全文截稿: 2021-03-31
影响因子: 7.053
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 2区
• 小类 : 应用化学 - 1区
• 小类 : 食品科技 - 1区
Polysaccharides and proteins have been used for controlling the texture, gelling, thickening, stabilising, dispersing a wide range of foods. Since they are all biodegradable and environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and beneficial for health, their production and consumption are increasing. Foods consist of multi-ingredients and in non-equilibrium state, and in addition they must be palatable, thus science and technology required for the development of food hydrocolloids are based on physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, psychology and related sciences. Colloid science has been useful to develop many daily needs and can be versatile and applicable not only to foods but also pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other biomedical products. In the advent of aged society, the need to take care of elderly, not only to extend their life expectancy but to maintain healthy life; hydrocolloids have been playing important roles to make safe, palatable foods for disadvantaged persons. On the other hand, from the global point of view, plant-based diet is thought to be a solution for sustainable development, and thus the science and technology of food hydrocolloids are also expected to contribute to this aspect. The Pacific Rim Conference took place online, where experts exchanged on these topics: future trends, texture and sensory, dysphagia, fundamentals and applications of gels, diffusion and release, emulsion stabilization and the development of cereal products.
You are encouraged to submit your manuscript to your Journal of choice:Food HydrocolloidsorFood Hydrocolloids for Health. All papers will be published online and appear together on ScienceDirect under the same Special Issue:Fundamental and Applications of Food Hydrocolloids. Please consult each journal Homepage to select the most suitable Journal for the topic of your manuscript.
We suggest papers focusing on health, delivery systems, dysphagia, digestion and absorption forFood Hydrocolloids for Health. This Journal is Open Access, which means your paper will be available immediately for everyone to read freely, increasing its visibility.Authors can currently submit their Open Access paper for free, as the Article Publishing Charge is waived until September 2021.