○論文 (Articles)
神塚淑子 (KAMITSUKA Yoshiko):『坐忘論』成立前史――六朝隋唐道教における心斎坐忘とその周辺 (The prehistory of the compositionof the Tso-wang lun: “Fasting of the mind,” “sitting in oblivion,” and related matters in the Taoism of the Six Dynasties, Sui, and T‘ang periods)
三浦雄城 (MIURA Yūki): 前漢宣帝に見る新旧符瑞観の相克――皇帝と儒教の関係をめぐって (Conflict between old and new views of auspicious phenomena during Hsüan-ti’s reign in the Former Han: The relation- ship between the emperor and Confucians)
磯部淳史 (ISOBE Atsushi): 太宗朝・順治朝における鑲紅旗と旗王系グサ=エジェン (The Bordered Red Banner and banner prince gūsai ejen during the reigns of T‘ai-tsung and Shun-chih)
○内外東方学界消息 (Notes on Eastern Studies at home and abroad)
上原究一 (UEHARA Kyūichi): 平成29年度東京古典会古典籍展観大入札会出品の章回小説稀覯本三種について (Three rare chapter novels offered for sale at the 2017 auction of the Tokyo Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association)
平田茂樹 (HIRATA Shigeki): 海外の宋代研究の現状 (The current atate of overseas research on Sung history)
鶴間和幸 (TSURUMA Kazuyuki): 中国古代美術の海外流出調査記 (その2) (An account of investigations into the overseas exodus of ancient Chinese artworks (Part 2))
○座談会「先学を語る」――清水茂先生 (The late Prof. SHIMIZU Shigeru (1925-2008): Reminiscences on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese language and literature)
〔出席〕小松 謙 (KOMATSU Ken)、蔡 毅 (T‘SAI I)、高津 孝 (TAKATSU Takashi)、平田昌司
(HIRATA Shōji)、矢淵孝良 (YABUCHI Takayoshi)、黄 耀堃 (HUANG Yao-k‘un)
○李学勤先生追悼 (In momoriam Prof. LI Hsüeh-ch‘in): 飯島武次 (IIJIMA Taketsugu)
○ドナルド・キーン先生追悼 (In memoriam Prof. Dr. Donald KEENE): 藤原克己 (FUJIWARA Katsumi)
○編輯後記 (editorial note): 桃木至朗 (MOMOKI Shirō)
第百三十七輯 平成31(2019)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
木田章義 (KIDA Akiyoshi): 日本の学問と訓読 (Japanese scholarship and kundoku)
白石将人 (SHIRAISHI Masato): 『江都集礼』と隋代の制礼 (The Chiang-tu chi-li and the regulation of rites during the Sui period)
久保田和男 (KUBOTA Kazuo): 「五代十国」と南郊儀礼――中原国家と南方列国における郊祀 (The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and rites performed in the southern suburbs of the capital: Suburban sacrifices in the states on the Central Plain and in the southern kingdoms)
千賀由佳 (SENGA Yuka): 羅懋登『三宝太監西洋記』中の仏典引用について (Quotations from Buddhist works in Lo Mao-teng’s San-pao t‘ai-chien his-yang chi)
○内外東方学界消息 (notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad)
鶴間和幸 (TSURUMA Kazuyuki): 中国古代美術の海外流出調査記 (An account of investigations into the overseas exodus of ancient Chinese artworks)
○座談会 「学問の思い出」――藤田宏達先生を囲んで (Prof. FUJITA Kōtatsu reminisces on his long life devoted to the study of Indian Buddhism)
〔出席〕藤田宏達 (FUJITA Kōtatsu)、今西順吉 (IMANISHI Junkichi)、藤井教公 (FUJII Kyōkō)、斎藤 明 (SAITŌ Akira)、下田正弘 (SHIMODA Masahiro)、細田典明 (HOSODA Noriaki)
○編輯後記 (editorial note): 佐川英治 (SAGAWA Eiji)
最新号(第百三十六輯) 平成30(2018)年7月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
大木 康 (ŌKI Yasushi):銭謙益と程嘉燧 (Ch‘ien Ch‘ien-i and Ch‘eng Chia-sui)
早川太基 (HAYAKAWA Taiki):琵琶曲「啄木」攷――宋代文人の聴いた音楽 (On the origin of the lute pices Cho-mu /Takuboku: A piece loved by poets of the Sung dynasty)
