专栏名称: 近现代史研究资讯
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近现代史研究资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-28 20:34



这些年来,近现代史研究资讯开创“新书”栏目,坚持每日推送。推荐新书始终秉承价值中立并以学术质量为首位,选取中文、英文、日文、法文学界关于中国近当代史研究的最新成果。每周日,将对本周所推荐新书进行汇总,一便于读者阅读,二也是个人学术历程的一份保存。荐书方式:[email protected](邮箱)/JXDhistory1949(微信)。

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Regional Literature and the Transmission of Culture:Chinese Drum Ballads, 1800–1937

Regional Literature and the Transmission of Culture

Chinese Drum Ballads, 1800–1937

Margaret B. Wan

$75.00 • £60.95 • €67.50

ISBN 9780674241183

Publication Date: 12/17/2019

430 pages

6 x 9 inches

33 illus., 19 maps, 22 tables


Regional Literature and the Transmission of Culture provides a richly textured picture of cultural transmission in the Qing and early Republican eras. Drum ballad texts (guci) evoke one of the most popular performance traditions of their day, a practice that flourished in North China. Study of these narratives opens up surprising new perspectives on vital topics in Chinese literature and history: the creation of regional cultural identities and their relation to a central “Chinese culture”; the relationship between oral and written cultures; the transmission of legal knowledge and popular ideals of justice; and the impact of the changing technology of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries on the reproduction and dissemination of popular texts.Margaret B. Wan maps the dissemination over time and space of two legends of wise judges; their journey through oral, written, and visual media reveals a fascinating but overlooked world of “popular” literature. While drum ballads form a distinctively regional literature, lithography in early twentieth-century Shanghai drew them into national markets. The new paradigm this book offers will interest scholars of cultural history, literature, book culture, legal history, and popular culture.



作者: 方维规
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版年: 2019-4-5
页数: 445
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787301302439





方维规,1957年出生于上海。上海外国语大学德语系本科毕业留校任教,北京外国语大学德语系中德联合培养研究生。1986年至2006年在德国学习和工作, 获哲学博士学位和德国教授学位,先后在多所德国大学从事教学和研究工作。2006年至今为北京师范大学文学院特聘教授,文艺学研究中心研究员。2012年入选教育部长江学者特聘教授。主要从事中西比较诗学、比较文学、概念史、文学社会学、海外汉学研究。德文专著五部,中文专著四部,英文专著、编著各一部,中文编著五种,译作四部(中译德,德译中),论文百余篇。



作者: 高明士
出版社: 中西书局
出版年: 2019-2
页数: 158
定价: 68
ISBN: 9787547515532




Agents of Disorder:

Inside China’s Cultural Revolution

Agents of Disorder

Inside China’s Cultural Revolution

作者:Andrew G. Walder


出版时间:Publication Date: 10/08/2019

价格:$45.00 • £36.95 • €40.50

ISBN 9780674238329

240 pages

6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches

29 illus., 9 tables


Why did the Chinese party state collapse so quickly after the onset of the Cultural Revolution? The award-winning author of China Under Maooffers a surprising answer that holds a powerful implicit warning for today’s governments.

By May 1966, just seventeen years after its founding, the People’s Republic of China had become one of the most powerfully centralized states in modern history. But that summer everything changed. Mao Zedong called for students to attack intellectuals and officials who allegedly lacked commitment to revolutionary principles. Rebels responded by toppling local governments across the country, ushering in nearly two years of conflict that in places came close to civil war and resulted in nearly 1.6 million dead.

How and why did the party state collapse so rapidly? Standard accounts depict a revolution instigated from the top down and escalated from the bottom up. In this pathbreaking reconsideration of the origins and trajectory of the Cultural Revolution, Andrew Walder offers a startling new conclusion: party cadres seized power from their superiors, setting off a chain reaction of violence, intensified by a mishandled army intervention. This inside-out dynamic explains how virulent factions formed, why the conflict escalated, and why the repression that ended the disorder was so much worse than the violence it was meant to contain.

Based on over 2,000 local annals chronicling some 34,000 revolutionary episodes across China, Agents of Disorder offers an original interpretation of familiar but complex events and suggests a broader lesson for our times: forces of order that we count on to stanch violence can instead generate devastating bloodshed.



作者: 陈学然
出版社: 上海人民出版社
出版年: 2019-2
定价: 72.00元
装帧: 精装
丛书: 章学研究论丛
ISBN: 9787208155800




《化蝶: 一个滇南小镇的政治史》

作者: 刘永刚
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
出版年: 2019-4
定价: 78.80
丛书: 九色鹿
ISBN: 9787520134637


