专栏名称: 北斗之光
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北斗之光  · 简书  · 架构  · 2018-02-06 09:39



so searching for truths and searching for a certain starting point,the first made six meditations for six days, in the first meditation the first meditations is exposing the doubt of everything.

in the second meditation , Descartes is discovering this starting point absolutely sure, i think therefore i am , that clear, the third meditation is proving something else , the existence, what about the existence.

when i don't think, that i exist. what i discovered is that i'm sure to exist, when i am thinking or reflecting on it, but what if i don't think about my existence, i have to prove  that these existence continues when i'm not thinking on it, therefore i don't tell you the details , descartes has to prove it, has to discover the cause of my existence, what makes me exist and according to him.

it's god , first truth of the existence of god , a problem remains, the problem is even if i discovered this connection between because a truth,  the fact is i am mistaken many times, so  i have to explain errors , that's very important, why am i mistaken if there is such a connection, because between my thought and the truth , where am i mistaken.

so forth meditation is about error,  and after all these we may reconquet all the ids, but we adopted everything , but we need to the ids of external bodies and so on , so in the fifth meditation, we come back to the problem of the truth, and we prove that the mathematical ids and the principle of physics are true.

we come back to mathematics and physics, the meditations experience the principles of descartes physics , and therefore i interested in your salary , therefore Descartes has to give a second proof of the existence of god, so you can prove the existence of god, the six meditations already, IT's probably the hardest, i am not only the soul that sinks , and knows external bodies mathematical troops and so on.

i'm not on the spirits, i am a whole man that is to say i have a body , and my soul is deeply linked to a  particular body , there is according to the descartes, some union between a mind and body , and this very difficult topic is exposed in the sixth and last meditation of descartes.

union of a soul with the body, i repeat so you have a scenery of descartes meditations , and i repeat please do take this serious, this is the most important book in the history of early modern philosophy in the west, from early modern western philosophy , today and in my inquiry, i will only one day with the first medication, concerning is adopt,

and you will see that was my hypothesis that what Descartes discovered considering the hypothesis  of astronomers, these of a great use about their fictions, is of a great use to understand his metaphysics , well let's come to this.

there is an objections and objection a games the Descartes, something important about this scenery , something very important  in the future, Descartes is presenting this as a story, his own story when we decided to search the truth.

remember this, those are not values topic exposed on a systematic way, this is presented as the story of a mind , do remember this it will be important, of course as you guess, the descartes meditations  and counted many critics, obviously many critics , and the most interesting authors also among those who criticized Descartes is a materialist philosophyer, of her his name, is Gassandi, guessing gassing these objections are very clever, and very strong against the Descartes meditations guess sense.

they concern every point in the book, but the objections that interest me are about the first meditation, as i told you, Descartes begins by exploding the reasons, we have to doubt our ids,  but do consider that he will rediscover those ids at the end of the book, it will prove the existence of external bodies and so on, therefore in the first meditation, the superstitions exposed by the descartes , are false true, positions they're false the catholic church writing, what if external body did not exist what if the mathematical ids were false etc.

that's those are false superstitions , and the objection raised by jason  in this regard conscience, the very possibility of the beliefs  in the thirsty of all opinions, how is it possible to believe that all opinions of films, how is it too well, i will tell it  on an easy way, how is it possible to take in serious, how is it possible to take it serious, how is it possible to believe that all our opinions are false, that is Gassandi's objection, including opinions that accept the existence of an external world considered that in this meditation ,  Descartes has to consider the external world, does not exist , and the issue of humans have to guess and Gassandirefuse is a dream argument.

he cannot accept the dream of humans , in so far are these arguments would be seriously assumed by the descartes, you see the absorption of gas and do you understand this, how do  you see what is the objection, i guess and  the descartes, how do you seriously believe that's the external world, has no more existence, then the creatures and the of the objects we dream, how can you seriously believe  . what interests me is the answer of the Descartes, absence, for it he is adopting a particular view on his argument.

in his response to Gassandi,  he's taking a purely theoretical view of the arguments, which in the  first meditation, just remember what i told you a few minutes ago, this is a story, the story of a mind but in huge risk owns take to proceed the same way , that does not perceive, the same way he's presenting the arguments and the dream of unit on a purely epistemic or a theoretical point of view.

this will be very important remember , and what is his answer, were a true philosopher, shold recognize but the reasons to adopt false supposition, another goes to the fictions of the astronomers and again, we find a reference to the fictions, what is answering Descartes , my arguments are face superstitions just like the fictions of the astronomers.

this is the way of Descartes answers to Gassandi, which is of course very important a few days, the philosophyer was not an easy guy frankly, was not an easy guy, so this is the way speaks to guess and you're not a true philosopher , who is not polite, a philosopher would be no more surprised at such supposition, then it would be  in order to straighten out.

a curved stick , we bent it round in the opposite direction, geometrical example , become and that's the point that interests me, that is important to me, he knows that we often take things  for true, in order to get closer to the truth, as when astronomers imagine the equator the zodiac and other circles in the sky, that is remarkable , in order to produce the hypothesis , astronomers has to figure in the sky various lines and more precisely value seconds the quarter and so on .

which of course don't exists and use since proposition of fictions are necessary to come to the truth, that is to say in astronomy, to give a prediction on the movement about the movement of the celestial bodies, so descartes is asking Gassandi to consider his reasons for adopt as face superstitions analogous to roles of astronomers to the fictions of astronomers, this is remarkable , what he means, of course is that these things and so on, are false only in so far.
