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清晨朗读3218:7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (3)

清晨朗读会  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2025-03-19 06:15


Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯正又充满磁性的美音,这里有多样化的学习素材,这里有超过 19 万充满激情的英语学习者。 关注清晨朗读会 ,让我们共同向梦想前进!
Good Morning!

今天的练习内容来自 Leo Babauta,标题是 7 Keys to Effective Mental Training 。我们将分三部分练习这篇文章,今天是最后一部分。
清晨朗读3216:7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (1)
清晨朗读3217:7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (2)
Leo 在这部分提出,每天练习比突击学习的效果要更好。这篇文章还分享了其他训练方式,感兴趣的朋友可以点击原文查看。

H a ve fun!



在微信视频号、微博、抖音上搜索@王渊源John 关注我分享的其它有趣内容,扫描右边二维码直达我的视频号。也要记得每天都来 清晨朗读会 卡哦~


7 Keys to Effective Mental Training (3)

By Leo Babauta

3: Be Consistent with Your Training

The mistake I’ve repeatedly made over the years when I’ve taken on a learning project is that I give up when I get derailed or discouraged. It’s hard to get myself back into it.
When I give up, it means I don’t get very far. When I stick with something for a long time, I can really impress myself!
So a big part of the consistency I’ve found important is not giving up, even when you get discouraged. But another part of this consistency is doing it on a near-daily basis. It’s much better to study or practice most days of the week (say 5-7 days) than it is to do it once a week or a few times a month.
