专栏名称: 机器学习研究会
机器学习研究会是北京大学大数据与机器学习创新中心旗下的学生组织,旨在构建一个机器学习从事者交流的平台。除了及时分享领域资讯外,协会还会举办各种业界巨头/学术神牛讲座、学术大牛沙龙分享会、real data 创新竞赛等活动。
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机器学习研究会  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-03-11 19:05


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TL;DR: Representation learning can eliminate the need for large la beled data sets to train deep neural networks, opening up new domains to machine learning and transforming the practice of Data Science.

Check out “Notes on Representation Learning” in these three parts.

  1. Notes on Representation Learning

  2. Notes on Representation Learning Continued

  3. Representation Learning Bonus Material

Deep Learning and Labeled Datasets

The greatest strength of Deep Learning (DL) is also one of its biggest weaknesses. DL models frequently have many millions of parameters. The extreme number of parameters—compared to other sorts of machine learning models—gives DL models tremendous flexibility to learn arbitrarily complex functions that simpler models cannot learn. But this flexibility makes it very easy to “overfit” on a training set (essentially, memorize specific examples instead of learning underlying patterns that allow generalization to examples not in the training set).

The conceptually simplest way to prevent overfitting is to train on very large datasets.  If the dataset is big in relation to the number of parameters, then the network will not have enough capacity to memorize examples and will be “forced” to instead learn underlying patterns when optimizing a loss function.  But creating large, labeled datasets for every task we want to perform is cost prohibitive (and may even be impossible if the goal is general purpose intelligent agents).

This need for large training-sets is often the biggest obstacle to apply DL to real world problems. On small datasets, other types of models can outperform DL to the extent that the constraints of those models match the task at hand. For instance, if there is a simple linear relationship in the data, a linear regression can greatly outperform a DL model trained on a small dataset because the linear constraint of the model corresponds to the data.

Figure 1. Neural Nets have a tendency to over fit when datasets are too small.  Here the true relationship between the height and weight of an animal and whether it is a dog or cat, is essentially linear.  A linear classifier assumes this relationship and uses the data merely to determine the slope and intercept.  A large neural network will require much more data to learn a straight-line partition.  With a small dataset, relative to the size of the neural network it will overfit on unusual examples, reducing predictive performance. (Source: https://kevinbinz.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/ml-svm-after-comparison.png)

That correspondence allows the model to learn from a small dataset much more efficiently than a DL model because a DL model needs to learn the linear relationship whereas a linear regression simply assumes it. Simple linear classifiers are sufficient for a simple problem like that illustrated above, however more complex problems require models capable of modeling complex relationships within the data.  Much of the work in applying machine learning involves choosing models with constraints and power that match the dataset.  While DL has dramatically outperformed all other models on many tasks, to a large extent it has only done so for complex problem where there are big labeled datasets available for training.

Representation Learning

This blog post describes how the need for large, labeled datasets to train DL models is coming to an end. Over the last year there have been many research results demonstrating how DL models can learn much more efficiently than other models—outperforming alternatives even with very small labeled training sets. Indeed, in some remarkable cases, described below, DL models can learn to perform complex tasks with only a single labeled exampled (“one shot learning”) or even without any labeled data at all (“zero-shot learning”). Over the next few years, these research results will be rolled out to production systems, and further innovations will continue to improve data efficiency even more.

The key to this progress is what DL researchers call “ representation learning “—a topic considered so important that prominent researchers named the premier DL conference the International Conference on Learning Representations . Part of the enthusiasm for learning representations is that rather than training DL models on labeled data specific to a target task, you can train them on labeled data for a different problem, or more importantly, on unlabeled data. In the process of training on unlabeled data, the model builds up a reusable internal representation of the data. For instance, in an image classification example (further described below), a network first learns to generate bedroom scenes. To do this convincingly it must develop an internal representation of the world: its 3-dimensional structure, visual perspective, interior design, typical bedroom furniture, etc. In other words, using unsupervised learning (on unlabeled data ) the model builds an understanding of how the world of bedrooms actually works to produce pictures of bedrooms. Once a network has an internal representation like this it can learn to recognize objects in images much more easily.  Learning to recognize a “bed” could become almost as simple as learning to associate the word “bed” with an object that the network already knows a lot about—it’s 3-dimensional shape, colors, location in rooms, typical surrounding furniture, etc.  As a result, instead of needing hundreds or thousands of labeled examples of objects, the model could learn from just a handful of examples.

Figure 2.  Bedroom scene generated by a DL model.  No information about bedrooms, bedroom furniture, lighting, visual perspective, etc. was programmed into the network but it learns enough about those things to produce realistic looking images and plausible bedroom arrangements purely by training on bedroom images.  (Source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06434v2.pdf)
