滋地看着之前那男生炫耀“Ah, see!”(你看见没!这个问题是问我的!)
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