We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful and constructive comments and advice, and we have carefully addressed these concerns and made a proper revision of the manuscript. These comments and suggestions have not only enabled us to provide a highly improved manuscript but also inspired us to conduct more in-depth studies on ... in future works.
开头首先——Thanks for the kind and insightful comments and suggestions. We tested the...(说你的工作);
或者We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestive andinsightfulcomments. We...;
还有 Thanks for the meaningful comments. This work...;
比如:We have added corresponding discussions (paragraph 2,page5; paragraph 1, page 6), figure (Figure R1 as Figure S2), and table (Table R1 as Table S1).
We appreciate the reviewer for carefully reading our manuscript and makingtheir insightful, critical, and constructive feedbacks. We appreciate that their comments have enabled us to prepare a greatly improved manuscript.(夸他)
However, we respectfully disagree with the assessment of this reviewer regarding ourinnovativeness,analysis, and conclusions that the (自己的东西) is a common and unconvincing architecture.
(反对他)We apologize for the previous poor formatting and some disputed descriptions of our manuscript, which may have made some of this evidence unclear.
(对自己文章不足进行道歉)For this reason, we have revised the statements in our introduction and discussion to better highlight the novelty and advancement of our work.
We would like to thank the reviewers for their insightful and constructive feedback. We feel that the referees’ input has enabled us to produce a greatly improved manuscript, whose novelty and impact are now more readily apparent in the introduction and discussion. Based on the reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive alterations to the structure, format, presentation, and analysis of our findings. (先说明审稿人的优秀)。
The reviewer specifically raised some concerns regarding the novelty and significance of our work. In response,we have reformatted the introduction to more clearlyaddress a broader swath of the novelty of our work within the appropriate context in both the introduction and discussion sections. In addition, the reviewers also expressed concern about several technical issues. In response, we have addressed all of the reviewer’s technical concerns with a substantial amount of new data, supported by additional detailed explanations (the majority of the figures in both the text and supporting information have been revised as requested).(说明审稿人的担忧,我们均已解决) Moreover, we have described the overwhelming evidence that... We believe the general public and electronics community would be overwhelmingly fascinated by...