改教家加尔文(John Calvin)于1564年五月27日安息,得年54。 他于四月25日口述最后的遗嘱,包括下面这段话:
奉神的名,我加尔文、在日内瓦教会服事神话语的仆人,因许多疾病缠身而软弱⋯⋯感谢神,祂不单向我这可怜的受造之物显明祂的怜悯,⋯⋯也使我遭受各种罪恶与软弱之苦,但更重要的是,祂使我有份于祂的恩典,得以借着我的工作来服事祂。 ⋯⋯我承认,我或生或死都在祂所赐给我的这信仰中,因为除了祂的预定,我别无盼望或避难所,我的整个救恩都是建立在这预定上。 我欢迎祂在我们的主耶稣基督里提供给我的恩典,接受祂受死与受苦的福益;借着它们,我的所有罪皆已埋葬;我谦卑地祈求祂,用我们伟大救赎主的宝血洗净我,因为这血是为所有可怜的罪人而流的,因此,但愿我显在祂面前时能带着祂的样式。 此外,我宣告:我曾竭尽全力,将祂的话语毫无玷污地教导出来,照着祂所赐给我恩典的度量忠心讲解圣经。 在我所带领对抗真理仇敌的所有争辩中,我不曾使用诡诈或任何诡辩,只有诚实地为祂的目标争战。 但是,呃,我的意志、我的热心是如此冷淡而懒散,以致我自知在每一方面都有了罪;若没有祂无限的良善,我所有充满热情的努力无非如烟飘散,事实上,祂所赐给我的恩典甚至使我负罪更重;因此,我唯一的把握就是:祂是施怜悯的父。 竟如此渴望将祂自己启示给这样一个可悲的罪人。
In the name of God, I, John Calvin, servant of the Word of God in the Church of Geneva, weakened by many illnesses . . . thank God that he has shown not only mercy toward me, his poor creature, and . . . has suffered me in all sins and weaknesses, but what is much more, that he has made me a partaker of his grace to serve him through my work . . . I confess to live and die in this faith which he has given me, inasmuch as I have no other hope or refuge than his predestination upon which my entire salvation is grounded. I embrace the grace which he has offered me in our Lord Jesus Christ and accept the merits of his suffering and dying, that through them all my sins are buried; and I humbly beg him to wash me and cleanse me with the blood of our great Redeemer, as it was shed for all poor sinners so that I, when I shall appear before his face, may bear his likeness. Moreover, I declare that I endeavoured to teach his Word undefiled and to expound Holy Scripture faithfully according to the measure of grace which he has given me. In all the disputations which I led against the enemies of the truth, I employed no cunning or any sophistry, but have fought his cause honestly. But, oh, my will, my zeal were so cold and sluggish that I know myself guilty in every respect; without his infinite goodness, all my passionate striving would only be smoke, indeed the grace itself which he gave me would make me even more guilty; thus my only confidence is that he is the Father of mercy who as such desires to reveal himself to such a miserable sinner.