专栏名称: 计量经济圈
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计量经济圈  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-08-22 00:15




  1. 计量画图示例大作,中国经济区域发展,倾情推荐

  2. 数据可视化的应用示例,在研报和论文里地位很高,中国固资投资分析

  3. 计量经济软件'全'推荐,囊括全世界主要的应用软件,包括综合性和专门性的





Heckman Study: High-Quality Early Childhood Education Provides Salient Benefits to Low-Income Children and Mothers

Recent results from a long-term study led by Nobel laureate James J. Heckman demonstrate that high-quality early childhood education programs provide salient, durable benefits to both disadvantaged mothers and their children .  Together with Jorge Luis García (University of Chicago), Duncan Ermini Leaf (USC), and María José Prados (USC), Heckman's team followed children from birth to age 35 in two experimental programs, the Carolina Abecedarian Project and the Carolina Approach to Responsive Education . Both programs provided free full-time care to low-income children, most of whom were black and lived with a single mother, while children in the control group stayed at home or were placed in lower-quality childcare programs .

By the time the boys in the experimental programs reached age 30, their annual earnings averaged $19,800 more than those in the control group, and they had completed an additional half year of education. Girls in the experimental programs earned on average $2,500 more anually by age 30, and had two additional years of education. These results extended well beyond economic benefits: by their mid-30s, men in the experimental group were 33 percent less likely to be drug users. They also had fewer misdemeanor arrests, and were less likely to have high blood pressure. Persistent benefits extended across generations to the children's mothers, who reported higher earnings during the years their children were in the experimental programs, and even two decades later.

The experimental high-quality ECE programs cost an average of $18,514 per year per student. However, the researchers determined that the programs returned an impressive $7.30 for every dollar spent in societal benefits, including lower unemployment and crime rates, and improved health outcomes.

Abstract: This paper estimates the large array of long-run benefits of an influential early childhood program targeted to disadvantaged children and their families. It is evaluated by random assignment and follows participants through their mid-30s. The program is a prototype for numerous interventions currently in place around the world. It has substantial beneficial impacts on (a) health and the quality of life, (b) the labor incomes of participants, (c) crime, (d) education, and (e) the labor income of the mothers of the participants through subsidizing their childcare.
