专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-06 09:22


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,澳大利亚反倾销委员会发布的一份通知显示,该委员会已于 3 31 日对从中国、韩国、台湾和越南进口的精密钢管启动贸易案调查。

Australia’s Anti-dumping Commission has on31 March initiated trade cases against imports of precision steel pipe fromChina, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. This is according to a notice by theCommission monitored by Kallanish .

委员会将对中国、韩国、台湾和越南向澳大利亚出口的钢铁产品(价格低于正常价值)涉嫌倾销展开调查。委员会还将调查从中国和越南出口的货物是否受到可抗性补贴,以及倾销和补贴是否对澳大利亚工业造成实质损害。调查范围包括在 2019 1 1 日至 2019 12 31 日期间进口的海关编码 7306.30.00 (统计代码 30 )、 7306.50.00 (统计代码 45 )和 7306.61.00 (统计代码 21 )项下的产品。这些包括电阻焊管和碳素钢管,包含经过金属涂层和非金属涂层处理的圆形、矩形和方形空心型钢。

The Commission will investigate the allegeddumping of the steel products exported to Australia (at prices less thannormal value) from China, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. It will also probewhether the goods exported from China and Vietnam were in receipt ofcountervailable subsidies and that the dumping and receipt of subsidies causedmaterial injury to the Australian industry. The investigation will coverimports of products listed under HS codes 7306.30.00 (statistical code30), 7306.50.00 (statistical code 45) and 7306.61.00 (statisticalcode 21) during 1 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2019. These include electricresistance welded pipe and tube made of carbon steel comprising circular,rectangular and square hollow sections in metallic coated and non-metalliccoated finishes.

该委员会在收到国内生产商 Orrcon Manufacturing Pty Ltd. 的请求后展开调查。反倾销和反补贴调查将着眼于 2019 年的进口。委员会邀请有关各方在 2020 5 7 日前向委员会提交有关贸易案的意见书。

The Commission launched the investigationafter receiving a petition from domestic producer, Orrcon Manufacturing PtyLtd. The anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations will look at importsin 2019. It is inviting interested parties to lodge their submissionsconcerning the trade cases with the Commission by 7 May 2020.

据当地媒体报道,越南贸易救济机构表示,该案涉及的越南公司包括 Chính Dại Steel Technology Co Vina One Steel Manufacturing Corp Tay Nam Steel Manufacturing and Trading Co。

Vietnamese companies related to the lawsuitinclude Chính Dại Steel Technology Co, Vina One Steel Manufacturing Corp and Tay Nam Steel Manufacturing and Trading Co , local mediareported, according to Vietnam’s Trade Remedies Authority.



Asia Steel Markets 2020(已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy on the 4-5 June.
