这是一篇关于Isern Serra Studio设计工作室项目的介绍。该设计旨在打造一个宁静、和谐且威严的空间,以微妙和简约为主,反映了物质性的概念并融合了数字超现实主义风格。这个项目包括将现有建筑改造成工作室和工作空间,包括展览空间、咖啡馆、仓库等区域。设计旨在展现一个多学科的空间,既用于分享和展示,又吸引创造力的汇聚。
关键观点1: 项目背景和设计理念
关键观点2: 项目的具体内容和改造
关键观点3: 空间的功能布局和特点
关键观点4: 项目的位置和特色
Isern Serra Studio
A serene, harmonious and majestic space, where subtlety and simplicity prevail.
该项目的正式概念源于物质本身的概念,同时也是物理和有形世界的一部分。同时也与Six N. Five的数字超现实主义作品有关。在单色和大地色调的环境中,手工印刷连接了两个世界。一个多学科的空间,旨在分享,实现,但最重要的是,吸引创造力。
The formal concept of the project is born from the idea of materiality itself, that while being part of the physical and tangible world. At the same time is related to the digital and surrealistic work of Six N. Five.With a monochromatic and earth-toned environment, the printing of craftsmanship connects both worlds. A multidisciplinary space designed to share, achieve, but, above all, entice creativity.
该项目包括将一层建筑改造成Ezequiel Pini和他的创意工作室Six N. Five的工作空间。
The project consists of a transformation of a ground floor establishment into a workspace for Ezequiel Pini and his creative studio Six N. Five.
A multifunctional studio, aimed at offering an office space and a showroom for exhibits. Adding an area for talks and presentations, an at home workshop for producing prototypes, a leisure and virtual reality area, and a specialty coffee cafe. In short, a small multidisciplinary space, open to the city with large cultural proposals.
The space is located in Barcelona, in the neighborhood of Poblenou. A "L" shaped space, with direct street access and a large back terrace.