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正式公告 |「斗转星移」绍兴滨海新区斗门古镇场景设计国际竞赛

archrace  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2024-10-15 10:30


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Doumen Ancient Town, nestled in the northern reaches of Shaoxing City, stands as one of the four ancient towns of the region and the sole one untouched by modern development.

Emerging during the Tang and Song dynasties, second only to the city center in its historic prosperity. This picturesque setting has served as the backdrop for numerous films and television dramas, including Fortress Besieged, Sister Xianglin, and Advisor of Shaoxing. Notably, the illustrious playwright Ke Ling spent his formative years within its embrace. 

The word “斗门(Dou-men)”, originally inscribed as “陡亹(Dou-men)”, which is an early water conservancy facility. It is from the old sluice at the town's entrance that the name derives. Beyond its water conservancy function, the gate was a vibrant stage for folk dramas, bustling markets, temple fairs, rain rituals, and dragon boat races, making it the heart of Doumen Ancient Town. Now transformed into the Doumen Bridge, it remains an iconic testament to the town's rich heritage.



The Past and Present Life of Doumen Bridge

Old photo source: “Doumen Series”

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However, today, Doumen Ancient Town has lost its vibrancy due to the shifting center of the city. lt is a reflection of deeper, multifaceted social issues.

The streets reside local empty-nesters, migrant tenants, and left-behind children, who lack opportunities for communication and connection. Once-thriving shops are mostly shuttered. The town's most characteristic rivers, ancient bridges and small squares at both ends of the bridges have become wild growth into inconvenient and negative spaces due to lack of design guidance.

What is absent here goes beyond mere spatial renewal; it encompasses lost business opportunities, public engagement, lifestyle changes, and the vibrancy of community interaction.

Through the Doumen Ancient Town Revitalization Project, we hope to break the constraints of a single field through the competition, combining physical space design and non-physical content planning, truly responding to local needs and exploring diversified ways to revitalize the ancient town.


Current situation of ancient town

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「斗转星移」绍兴滨海新区斗门古镇场景设计国际竞赛围绕“场景” 探索重振斗门古镇活力的全新方式。



Doors Open [ Doumen Scene Design International Competition, Shaoxing, China, explores new ways to revitalize Doumen Ancient Town through the concept of "scene".

The competition is divided into three tracks based on the unique scenarios of Doumen Ancient Town. The design content covers both physical category (spatial and environmental design, art installation, public facility, etc.) and non-physical category (operation mode, events, digital media, etc.). Participants are encouraged to consider both categories.


Elements of a Scene




The competition is located in the middle section of the Doumen Ancient Town Core Conservation Area, and the study scope covers the Doumen Ancient Town and its surroundings.

According to the characteristic scenes of the ancient town, the competition has set up three tracks: Track A “Scene of Ancient Town Entrance Landmark”, Track B “Scene of Ancient Town Bridge Space”, and Track C “Scene of Ancient Town Alley Network” (each track is registered and reviewed separately, and more than one track can be registered at the same time).

Track A has 3 spots, Track B has 5 spots, and Track C has 5 recommended spots.


Tracks & Spots




Track A :Scene of Ancient Town Entrance Landmark

Iconic scenes at both ends of the Old Street

Important nodes for people and activities

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A1 东入口



A1 East Entrance

Spot Introduction|The site is located at the eastern end of the old street and mainly contains Doumen Bridge, the riverfront space on both sides and the east entrance square, surrounded by cultural and nature resources. Doumen Bridge is located at the site of Doumen Old Sluice, which is now mixed with pedestrian and vehicular traffic, with navigation possible under the bridge. Under the bridge is the site of the original stage, now stands Doumen Old Sluice Monument. There is an elementary school on the northeast side of the bridge, and there is a surge in traffic during school hours. Both sides of the bridge approach have steps extended to the water. The store facade along the street is cluttered. The north end of the bridge contains a footbridge tunnel, leading to the entrance square. There is a sign of “Doumen Old Street” at the entrance square, and the space is often occupied by drying goods.

