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双语视频丨龙泉青瓷 不灭窑火

求是网  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-09-22 14:00


龙泉青瓷 不灭窑火

The Eternal Kiln Flame of Longquan Celadon


Located in southwestern Zhejiang Province, Longquan City is known for its manufacture of celadon. For over 1,600 years, the kilns of Longquan fired on, fueling an extensive and sophisticated industry. This kiln system represents the pinnacle of porcelain-making technology in China, playing a significant role in the history of Chinese ceramics. In 2009, UNESCO inscribed the traditional firing technology used in making Longquan celadon on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Watch the video to learn how China has protected and passed on this time-honored craft.

