专栏名称: 学者探讨
中信建投证券研究  ·  中信建投:TMT科技本周核心推荐 ·  3 天前  
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  学者探讨


学者探讨  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-19 09:15


2021年,来自西安交通大学第一附属医院的Hao Wang , Nan Wang , Xiaoli Zheng , Lei Wu , Chengcheng Fan , Xue Li , Ke Ye , Suxia Han (通讯作者,音译韩苏夏)在 Cancer Gene Therapy 期刊发表了一篇论文,题目为: Circular RNA hsa_circ_0009172 suppresses gastric cancer by regulation of microRNA-485-3p-mediated NTRK3。

2021年9月,国际著名职业学术打假人Hoya camphorifolia 在 Pubpeer 论坛对该论文发起质疑:

Clockwise from upper left: Figs 3C, 5C, 6F, 7D.

I also compiled this montage of Western Blots, sourced from various papers, each with its own PP thread. To my mind there is (as it were) a family kinship among them all, all sampling a small corner of "morphological space". Many other family members could be adduced. Clockwise from upper left:

Wang et al (2020)
Gao et al (2021)
Chen et al (2020)
He et al (2021).

In addition, WBs from Lv et al (2020) [retracted]
