专栏名称: 魔都晨曦来临
Shanghai Morning Herald by Boarhead Club
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魔都晨曦来临  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-25 04:52


Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 25 May 2021

1. 社会科学研究网: 两组随机对照试验为最大程度提升疫苗接种率提供行为科学方面的洞见。结果表明,基于文本的鼓励能在边际成本近乎为零的前提下,大幅提升新冠疫苗接种率,并加速接种,由此突出了行为科学在疫情应对中的重要作用。 ( 4 月 5 日)

[关键信息] 鼓励性的文本能大幅提升新冠疫苗接种率,并加速接种。

Social Science Research Network : Two randomized controlled trials were presented to tackle the challenge of maximizing vaccine uptake with behavioral science insights. Findings suggest that text-based nudges can substantially increase and accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations at almost zero marginal cost, highlighting the significant role of behavioral science in pandemic response. <5 April>

[key info] Encouraging texts can substantially increase and accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations.


2. 《科学》: 新冠病毒 RNA 形成一个假结结构,该结构停留在核糖体 mRNA 通道入口处,在 mRNA 中产生张力并促进移码发生,而新生的病毒多蛋白与核糖体通道之间形成明显的相互作用。研究人员比较了多种化合物减少移码以抑制新冠病毒复制的能力,并将冠状病毒移码确定为抗病毒干预措施的切入点。 ( 5 月 13 日)

[关键信息] 冠状病毒移码或可作为抗病毒干预措施的切入点。

Science : The SARS-CoV-2 RNA adopts a pseudoknot structure that lodges at the entry to the ribosomal mRNA channel to generate tension in the mRNA and promote frameshifting, whereas the nascent viral polyprotein forms distinct interactions with the ribosomal tunnel. Researchers compare compounds to reduce frameshifting with respect to their ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, establishing coronavirus frameshifting as a target for antiviral intervention. <13 May>

[key info] Coronavirus frameshifting may serve as a target for antiviral intervention.


3. 《柳叶刀》: 11558 名新冠患者被分配到康复者血浆组或常规治疗组。两组 28 天死亡率无显著差异:康复者血浆组的 5795 名患者中 1399 人( 24% )在 28 天内死亡,常规治疗组的 5763 名患者中 1408 人( 24% )在 28 天内死亡。 ( 5 月 14 日)

[关键信息] 康复者血浆无法提高患者存活率。

Lancet : 11,558 COVID-19 patients were assigned to either the convalescent plasma group or the usual care group. There was no significant difference in 28-day mortality between the two groups: 1,399 (24%) of 5,795 patients in the convalescent plasma group and 1,408 (24%) of 5,763 patients in the usual care group died within 28 days. <14 May>

[key info] Convalescent plasma did not improve the survival rate of patients.


4. 病毒学论坛: 因含大量突变,最初在巴西发现的 P.1 变异株被认为传染性更强。一种 P.1 始祖病毒携带一半 P.1 谱系特性的突变,包括位于 S 蛋白受体结合结构域的突变,在 P.1 及其相关谱系出现前就已隐秘传播数月。尽管 P.1 始祖病毒和同期 P.1 相关谱系均显示出 S 蛋白的关键突变,但它们的传播性均不及 P.1 。这表明,P.1 的大肆传播可能由病毒突变以外的因素所致,最有可能与人类行为有关。 ( 5 月 16 日)

[关键信息] P.1 的大肆传播或由人类行为所致。

Virological: The P.1 variant first identified in Brazil was thought to be more infectious due to its large number of mutations. A P.1-ancestor carrying half of the P.1-lineage-defining mutations, including those at the RBD of the S protein, circulates cryptically for several months before the emergence of P.1 and P.1-related lineages. Although the P.1-ancestor and the contemporaneous P.1-related lineages displayed the key mutations in the S protein, none of them was so efficiently spread as P.1. This suggests that factors other than viral mutations, most likely related to human behavior, might have played a role in the remarkable dissemination of P.1. <16 May>

[key info] Human behavior might have led to the remarkable dissemination of P.1.


5. 《自然》: 研究人员将新冠病毒与辉瑞—拜恩泰科或莫德纳疫苗接种者的含大量抗体的血清混合。数据显示,接种疫苗产生的抗体抵御 B.1.617.1 变异株的有效性是中和疫情初期流行毒株的有效性的七分之一,但这些抗体在某种程度上仍能中和 B.1.617.1 变异株。 ( 5 月 17 日)

[关键信息] 接种疫苗产生的抗体抵御 B.1.617.1 变异株的有效性是中和疫情初期流行毒株的有效性的七分之一。

Nature : Researchers combined SARS-CoV-2 with antibody-laden blood serum from people who had received either the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or that made by Moderna. Data show that antibodies generated by vaccination are seven times less effective at blocking B.1.617.1 than neutralizing the coronavirus strain that circulated early in the pandemic. But these antibodies were able to neutralize B.1.617.1 to some extent. <17 May>

[key info] Antibodies generated by vaccination are seven times less effective at blocking B.1.617.1 than neutralizing the coronavirus strain that circulated early in the pandemic.


6. 欧洲药品管理局: 人类药物委员会建议更改辉瑞—拜恩泰科新冠疫苗的获批储存条件,将 2 到 8 摄氏度下未开封解冻瓶装疫苗(比如从深冻条件下取出后置于普通冰箱中)的获批储存时长由 5 天延长至 1 个月。 ( 5 月 17 日)

[关键信息] 未开封辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗或可在冰箱中存放一个月。

European Medicines Agency: The human medicines committee has recommended a change to the approved storage conditions of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This change extends the approved storage period of the unopened thawed vial at 2–8°C (i.e. in a normal fridge after taking out of deep-freeze conditions) from five days to one month. <17 May>

[key info] The unopened Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine may be stored at fridge temperature for a month.

