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中国地理资源期刊网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-12 18:30



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。“论文快递”栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百五十四期, 将介绍 Urban Studies Online First中最新发表的五篇论文 主题包括深圳移民的地域认同,混合收入社区更新对低收入年轻人的影响,政府领导小组在中国城市治理中的作用,青年与公共空间绅士化,以及 城市贫民窟公共品的分配与政治 。欢迎阅读。

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‘Once you come, you are a Shenzhener’? Multifaceted and variegated sense of place among migrants in Shenzhen


Huimin Du(香港岭南大学)


To what extent is contemporary Chinese urbanism cohesive and integrative? This study delves into the multifaceted and variegated nature of sense of place among internal migrants in Chinese cities, with a focus on Shenzhen, a city at the forefront of policy experimentation and a quintessential immigrant city. The findings reveal different levels of sense of belonging/attachment, local identity and sense of home among natives, hukou migrants and non- hukou migrants. The sense of belonging/attachment is mainly influenced by the relational factor, while local identity is predominantly determined by the legal factor, and sense of home is primarily influenced by the economic factor. Meanwhile, hukou migrants place greater importance on the relational factor, while non- hukou migrants emphasise the economic factor. Furthermore, the research identifies five types of sense of place among migrants based on different configurations of belonging/attachment, local identity and sense of home. This study sheds light on the complexity of sense of place and the nuances of belonging, attachment, identity and home in contemporary Chinese urbanism.



attachment, belonging, home, hukou , identity, sense of place




Why mixed communities regeneration fails to improve the lives of low-income young people


Rana Khazbak(英国伦敦国王学院)


The demolition and replacement of social housing with mixed income communities is thought to mitigate the harmful effects of growing up in geographical concentrations of poverty and improve the life chances of low-income populations. However, there is little evidence on how young people are impacted by mixed communities regeneration prevalent in many cities across the Western world. This paper examines the mechanisms through which the capabilities of low-income young people are influenced by transforming their social housing estate into a mixed income community. It draws on participatory research with teenagers and adult stakeholders in a London mixed income neighbourhood. The findings suggest that mixed communities regeneration perpetuates the social injustices that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds experience in the city. The paper identifies and unpacks the mechanisms of stigmatisation, exclusion, social inequalities, community fragmentation and marginalisation of youth voices implicated in these injustices. These mechanisms constrain many of the capabilities young people value including their ability to benefit from their neighbourhood’s regeneration.




mixed communities, neighbourhood effects, social mix, urban regeneration, young people




Local state leadership: State-leading groups in governing urban China


Jie Guo(广东省科学院广州地理研究所)
Hong’ou Zhang(广东省科学院广州地理研究所)
Yongchun Yang(兰州大学)


This article examines the urban development strategies and pro-growth politics in China from a local state leadership perspective, focusing on the power dynamics within the local state leadership under China’s fragmented authoritarian system. The state-leading group is an innovative governance technique intentionally designed to overcome the institutional flaws of ‘tiao-kuai segmentation’. It plays a critical role in fostering a common vision of ‘growth promotion’, aligning goals and unifying actions in the administrative system, broadening social consensus and promoting public–private partnerships. This study improves upon the understanding of the micro-mechanisms of state-led urban development within China’s fragmented authoritarian regime by exploring the heterogeneity of state actors as well as the agency of key local political actors (groups) in aligning goals and interests within and beyond the state and their political rationalities. By highlighting the conflicts and negotiations that exist within the state, the debate on state-led urban development and pro-growth politics is extended using China as an example.



China, fragmented authoritarianism, innovative governance technique, local state leadership, pro-growth conflicts





Places to be young: The dispossession of public space in Old Havana


Joanna Kocsis(英国纽卡斯尔大学)

首次出版时间:2024/05/28| 研究论文


The touristification of Old Havana is resulting in unique patterns of gentrification that rely on a new spatial imaginary, the enforcement of which is resulting in the loss of places for residents to be young. The Cuban state’s preservation of significant proportions of social housing as part of its investments in the heritage tourism industry is disrupting common housing-led displacement in the city. The neighbourhood’s economic transition is concentrated instead in public spaces, as squares and streets are taken over by new tourist-serving businesses. This process of enclosure dispossesses locals of both public and private leisure spaces, as the cost of consumption in said businesses is beyond the purchasing power afforded by Cuban salaries. The dispossession of public space is particularly problematic for local youth who, given the persistence and pervasiveness of Havana’s housing crisis, spend the majority of their free time in streets and squares. This displacement of youth reinforces existing patterns of exclusion and discrimination along lines of race, class and gender. Given the particular value of public space for youth development in communities like Old Havana, this article documents the three main processes through which young people are being displaced from or dispossessed of urban public space in their neighbourhood, enclosure, sanitisation and temporary appropriation, and discusses the impacts on young peoples’ place-related identity.


哈瓦那旧城的旅游化导致依赖于新空间想象的独特绅士化模式的出现,而这种模式的实施造成了许多年轻人失去居住的地方。古巴政府保留了大量社会住房作为其对遗产旅游业的投资, 此举正改变哈瓦那旧城因住房问题而导致的普遍流离失所现象。随着广场和街道被新的旅游服务业态所占据,街区的经济转型转而开始集中于公共空间。这种圈地过程剥夺了当地人的公共和私人休闲空间,因为上述业态的消费成本超出了古巴工资所能承受的购买力。公共空间的丧失对当地青年来说尤其成问题,这是由于在哈瓦那住房危机持续和普遍存在的前提下,当地青年大部分的空闲时间都花在街道和广场上。青年人的流离失所进一步强化了现存的种族、阶级和性别方面的排斥和歧视。鉴于公共空间对于像哈瓦那旧城这样的社区中的年轻人发展具有特殊的价值,本文记录了年轻人被迫离开或被剥夺其街区内城市公共空间的三个主要过程:封闭、卫生化和临时占用,并讨论了这些过程对年轻人与地点相关身份的影响。

displacement, heritage tourism, post-socialist Cuba, touristification, youth
