标题:Targetless Multiple Camera-LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration using Object Pose Estimation
作者:Byung-Hyun Yoon, Hyeon-Woo Jeong, and Kang-Sun Choi
来源:2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
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图1 所提出的多相机LiDAR外参标定方法的概述。
图2 所提出的对象实例分割方法结果的一个例子。(a)输入图像。(b)语义分割。(c)基于谱聚类的分割。(d)语义集群合并。
图3 轮廓修正用于准确的外观模型估计。(A)轮廓投影的未对准轮廓定义了错误的前景和背景区域。(B)与网格模型相关联的对象分割的轮廓。
图4 改进M到S一致性的网格修剪。(a)第一次迭代。(b)第三次迭代。
图5 合成数据生成配置。用激光雷达和三台摄像机拍摄了一个装有办公家具的房间。LiDAR传感器是固定的,摄像机沿着仰角和方位角方向移动,与场景中心的距离相同,以分别生成用于实验的数据集1和2。
图7 针对合成数据集1和2的各种配置,所提出方法的外参标定结果。(a)通过改变激光雷达的感测噪声获得的结果。(b)通过改变对象数量获得的结果。第一列和第二列分别表示数据集1的旋转误差和平移误差,而第三列和第四列表示数据集2的旋转误差。
图8 通过在图像上投影LiDAR点云,对多模态传感器外部校准方法进行主观比较。第一行:使用纸板角的基于目标的方法[5]。第二行:使用框[6]的基于目标的方法。第三行:无目标方法使用线特征[12]。第四行:本文提出的方法。
图9 通过使用部分重建的3D模型和物体的颜色外观模型迭代估计物体位姿来优化初始标定。
We propose a targetless method for calibrating the extrinsic parameters among multiple cameras and a LiDAR sensor using object pose estimation. Contrast to previous target-less methods requiring certain geometric features, the proposed method exploits any objects of unspecified shapes in the scene to estimate the calibration parameters in single-scan configuration. Semantic objects in the scene are initially segmented from each modal measurement. Using multiple images, a 3D point cloud is reconstructed up-to-scale. By registering the up-to-scale point cloud to the LiDAR point cloud, we achieve an initial calibration and find correspondences between point cloud segments and image object segments. For each point cloud segment, a 3D mesh model is reconstructed. Based on the correspondence information, the color appearance model for the mesh can be elaborately generated with corresponding object instance segment within the images. Starting from the initial calibration, the calibration is gradually refined by using an object pose estimation technique with the appearance models associated with the 3D mesh models. The experimental results confirmed that the proposed framework achieves multimodal calibrations successfully in a single shot. The proposed method can be effectively applied for extrinsic calibration for plenoptic imaging systems of dozens of cameras in single-scan configuration without specific targets.