专栏名称: 蒲公英Ouryao
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  蒲公英Ouryao


蒲公英Ouryao  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-05-01 00:22


翻译:Julia 来源:Julia法规翻译

Dear Mr. Ye:

 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)inspected your drug manufacturing facility, Teva Pharmaceutical and Chemical(Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., 1889 Jingliu Road, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Chinafrom September 26 to 29, 2016.


This warning letter summarizes significant deviationsfrom current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) for active pharmaceuticalingredients (API).


Because your methods, facilities, or controls formanufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your APIare adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).

 由于你们的原料药生产、加工、包装或保存的方法、场所或控制不符合CGMP要求,你们的原料药根据FDCA的501(a)(2)(B)以及21 U.S.C.351(a)(2)(B)被认为是掺假药品。

We reviewed your October 21, 2016 response in detailand acknowledge receipt of your subsequent correspondence.


During our inspection, our investigator observedspecific deviations including, but not limited to, the following.


1.      Failure to establishwritten procedures to monitor the progress and control the performance ofprocessing steps that may cause variability in the quality characteristics ofyour API.


Our inspection found that approximately 10 percent of (b)(4)API batches produced at your facility from December 2014 to September 2016failed to meet the (b)(4) impurity limit. During this period, anadditional 10 percent of batches yielded out-of-trend (OOT) results for (b)(4).You have reprocessed rejected out-of-specification OOS batches but failed toimplement effective corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) to correct processdesign and control flaws that lead to excessive formation of this impurityduring processing.


According to your response, a new root cause analysisfound that impurity failures appear to be related to insufficient control of (b)(4).You committed to monitor (b)(4) specific process parameters in the newprocess performance qualification batches of (b)(4) API and the first (b)(4)commercial batches. However, these proposed parameters differ from the“critical process parameters” monitored by your firm in the last three years.They also do not include all of the parameters that you categorized as“critical and significant” in the most recent process qualification study. Yourresponse does not commit to monitor future batches for all parameters thatimpact quality, and may contribute to the failure of a batch of intermediatesor API to meet specifications.


Your response is also inadequate because it did notinclude the risk assessment and related scientific rationale to ensure thatcontrols implemented for all batches will detect upstream processing variationand ensure final API quality. You also acknowledged in March 2017correspondence that additional lots have failed since you resumed commercialmanufacture of (b)(4) API. Recurrence of product quality failuresfollowing the completion of your investigation and process re-qualificationindicate that your root cause analysis and CAPA were ineffective.


In response to this letter:


  • Provide an updated investigation into the root cause(s) of (b)(4)     OOS results and an improved CAPA plan. Include provisions to ensure CAPA     effectiveness.

  • 请提交更新后的某OOS结果根本原因调查,以及改进后的CAPA计划。包括确保CAPA有效性的条款。

  • Specify if the presumed root causes for failures were actually     observed in the failed (b)(4) batches.

  • 说明在不合格的XX批次中是否实际观察到了所假定的根本不合格原因。

  • Describe why some finished (b)(4) API batches yielded OOS     results for the bis-ether impurity, but passed testing for this same     impurity at the (b)(4) stage.

  • 说明为什么有些某API批次产生二醚杂质OOS结果,但却能通过在某工艺步骤中该相同杂质的检测。

  • List the past and current process parameters for (b)(4) API.     Explain their role in the process, the potential impact on quality, the     limits used, and your justification if you plan to cease monitoring and     controlling any parameter during commercial batch manufacture.

  • 列出过去和现在的某API工艺参数。解释在工艺中各参数的作用、对质量的潜在影响、所使用的限度以及如果你们计划停止在商业批次生产中监测和控制任一参数时你们的论证。

  • Explain your systems for incorporating reprocessing activities into     Drug Master Files.

  • 解释你们将返工活动整合入DMF文件的系统。

  • Provide procedures that ensure that reprocessed lots and process     performance qualification lots are included in your stability     program. 

  • 提供程序确保返工批次和工艺性能确认批准被放入你们的稳定性计划中。