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A few members of Shanghai's queer community share hopes for 2020

Angel同志地图  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-29 13:00


Photograph: Nicole Chan (Lilian Shen)

Every year has its ups and downs. Whatever hardships you may have faced in 2019, know that you’re not alone for 2020. No matter how you identify, no matter whom you love, we’re in this together. Read on to keep you inspired for what’s to come as we all head into 2020 together.

Andrew Shainker, founder of community group OpenDoors Shanghai

Photograph: Alejandro Scott

My goal for 2020 is simple: to continue to empower LGBT ambassadors in China and around the world by placing qualified humanitarians throughout the LGBT sector who understand the needs and wants of the community – the goal is sustainability and longevity. It’s all about community enrichment, connection and spiritual growth. I can’t wait to see what the new year will bring.

📍Add WeChat ID ‘ashainker’ for more information on OpenDoors Shanghai.

Ricky Lu, founder of party platform ANGEL Shanghai

Photograph: Ricky Lu

So many negative things happened this year. I want all of us to grow together and stop hurting each other. We should all learn from the past and support each other like family, that way we can hope for a better future where everyone can live their own life free from prejudice or discrimination. These changes will come gradually, but I’m looking forward to the years to come for LGBTQI people.

📍Follow WeChat ID ‘angelgaymap’ for more information about ANGEL Shanghai.

爱只有一种  爱不止一种


Lee Ji-Young, trans activist and queer historian

Despite my activism, I’m still forced to hide my sexuality and gender identity at work and to most of my family. After years of emotional turbulence, my parents finally accepted me as their daughter earlier this year, so I hope that 2020 is when I can come out to the rest of my family and teach at a school where I can be out and proud.

Gabby Gabriel, founder of queer platform Qmmunity

Photograph: Lili Peng

Next year is all about enjoying who I am and expressing my love to my partner without worry. Holding hands while walking down the street as a same-sex couple is a form of activism. I’m looking forward to next year’s IDAHOT gala and version 2.0 of the Qmmunity app, and continuing to forge conversations and awareness to raise the profile of the LGBTQ community.

📍Follow WeChat ID ‘Qmmunity’ for more info.

Lilian Shen, founder of discussion group Queer Talks

Photograph: courtesy 重见自己

After a tumultuous 2019, I hope 2020 can be a year filled with self-care for myself and the queer community at large, both physically and mentally. The best way to rebel against the negativity around us is to not only accept but also embrace ourselves, despite the voices that scream otherwise. My dream and goal is for the community to thrive, to be filled with positivity, love, mutual respect and celebration for who we are as individuals and as a community. You are not alone – we got your back!

📍Add WeChat ID ‘lilianshen92’ for more info on Queer Talks.

Yu Zhiming, Digital Editor at Time Out Shanghai

Photograph: Yang Xiaozhe

I’m so proud that LGBTQIA+ content is a part of our brand and that the Queer section gets louder and prouder with every new issue. I’d like to help publicise LGBTQIA+ events as much as I can next year, as I firmly believe in the power of the queer presence in mainstream media and know how important and meaningful it is to a lot of people.
