What Shows the Best Profit: Close Out the Biggest Loss
The late 1980s have witnessed some of the toughest and most frustrating futures markets in recent memory. Good trading strategy mandates that you should be able to profit with equal facility in both up and down markets. But, during many campaigns, we have experienced markets that have appeared to be moving both up and down nearly simultaneously. Many solid uptrends have been punctuated with violent downside reactions. These price slides briefly abort the uptrend by stopping out speculative long positions. And, after the stops have been “cleaned out,” the market resumes its northerly course. Meanwhile, quite a few bear markets have experienced equally violent rallies. The rally cleans out the speculative protective buy stops, knocking the so-called weak holders out of their profitable short positions. Then the bear market resumes.
The hot breath of the margin clerk is being felt more frequently than ever before due to the erratic and violent nature of countertrend swings. What should you do when confronted with the familiar windowed envelope that you know is the call for margin? Over the years, I have had countless conversations and correspondence with traders concerning the strategy of dealing with margin calls. In general, they are ambivalent and inconsistent in their response to calls, and seek guidance in terms of a viable, strategic approach.
There are two types of calls-new business and maintenance. Of the two, maintenance calls are far more common. Exchange regulations require that new business calls be met with new funds, not with liquidation. However, maintenance calls may be met either with deposit of new funds or by reducing positions.
Most traders make the wrong decision when confronted with the inevitable margin call. The options are: Put up new money or reduce positions and, if reducing positions, which one(s) to close out to meet the call. In most circumstances, I do not recommend putting up new funds to meet a maintenance call. The call is a clear signal that the account is underperforming, or at least that some of the positions are underperforming, and there is no logic in trying to defend bad positions with new money. The appropriate tactic is to liquidate some positions to eliminate the margin call and reduce your risk exposure. But, if you close positions to reduce risk, aren’t you also reducing your profit potential and your ability to regain a profitable footing? Reducing positions yet maintaining your profit potential sounds like a hypothetical goal, but how can you actually achieve it? You do it with a basic strategy that is known to successful floor traders but unfortunately not to commission house speculators to any degree.
You close out those positions that show the biggest paper losses when marked to the market, especially if they are antitrending. This clearly reduces your loss exposure by eliminating the positions that are carrying the biggest losses. Yet by holding on to your most successful positions, which are obviously being held on the right side of the trending markets, you have maintained your potential to profit. The odds clearly favor ultimate profits on profitable with-the-trend positions over losing antitrend positions.
Regrettably, most speculators choose to close out the profitable positions while holding onto the losing ones. “After all,” they reason, “no one ever goes broke taking a profit.” But no one ever gets rich taking small profits, especially in trending markets with big potential.
The strategy of closing profitable positions and holding onto losing ones is costly, frequently ruinous, and typical of unsuccessful traders. Conversely, one of the hallmarks of successful operators is their ability, coupled with the discipline, to close out losing positions and stick with the winning ones. And, while it may be more ego-satisfying to take profits rather than losses, we are not playing for ego here. We are playing for big plus figures at the bottom line with reasonable risks. In that context, you should be more concerned with an overall profitable operation than in proving yourself right and the market wrong.
There is a corollary here that professional floor operators use as a proven strategy. I
n any given market or in two related markets, you buy the strongest-acting future and sell the weak-est-acting.
This tends to hedge your bet because, if the market advances, your long leg should outperform your short leg; if the market declines, your short leg should be weaker than the long. And, as an accompanying bonus, you frequently get a reduced margin on the position, or, for the same dollar margin, you can put on a bigger position. As an example, the Chicago corn market has been in a major downtrend from late 1983 to at least early 1987. The wheat market, on the other hand, has been trending generally higher, providing technical or systems traders a succession of quite reliable buy signals. Suppose you got a sell signal in corn and put on a short position in, say, June of 1986. Your margin on each 5,000-bushel contract would probably have been $400. Then let's suppose that you got a good buy signal in wheat in October of the same year and put on some longs. Your margin on each wheat contract would normally be $750. So for each wheat (long) and corn (short) contract, you might expect to have to post $1,150 in margin. Have we got a deal for you! You don’t have to put up $1,150 for the wheat/corn position. You don't even have to put up $750 (the higher of the two legs). In fact, you can put on the position for a measly margin of $500. I don’t approve of trading on such thin margin and would prefer to post the required margin on the greater of the two sides ($750 in this case). But that's still tremendous leverage, and it doesn’t take very much of a math whiz to calculate the profit, either in dollar terms or as a percentage of margin, that was made during this period in the wheat/corn (spread) position (you do it on your calculator-mine only goes out to seven figures). A tough analysis? Perhaps-but not too tough if you had opted to buy the stronger market (the wheat) and sold the weaker (the corn) See Figure 15-1. An alternative means of timing these spread (also called straddle or switch) trades is by using spread charts, such as those published weekly in the CRB Futures Chart Service by Commodity Research Bureau (see Figure 15-2). Here you put on and take off the position as a spread, and you time your trades on the basis of price differences. For example, in the wheat versus corn position shown in the accompanying chart (15-2), the market went from wheat 63 cents over corn to 1.05 over. Assuming you caught just half the 42 cent move, you would have scored a profit of 21 cents, equal to $1,000 (after commission) and over 100 percent profit on your margin.
图15-1 1987年7月小麦和1987年7月玉米
【You buy the strength (wheat) and sell the weakness (corn). This is the type of situation that many professional operators seek; it has good profit potential, reasonable risk, and low margin. Opportunities like this appear every year-and the trader should be alert to the chance to buy the strength and sell the weakness. For entry timing, you can take signals from whichever technical or trading system you have confidence in and time each leg on the basis of these signals.
图15-2 1987年7月小麦对玉米跨期图
【As an alternative method of timing spread (buy strength versus sell weakness) trades, you can use spread charts. These charts are available for a broad selection of related markets or two different futures in the same market. You can enter and liquidate positions on the basts of price differences. As an example, let’s assume you put on long wheat versus short corn at wheat 70 cents over corn, and the current difference has widened to 1.00 over (you have a 30 cent profit on the position). If you want to stop out if the difference narrowed to, say 90 cents, you would enter the following order. “Buy (quantity) corn and sell (quantity) wheat at 90 cents stop, premium on the wheat.” With this order, you would be locking in your profit at 20 cents, less breakage and commissions.
Yet another aspect of this buy strength, sell weakness strategy can provide extra profits to knowledgeable operators. An important feature of many big bull markets is a price inversion, also called an inverted market, in which nearby futures gain in price relative to distant ones and ultimately sell at premiums to the nearbys. This is due to a tightness - or a perceived tightness - in spot (nearby) supplies. Traders should watch these switch differentials carefully, because an inversion, or even a significant tightening of the normal premiums between futures months, could provide an important confirmation of a developing bull situation. In fact, I generally add another 25 to 50 percent to any long position I may be carrying following such a price inversion, on a closing basis.
In addition, professional operators are always on the alert for developing price inversions, and at the first sign of an inversion (on a closing basis), there are spread traders who buy the premium future and sell the discount. Granted, you have to be pretty nimble to play this game because the inversion could unwind at any time. But while it lasts, you can score some good profits with reasonable risks. In summary, it doesn’t matter how you label this strategy-keep the profitable positions and close out the losers, buy the strength and sell the weakness, or go long the premium and short the discount. What is important is that you are aware of it, you identify your strong-weak markets accurately, and you apply this strategy in a consistent and disciplined manner.