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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-14 22:33


1 CHEN BINQI grows and sells abalone,a delicious kind of mollusc, in Dongshan, a seaside resort in the southern province of Fujian. He says that from 2010 to 2012 the price never dropped below 50 yuan ($7.7) for 500 grams on tomb-sweeping day, a public holiday and one of the busiest days for tourists. In 2013 it fell to 40 yuan, which meant most breeders were selling below cost. “Now it’s down to 30-something, which is unbearable.”

鲍鱼是一种美味的软体动物。陈斌奇(音译)是南部省份福建海边胜地东山一家养殖厂的老板,负责鲍鱼的养殖和出售。他说, 2010 年到 2012 年间鲍鱼在清明节的价格每斤从未低过 50 元( 7.7 美元),而清明节作为公众假期是旅游业最繁忙的时节之一。但到了 2013 年,鲍鱼的价格下降到了 40 元每斤,很多养殖户都以低于成本的价格销售。“现在价格只有三十多块,这个价格低得不能忍。”

2 In the neighbouring province of Guangdong, Lin Gongxi has been carving jade for 50 years in Jieyang, China’s jade capital. When business was good, he told Southern Metropolis Daily, he used to go to bed at 2am and get up at 6am. Now he often has no work for eight days out of ten. Half the shops at Jieyang’s jade-trading centre are empty. Rents have fallen by three-quarters.

在邻省广东素有“中国翡翠之都”之称的揭阳市,林恭喜(音译)已经从事翡翠雕刻工作长达 50 年。他告诉南方都市报记者,当行业景气时,他每天深夜两点睡觉,早上六点就要起床。而现在,十天中的八天他都没有工作可做。揭阳翡翠交易中心近半数的商铺都已经人去楼空,而店铺的租金已经下降了四分之三。

3 In Beijing’s Panjiayuan market, Wang Lin sells copies of Ming and Qing dynasty carved furniture. Same story.Business people used to order ten-piece suites of office furniture; he sold them as fast as his carpenters could make them, sometimes faster (there was awaiting list). Now, prices have halved and he “can shift maybe a couple of chairs out of ten”.


4 China is the world’s biggest market for luxury goods, accounting (by some measures) for half of all luxury spending.The slowdown in the growth of China’s economy and household incomes is usually seen as bad for rich-country purveyors of luxuries such as perfumes, golfclubs, art and the like. Which it is: LVMH, a producer of champagne and handbags, recently closed three shops in China, while Christie’s annual auction of Asian 20th-century and contemporary art in Hong Kong earned only HK$508m ($66m) in November, down from HK$935m in 2013.

中国作为全球最大奢侈品的市场,据某些数据报道显示,占了全球奢侈品销售总额的一半。中国经济增长的放缓和家庭收入增长的停滞对于富裕国家的奢侈品厂商来说通常都不是一件好事,其中就包括香水制造商、高尔夫俱乐部、艺术等等类似的产业。举几个例子:路易威登是生产香槟和手提包的奢侈品厂商,而最近路易威登关了三家中国境内的门店。克里斯蒂拍卖行 11 月在香港拍卖 20 世纪亚洲以及当代艺术品的收入仅为 5.08 亿港元( 6,600 万美元),而在 2013 年该数字为 9.35亿

5 But the woes of Western vanitymongers are trifling compared with those of their Chinese counterparts. Prices of jade and Tibetan mastiffs, for example, have dropped by half or more. Hundreds of businesses have gone bust. This owes as much to politics as economics.


6 Take Tibetan mastiffs, a breed of enormous sheep-guarding dog (one is pictured above, on sale). These were the must-have status symbol for China’s new billionaires in the late 2000s. Three years ago ordinary Tibetan mastiffs could fetch around $20,000. Now they sell for a tenth of that. Earlier this year an animal-welfare group rescued 20 abandoned mastiffs from the back of a lorry, which was taking them to a slaughter house to be sold for leather and meat—for a mere $5 each.

