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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-17 11:50






NHL Won't Participate in 2018 Olympics

The National Hockey League (NHL) has announced that its players will not be participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics Games in South Korea. In the past, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had paid for the NHL players' travel, accommodation, and insurance costs, but has decided not to cover these costs anymore. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said that the break for the Olympics is disruptive and sometimes causes player injuries. The compressed schedule in Olympic years also causes fatigue in players and can affect the outcome of the playoffs. Though the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) had stepped up to cover the NHL's Olympic costs, the league declined and said negotiations are no longer on the table. Many of the players disagreed with the owners' decision.



1.participate in 参加,分享
例句:Those numbers tell you something about aggregate activities, but why do individuals participate in this in the first place?

2.step up to 走近,接近
例句:However, at the application architecture level, you have to step up to another level.