Design Content|Doumen Bridge and waterfront space, stage ruins under bridge, entrance square; Optional: pedestrian bridge, street facade,electromobile shop, river surface.

A1 东入口  East Entrance

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A2 南入口



A2 South Entrance

Spot Introduction|The site is located on the southern side of the eastern end of the old street, adjacent to a motor vehicle lane, representing the only segment of the "one river, two streets" layout in the area. To the north, the site leads to Dong Bridge, with  houses on both sides. The eastern riverfront space features two alleyways that connect to the old street. At the south end, the small squares currently serves as parking and drying areas, with steps leading to the bridge surface and a passage beneath it.

Design Content|Squares at the southern end of the site, the riverfront space; Optional: facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

A2 南入口  South Entrance

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A3 西入口



A3 West Entrance

Spot Introduction|The site is located at the western end of the old street. The ruins of shipyard in the site are currently vacant and overgrown with vegetation. There is a lack of facilities and activities along the riverfronts for resting and leisure. The electric box by the riverside is immovable, but the surrounding environment can be improved while ensuring functionality and safety. The streets to the north and south of Hangpaixia Bridge are lined with numerous shops and public facilities.

Design Content|Ruins of shipyard, open space along the riverfront, Optional: Hangpaixia Bridge, facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

A3 西入口  West Entrance

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Track B :Scene of Ancient Town Bridge Space

The view of a series of bridges over the river

Once the heart of commerce and trade

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B1 洞桥



B1 Dong Bridge

Spot Introduction|Located in the eastern section of the old street, Dong Bridge is an ancient bridge often used by residents for drying on sunny days. The northern side of the river features residential facades with rich textures and lively landscapes, while the southern side is surrounded by a white wall enclosing a courtyard, with vacant space to the north and residential buildings to the south. The Dong Bridge connects to the old street via an alley, and not far to the east resides an old teahouse where scenes from Fortress Besieged were filmed.

Design Content|Dong Bridge, the vacant yard south of the bridge; Optional:  the public alley north of the bridge, facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

B1 洞桥  Dong Bridge

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B2 公社桥



B2 Gongshe Bridge

Spot Introduction|Located in the middle section of the old street, the main structure of the Gongshe Bridge is an ancient bridge that has been renovated by residents. The railings are made of stainless steel and allow electric bicycles to pass, leading to the entrances of the residential buildings. It connects to the old street via an alley, which is currently used for drying clothes, parking, and waste disposal. From the bridge, one can enjoy the rich and lively river landscape on both sides. To the northeast of the site is an old Street Memory Museum under planning.

Design Content|Gongshe Bridge, the alley north of the bridge; Optional: facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

B2 公社桥  Gongshe Bridge

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B3 磨坊桥



B3 Mofang Bridge

Spot Introduction|Mofang Bridge is an ancient bridge, and the river landscape on the west side features a large tree spanning the water surface. Located in the middle section of the old street, the site is narrow and elongated with a vibrant road leading to the farmers market and near the activity room for the aged to the north. The market, along with other shops, forms one of the public centers of the old town, and the square at the market entrance is also one of the main parking areas for motor vehicles.

Design Content|Mofang Bridge; Optional: the street leading to the farmers market, facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

B3 磨坊桥  Mofang Bridge

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B4 鹅市桥



 B4 Eshi Bridge

Spot Introduction|Located in the middle section of the old street, Eshi Bridge is an ancient bridge that was originally built by the owner of a goose trading business, and the surrounding area was once a hub for poultry and livestock distribution. The current bridge structure includes stones salvaged from the dismantled Doumen Old Sluice. To the north of the site is a small square, an open shed, and a vacant public house. The small square and shelter are mainly used for parking and drying, among other public activities.

