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近现代史研究资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-29 05:55


David N. Luesink, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

David Luesink is a historian of modern China with particular interests in the history of medicine and science. He received his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia and has taught in Vancouver, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh before joining the faculty at Sacred Heart in August of 2017. He teaches classes on modern and late imperial China, as well as the History of Western Civilization, and is developing future courses on the history of medicine in China and Modern East Asia. He is currently working on a book manuscript on the history of anatomy in China that explores how knowledge of the human body was connected to technologies of statemaking. The book, currently called The Body Politic and the Body Anatomic in Modern China, explores how political anatomy transformed conceptions of race, language, and medicine at the turn of the twentieth century. Publications related to this research have been published in the Journal of Asian Studies and in an edited volume published by the University of Manchester Press. He has also completed editing a volume of essays called China and the Globalization of Biomedicine.

Degrees and Certifications

B.A. (Honors) Trinity Western University, Langley, BC History, 2002

M.A. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Chinese History, 2004

Ph.D. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Chinese History. Dissertation: “Dissecting Modernity: Anatomy and Power in the Language of Science in China.” Advisor: Timothy Brook

Teaching Responsibilities

Modern China

Late Imperial China

East Asia

History of Western Civilization since 1500

History of Medicine in China

Research Interests and Grants

Modern China

Medicine in China

China and the West

Awards and Fellowships

Associate, University Center for International Studies and Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh

Chinese Studies Research Grant, University of Pittsburgh

2007—2008 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Modern Chinese Thought and Culture Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai

2007—2009 Hannah Senior General Scholarship

2007—2008 Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship, University Graduate Fellowship (UBC)

2004—2007 SSHRC Canadian Graduate Scholarship

Publications and Presentations

View Publications

2017. “Anatomy and the Reconfiguration of Life and Death in Republican China,” Journal of Asian Studies.

2015. “State Power, Governmentality and the (Mis)remembrance of Chinese Medicine,” Historical Epistemology and the Making of Modern Chinese Medicine, edited by Howard Chiang, University of Manchester Press.

2009. “The History of Chinese Medicine: Empires, Transnationalism and Medicine in China, 1908-1937,” in Uneasy Encounters: The Politics of Medicine and Health in China, 1900-1937, edited by Iris Borowy Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang.

2015. 近代中医药期刊的人文思考——《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》编辑感言 (Jindai Zhongyiyao qikan de renwen sikao: Zhongguo jindai zhongyiyao qikan huibian bianji ganyan) [Editor’s Reflections, Humanist analysis on periodicals of Chinese medicine from the modern period Compilation of periodicals of Chinese medicine from the modern period]. By王有朋 (Wang Youpeng), Twentieth-Century China, 40(1): 69-78.

Manuscript in preparation: The Body Politic and the Body Anatomic in Modern China

Submitted manuscript: China and the Globalization of Biomedicine, first editor, with William H. Schneider and Zhang Daqing

Invited Presentations:

2017. “The Body Politic and the Body Anatomic in Late Imperial China,” Johns Hopkins University

2014. “The Body Anatomic and the Body Politic in Modern China,” Hong Kong University

2014. “Dr. Wu Lien-teh and China’s First Medical Research Institute,” Penang Heritage Trust, Wu Lien-teh Society, Penang, Malaysia

2014. “Jindai Zhongguo de renti jiepouxue yu renti de zhengzhi xingzhi,” 近代中国的人体解剖学与人体的政治性质 [The Body Anatomic and the Body Politic in Modern China] Nankai University, Tianjin: May, (in Chinese); repeated for graduate students at Shanghai University

2014. “Dissecting Modernity: Anatomy and Power in the Language of Science in China,” Department of East Asian Studies, University of Alberta

2012. “Tang Erhe and National Beijing Medical Professional School,” special lecture for the 100th Anniversary of Beijing University Health Science Center, Beijing University

2012. “China’s Two Medicines in the Twentieth Century,” University of Kentucky, Lexington

2010. “What a Medical Terminology Committee in Early 20th Century Shanghai Can Teach Us About Epistemological Change,” Yale University

Selected Conference Presentations:

2017. “Anatomy, the Individual, and the Race in Modern China,” Association of Asian Studies, Toronto

2016. “How Chinese Medicine Became Anatomical,” Global Perspectives: Dialogues between West and East on History of Medicine 全球视野下东西方医学史对话, Fudan University