藏獒是一种体型庞大的牧羊犬(如上图所示,该藏獒被低价出售)。在新世纪前十年的后半段,藏獒对于中国新晋的亿万富豪们来说是必须拥有的身份象征。 3 年前,一只普通的藏獒价格能够高达 20000 美元。而现在价格仅为当时的十分之一。今年早些时候,一个动物关爱组织在通往屠宰场的路上从货车车厢中救下了 20 只被遗弃的藏獒,原本等待他们的是被宰杀后分解为毛皮和狗肉出售,而售价仅为每只 5 美元。

7 Tibetan mastiffs were a fad for plutocrats, usually bought as status-enhancing guard dogs. But demand for most other Chinese luxuries depends on a culture of gift-giving. Every transaction must bemarked by a present: jade, tea, a meal. One billionaire, Hong Weihua,even paid for a delegation of officials from his hometown to visit America (quite legally).


8 Since 2013 the anti-corruption campaign of Xi , China’s president, has made conspicuous consumption politicallysuspect and reined in the practice of lavishing gifts on officials.Tea used tobe a favourite present, especially Pu’er, a fermented and age dvariety from thesouth-western province of Yunnan. The price of top-of-the-line Golden tea fromthe Tae tea company, the world’s largest Pu’er maker, fell from 917 yuan per 357 grams in March 2014 to 512 yuan, before rallying a bit . The president of the Yunnan Tea Association told the Kunming Daily that,after a boom and bust, the teabusiness was entering “a new normal” (a termpopularised by Mr Xi, who uses it to describe slower growth of the economy as a whole). This means lower prices and more modest sales.

2013 年,国家主席的反腐运动让大手脚的消费成为政治上的黑点,也禁止了官员之间送大礼的行为。茶叶曾经是最受人喜爱的礼物,特别是西南省份云南产出醇厚的普洱。全球最大的普洱厂商塔尔茶叶公司生产的顶级金叶价格从 2014 3 月的每克 917 元下降到 512 。云南茶业协会主席告诉昆明日报记者,在经历快速发展和逐渐衰落后,茶业正在进入“一个行业新常态”(这个术语因习近平而广为人知,他用词来形容经济增长总体放慢)。这意味行业更低的价格和更少的销售量。

9 The abalone business shows that it is Mr Xi’s rule against “extravagant eating and drinking”, rather than a lack of cash,that lies behind the luxury squeeze. Mr Chen, the seafood-dealer in Fujian, says abalone is not especially pricey, but because it is seen as a luxury “sales tooka big hit”. Of the breeders he knows, 40% quit during 2013 and 2014.

鲍鱼养殖的遭遇很好地说明了奢侈品产业的衰落背后不是现金的缺少,而是习近平反贪行动中对于“挥霍吃喝”的管制。福建海鲜商贩陈先生表示,鲍鱼的价格其实不是特别地昂贵,但因为人们都认为鲍鱼是奢侈品,因此鲍鱼的销售额遭受冲击。陈先生表示他知道的同行中有 40% 2013 年和 2014 年推出了鲍鱼养殖。

10 At the top end of the mastiff business,itis not so bleak. In 2011 a coal baron is said to have paid 10m yuan ($1.5m) for Big Splash, a Tibetan mastiff puppy. In 2014 a property developer paid 12m yuan for a dog, making it the world’s most expensive canine. Han Lianming, a mastiff breeder near Beijing, says the market for such finest-quality dogs still looksgood. “Someone offered me 20m yuan for that one. It was crazy,” he says contentedly, pointing to a vast ball of russet fur and teeth that is lumbering around the courtyard (the deal did not come off). A select few millionaires appear immune to the anti-corruption campaign and unfazed by dog-breeders’ efforts during the boom years to boost supply by crossbreeding.This diminished the rarity-value of mastiffs, but it also produced some highly sought-after specimens.