Design Content|Eshi Bridge, square to the north of the bridge, open shed, vacant public house; Optional: facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

B4 鹅市桥  Eshi Bridge

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B5 黄木桥



B5 Huangmu Bridge

Spot Introduction|Located in the middle section of the old street, Huangmu Bridge is an ancient bridge and  leading south to the farmers market. The small square to the north of the bridge includes a public restroom and a waste disposal point. Both the square north of the bridge and the open space south of the bridge feature waterside steps.

Design Content|Huangmu Bridge, square on the north side of the bridge; Optional: waterside open space on the south side, facades of adjacent residences, river surface and landscape.

B5 黄木桥  Huangmu Bridge

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Track C :Scene of Ancient Town Alley Network 

Diverse in scale, showcasing traditional charm

A highly exploratory, guided alleyway system

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C1 向山巷



C1 Alley Towards Mountain

Spot Introduction|Located in the eastern section of the old street, the alley is approximately 0.85 meters wide. To the north, there are steps leading to Town God Mountain and Town God Temple, while the south side features Dong Bridge. The alley includes several residential buildings and a side entrance to Town God Temple. The alley end leads to forested areas, with some open spaces used for vegetable gardening, offering a view of the old street.

Design Content|alley space; Optional: alley frontage interface and alley end space.

C1 向山巷  Alley Towards Mountain

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C2 双通巷



C2 Two-way Alley

Spot Introduction|The site is located in the middle section of the old street, towards the east, with access to the mountains to the north and a river to the south. The alleys on both sides are slightly offset, allowing for partial visual connectivity. The alley towards the mountain is approximately 1.84 meters wide, featuring a gentle slope upward, with several side doors to residential homes. At the end, the backyards of these homes are visible. The alley towards the river is about 2.1 meters wide, leading to a waterside platform and the back doors of riverside residences. Its current state is semi-public and semi-private, used by residents for parking, drying, and storing miscellaneous items, with views of historical buildings across the river which is under planning of renovation.

Design Content|alley space; Optional: alley frontage interface and alley end space.

C2 双通巷  Two-way Alley

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C3 向河巷



C3 Alley Towards River

Spot Introduction|The site is located in the middle section of the old street, connecting the old street to the river. The alley is approximately 0.7 meters wide, leading to a waterside platform and the back doors of riverside residences, directly facing the river intersection and Rende Bridge. The current state is semi-public and semi-private, used by residents for passage, drying, and storing a small amount of miscellaneous items, with the inner walls covered in children's graffiti.

Design Content|alley space; Optional: alley frontage interface and alley end space.

C3 向河巷  Alley Towards River

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C4 三进巷



C4 Three-section Alley

Spot Introduction|The site is located in the western section of the old street, connecting the old street to internal residences. This alley is divided into three segments, linking two yards, with varying widths of approximately 1.15 meters, 1.25 meters, and 1 meter, from outer to inner. Overall, the alley is in good condition, with no clutter, and the inner yard is tidy, creating a natural play of light and shadow.

Design Content|alley space; Optional: alley frontage interface and the yards at alley end.

C4 三进巷  Three-section Alley

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C5  连巷



C5 Connecting Alley

Spot Introduction|The site is located at the far western end of the old street, serving as a pathway from the western entrance to the riverbank and as a necessary route to the end of the old street. The alley is approximately 1.25 meters wide and is in good condition, with weathered walls, cobblestone paths, greenery, and old windows, all contributing to a charming, nostalgic atmosphere.

Design Content|alley space; Optional: alley frontage interface and the riverfront at alley end.

C5 连巷  Connecting Alley

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参赛资格  Qualification


接受联合体参赛,  联合体成员数量不超过3家;






Doors Open [ Doumen Scene Design International Competition, Shaoxing, China is an invitation from Shaoxing Doumen Ancient Town to creators from all over the world. We sincerely invite domestic and foreign planners, designers, artists, and creative people to participate! Participants with relevant design experience (independent legal entity enterprises or organizations, consortia, individuals, individual combinations) are eligible to apply.