川島優子 (KAWASHIMA Yūko):容與堂刊『李卓吾先生批評忠義水滸伝』の評語に関する考察――「画」を中心として (A study of comments in the Jung-yü-t'ang edition of the Li Cho-wu hsien-shen-sheng p‘i p‘ing Chung-i Shui-hu chuan: With a focus on the comment "hua”)
佐高春音 (SATAKA Harune):毛宗崗本『三国志演義』の「視点」をめぐる改変 (Modifications concerning "point of view" in Mao Tsung-kang's edition of the San-kuo chih yen-i)
樊 可人 (FAN K‘o-jen):遠山荷塘の『嫦娥清韻』について――江戸後期の明清楽受容に関する一考察 (The Jōga sei'in by Tōyama Katō: An inquiry into the reception of minshingaku in the late Edo period)
○内外東方学界消息 (notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad)
松 浦 史 明 (MATSUURA Fumiaki):クメール刻文研究の新時代 (A new age in the study of Khmer inscriptions)
山部能宜 (YAMABE Nobuyoshi):第18回国際仏教学会大会報告 (A report on the 18th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies)
相田 満 (AIDA Mitsuru):和漢比較文学会海外特別例会について (On a Special Overseas Meeting of the Wakan Comparative Literature Association)
○座談会 「学問の思い出」――松丸道雄先生を囲んで (Prof. MATSUMARU Michio reminisces on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese archaeology)
〔出席〕松丸道雄 (MATSUMARU Michio)、平辣隆郎 (HIRASE Takao)、吉開将人 (YOSHIKAI Masato)、大西克也 (ŌNISHI Katsuy)、鈴木 敦 (SUZUKI Atsushi)
川合 安 (KAWAI Yasushi)、吉川忠夫 (YOSHIKAWA Tadao)
○編輯後記 (editorial note): 鶴間和幸 (TSURUMA Kazuyuki)
第百三十五輯 平成30(2018)年1月刊行
○論文 (Articles)
土田健次郎 (TSUCHIDA Kenjirō): 宋代湖南学の思想的位置 (The Philosophical position of the Hu-nan school during the Sung period)
山下洋平 (YAMASHITA Yōhei): 北魏文明太后崩御時における孝文帝の服喪儀礼 (Emperor Hsiao-wen’s mourning rites for Empress Dowager Wen-ming during the Northern Wei)
船山 徹 (FUNAYAMA Tōru): 梁の寶唱『比丘尼伝』の定型表現――選者問題解決のために (Fixed expression in the Biographies of the Nuns compiled by Pao-ch‘ang of the Liang: Toward a solution to the problem of its authorship)
廖 明飛 (LIAO Ming-fei): 韓元震『儀礼経伝通解補』について――李氏朝鮮における朱熹『儀礼継経通解』受容の一側面 (On Han Wonjin’s I-li ching-chuan t‘ung chieh pu: One aspect of the acceptance of Chu His’s I-li ching-chuan t‘ung chieh in the Joseon dynasty)
上出徳太郎 (KAMIDE Tokutarō): 新疆建省前後における協餉の変遷――甘粛新餉に注目して (Changes in subsidies around the time of the Hsin-chiang administrative reforms)
承 志 (CH‘ENG Chih): マンジュ語檔案資料に関する国際会議 (International Conference on Manchu Archival Materials)
○第36回平成29年度東方学会賞発表 (Announcement of the 36th Tōhō Gakkai Award (2017))
○平成29年度秋季学術大会講演・シンポジウム発表要旨 (Summaries of lectures and research reports delivered at the Tōhō Gakkai’s 2016 Autumun Meeting):
古勝隆一 (KOGACHI Ryūichi)、金 文京 (KIM Moonkyong)、大木 康 (ŌKI Yasushi)、上原究一 (UEHARA Kyūichi)、李 胤錫 (Yi Yoon-suk)、鈴木俊幸 (SUZUKI Toshiyuki)、藤本幸夫 (FUJIMOTO Yukio)、オラー・チャバ (OLAH Csaba)、辻 大和 (TSUJI Yamato)、久芳 崇 (KUBA Takashi)
○座談会「学問の思い出」――礪波護先生を囲んで (Prof. Dr. TONAMI Mamoru reminisces on his long life devoted to the study of Chinese history)
〔出席〕礪波 護 (TONAMI Mamoru)、井波陵一 (INAMI Ryōichi)、浅見直一郎 (ASAMI
Naoichirō)、中砂明徳 (NAKASUNA Akinori)、江川式部 (EGAWA Shikibu)、承 志
(CH‘ENG Chih)、今西智久 (IMANISHI Tomohisa)
○編輯後記 (editorial note): 宇佐美文理 (USAMI Bunri)