专栏名称: 李晨老师教英文
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  李晨老师教英文


李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-04 05:00





Hi there! What I'd like you to do is to speak English with me just to practice normal conversation that might normally appear in an IELTS speaking test. For example, when you ask, what is your name? Do you study or work? Tell me what might be the ideal answer to those questions.


Sure, let's practice. I'll ask you a question, and you can respond. I'll give you feedback or suggestions if needed. Ready?

First question: Do you study or work?

I work actually for the British Council's English programs team in China.


Great answer! It's clear and concise. You could add a bit more detail to make it even stronger. For example:

"I work for the British Council's English programs team in China, where I focus on developing and managing English language teaching initiatives."

How does that sound?

Well, that's indeed a great answer. Let's proceed to the next question.


Sure! Here’s the next question:

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The part that I enjoy most about my job is that I get to travel around the country, especially to those underdeveloped regions in China, where I can help them initiate some kind of English teacher professional development program, where teachers can benefit from UK and China's best practice and expertise from both countries.


That's a wonderful response! It clearly shows your enthusiasm and the impact of your work. You could refine it slightly for better flow:

"The part I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to travel across the country, especially to underdeveloped regions in China. There, I help initiate English teacher professional development programs, allowing teachers to benefit from the best practices and expertise of both the UK and China."

Ready for the next question?

Yes, please. Thanks.


You’re welcome! Here’s the next question:

What skills are important for your job?

Well, communication definitely is at the top of the list. You have to be able to communicate not just in your native tongue, but also in English, and also factor in the cultural differences between over 100 countries, because colleagues are from around the world. So that's communication skills. The other thing that I would say is time management, because the challenges every day is abundant and varied. So you have to be able to manage your time, set up a priority time slot for important tasks. Otherwise, you might not be able to finish all of the tasks on time.


That's a solid answer! Here’s a slightly polished version for clarity:

"Communication is definitely at the top of the list. You need to be able to communicate effectively not just in your native language, but also in English, while considering the cultural differences among colleagues from over one hundred countries. Another crucial skill is time management. With abundant and varied challenges every day, it's important to manage your time well and prioritize tasks to ensure everything is completed on time."

Shall we continue with another question?

Yes, please. Perhaps with another question type.


Sure thing! Here’s a different type of question:

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had at work?

A memorable experience that I had at work is to do with a recent travel to Yunnan province where we went to, my colleagues and I went to, not just one city in Yunnan, but two cities consecutively. The first city was the city of Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan province, where we had a conference involving primary, secondary, and tertiary level teachers. They were at the conference to talk about how to coherently paint a picture for English language education in that region. We were delighted that the conference was attended by delegates from around the region, not just in Kunming, but also from adjacent cities. So that was a great turnout. The second conference we went to was in the city of Dali. It was attended by pre-service teacher education experts from around the region. We talked about in the conference how to bring about a revolutionary change or renovate what is existing in the region on the master's degree level pre-service English language education curriculum design. We talked about the best practice around the world, especially an expert from the University of Warwick was there to share his ideas and experience dealing with pre-service English language teacher education. It was very well received. Judging from the feedback, it was one of the best, as one of the delegates mentioned, conferences he attended. So there was a level of satisfaction, a level of fulfillment. And it was the result of the past few years' work done right in China. So yeah, that was quite memorable.


That's an excellent and detailed answer! It clearly highlights the memorable experience and its impact. Here’s a slightly refined version for clarity:

"A memorable experience I had at work was during a recent trip to Yunnan province. My colleagues and I visited two cities consecutively. The first city was Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, where we convened a conference involving primary, secondary, and tertiary level teachers. The conference focused on creating a cohesive plan for English language education in the region. We were delighted by the turnout, with delegates from Quynh Minh and adjacent cities.

The second conference was in the city of Dali, attended by pre-service teacher education experts from the region. We discussed how to innovate the existing master's level English language education curriculum. An expert from the University of Warwick shared his insights on pre-service English language teacher education, which was very well received. One delegate mentioned it was one of the best conferences he had attended. The positive feedback was incredibly fulfilling and a testament to our work over the past few years in China. It was a truly memorable experience."

Would you like to continue with another question?

Yes, but before that, I'd like you to give me some pointers of answering this type of question, because you see, when given the topic, you have to prepare for it for one minute, right, and then give your answer. But how to keep it within the time limit, that might be something difficult for me.