Consortia shall be accepted for the participation with members no exceed 3. 

No consortia members shall have the right to participate in the competition again alone or with another consortia by another name.

Individuals or individual combinations are allowed to apply, and the number of individual combinations shall not exceed 5.

If the participating unit (including consortia) is a foreign organization, it shall have a legal relevant business scope.

Participating units can register for more than one track at the same time.

All submissions for this competition must be the original works  of the participating units (independent legal entity enterprises or organizations, consortiums, individuals, individual combinations) .


奖金设置  Prizes

总奖金池 :人民币199万元(税前)  

具体奖金情况如下  :

赛道A 古镇入口标志场景





赛道B 古镇桥驿空间场景





赛道C 古镇巷弄网络场景






*未入围单位无费用补偿 。

The total prize pool is RMB 1990,000 (before tax) and the prizes are as follows:

Track A:

Scene of Ancient Town Entrance Landmark

One first prize of RMB 500,000 (before tax);

One second prize of RMB 250,000 (before tax);

One third prize of RMB 150,000 (before tax);

One finalist prize of RMB 100,000 (before tax);

Track B: 

Scene of Ancient Town Bridge Space

One first prize of RMB 300,000 (before tax);

One second prize of RMB 150,000 (before tax);

One third prize of RMB 100,000 (before tax);

One finalist prize of RMB 50,000 (before tax);

Track C: 

Scene of Ancient Town Alley Network

One first prize of RMB 200,000 (before tax);

One second prize of RMB 100,000 (before tax);

One third prize of RMB 60,000 (before tax);

One finalist prize of RMB 30,000 (before tax).

*All of the above bonuses are pre-tax amounts;

*No compensation fee for unlisted units.


竞赛评委 Judges

Mr. Chang was educated both in China and in the US and re


In view of the brand-new mode of the Scenario Design Competition, the competition has specially invited big names from various fields such as spatial design, urban and rural regeneration, art curation, social innovation, culture and media, etc. to make up the judging panel.

「 There is no shortage of cultural heritage for us; what we lack is the humanistic care to vividly integrate culture into our lives. 」

SHAN Jixiang

Director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum

Director of the Experts Committee of China Society of Cultural Heritage

Senior Architect and Registered Urban Planner. Graduated from Urban Planning and Design Department, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, with Doctor of Engineering degree. Previously served as Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Secretary of the Beijing Fangshan District Committee, Director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, President of the Palace Museum. He is a member of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is currently the Director of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Cultural Heritage and the Director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum.

「 Urban regeneration requires a design thinking and cultural strategy aimed at problem solving. 」

WU Xuefu

Cultural Industry Scholar, Design Critic, Curator 

Professor of Communication University of China

Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Design Program, Ministry of Education

For more than twenty years, he has been deeply engaged in the field of art and design education, and has long been committed to the research of national visual image, the promotion of social innovation design and the cultivation of creative talents. He has served as a judge for many influential art projects and design awards, and as an expert advisor to cultural organizations such as Beijing International Design Week.

「 Light, shadow, sound, architecture, and color are all aesthetic indicators of a city, but the most important aesthetic indicator is activities. 」

MA Jiahui


Cultural Scholar

Famous writer, media personality, international movie award judge, host, cultural critic and scholar. He is one of the “Fifty Charismatic Chinese People of the Year” by Southern People Weekly. Former deputy editor-in-chief of Ming Pao. He is the author of “Dragon Head and Phoenix Tail” and “Mandarin Duck 674”, etc. “Dragon Head and Phoenix Tail” has won nearly twenty awards from China Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, and has been translated and published in many languages.

