研究人员Bennett Novitch博士表示,这项研究揭示了运动神经元形成过程的精确程序。在胚胎发育过程中,神经系统的每一部分都在精确的时间和位置中形成,这为解释胚胎如何产生成熟脊髓中的各种细胞,以及运动神经元为何比其他神经元更快形成提供了新的资料。
Olig2 and Hes regulatory dynamics during motor neuron differentiation revealed by single cell transcriptomics.
During tissue development, multipotent progenitors differentiate into specific cell types in characteristic spatial and temporal patterns. We addressed the mechanism linking progenitor identity and differentiation rate in the neural tube, where motor neuron (MN) progenitors differentiate more rapidly than other progenitors. Using single cell transcriptomics, we defined the transcriptional changes associated with the transition of neural progenitors into MNs. Reconstruction of gene expression dynamics from these data indicate a pivotal role for the MN determinant Olig2 just prior to MN differentiation. Olig2 represses expression of the Notch signaling pathway effectors Hes1 and Hes5. Olig2 repression of Hes5 appears to be direct, via a conserved regulatory element within the Hes5 locus that restricts expression from MN progenitors. These findings reveal a tight coupling between the regulatory networks that control patterning and neuronal differentiation and demonstrate how Olig2 acts as the developmental pacemaker coordinating the spatial and temporal pattern of MN generation.