「Old town regeneration is complex and interesting; it is working in continuity and solving problems. 」

Olivier Greder

French architect and urban designer

Initiating Founder of Olivier Greder Architecture

Distinguished Professor and Head of the Urban Design Department, School of Architecture, China Academy of Art


His field of teaching, research and practice is that of the question of urban life and urbanity. He defends people-oriented architecture and urban design. He advocates the restoration of conditions of symbiosis between nature, countryside and modern society. He has won several awards for urban design and architectural design in China and Europe.

「 Doumen Ancient Town is mixed with traces of different eras, which is a treasure left to us by time. 」

Gu Yongjiang

Designer, Creator, Cross-border Artist

Designer of China's Moon Exploration Project Logo

Cross-disciplinary creators and artists. As a creative director, he has worked for many international brands and won many international advertising creative awards; as a designer, he has created new cultural symbols such as China's Moon Exploration, as well as “Above the Moon” and “Dragon Flying” for CCTV's Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Rabbit/Dragon; and this year, he has crossed the border of urban and rural renewal, leading the renovation design of Sixteen Tourist Terminal and launching the Anchang Ancient Town Light and Shadow Art Season, etc., to explore new possibilities of arts and culture intervention.


More renowned judges will be revealed soon, please stay tuned!


竞赛日程  Schedule


2024年10月14日 - 2024年11月9日



2024年11月8日 下午17:00


2024年11月中旬 - 2024年12月7日



Phase I

2024/10/14 - 2024/11/9

Official Announcement/Registration Open/Submission of application materials/Open Registration and Proposal Shortlisting  

Registration Deadline:

2024/11/8 17:00 p.m

Phase II

Mid of November -  2024/12/7

Site Visit and On-site Q&A/Deliverables Submission/Final Review Meeting

*The information above is GMT+8.


提交要求  Submission Request



资格预审申请文件由报名文件(电子)和概念提案(电子)两部分组成  (主要内容均需提供中英双语),报名文件需要独立成册,要求如下:




[email protected]


[email protected]




Phase I

Participants registering for this competition are required to submit pre-qualification application documents in the first stage. If a participant has signed up for more than one competition category, it must complete and submit the pre-qualification application documents for each category in which it has signed up.

The pre-qualification application material consists of two parts: application document (digital) and conceptual proposal (digital) (with the main contents in both Chinese and English), and the application document needs to be in a separate volume. The requirements are as follows:

1. Application Document:A4 size, vertical layout A4 (with the main contents in both Chinese and English);

2. Conceptual Proposal: A3  size, horizontal layout (with the main contents in both Chinese and English), within 20 pages;

Electronic file send to the following email address:

[email protected]

and cc to: 

[email protected]

Phase II

The materials to be submitted in the second stage include the text of the competition results, the exhibition board of the results, the program demonstration file (the report file of the final review meeting), the design description, the drawings and diagrams, and the electronic files, etc., of which the text of the competition results, the exhibition board of the results, the design description, etc., need to be submitted to the designated address of the physical results.

*Please refer to the Rules Document and the Design Assignment for detailed requirements.


注册报名  Registration







Anyone interested in participating in this competition should go to the official competition website to view the details of the competition:


After registering for the event, you will be given an entry number and a link to download the materials (which will be open for download on October 14, 2024) The materials include: Rules Document, Design Assignment, and Entry Document.

Deadline for submission of application materials:

November 8, 2024, 17:00 PM GMT+8

*Please refer to the Rules Document and the Design Assignment for detailed requirements.


组织机构  Organization













Shaoxing Binhai New Area Administrative Committee


Shaoxing Binhai New Area Social Work Bureau; 

Shaoxing Binhai New Area Doumen Street Office

Executive Unit

Shaoxing Doumen Town Collective Asset Management Company



Consulting Unit



联系方式  Contact


[email protected]


15921527407  赵女士 



[email protected]


15921527407  Mrs.Zhao

(Mon - Fri,10:00-18:00)


Competition Q&A micro-signal


The documents issued by the organizer shall be in Chinese

Doors Open



