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环境科学与工程 | 高引SCI期刊专刊信息3条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2020-10-20 22:53



Environment International

Call for Papers on Special Issue: Microbial processing of organic matter and its environmental impacts

全文截稿: 2020-12-31
影响因子: 7.943
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 1区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 1区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environment-international

The prestigious journal Environment International (EI) (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.925, Impact factor: 7.577 (2019), ISSN: 0160-4120) is now announcing a special issue entitled "Microbial processing of organic matter and its environmental impacts".

Microbial processes affecting the fate and environmental consequences of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in aquatic environments are poorly known. Labile DOM is rapidly degraded and taken up by heterotrophic microorganisms (bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes); the simultaneous consumption of oxygen potentially causes hypoxia, thus affecting aquatic ecosystem’s sustainability. Respiration of overly produced labile DOM to CO2 can result in water acidification and release of excess CO2 (supersaturation) to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

This SI invites papers addressing microbial processes and mechanisms involved in the production and transformation of DOM at the molecular, ecological and biogeochemical levels. We particularly welcome topics aiming at the characterization, distribution, and dynamics of DOM in various aquatic environments using advanced technologies or unique approaches.


Environmental Research

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Virtual Special Issue “SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogenic microorganisms in the environment”

全文截稿: 2021-01-15
影响因子: 5.026
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
• 小类 : 公共卫生、环境卫生与职业卫生 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-research

SARS-CoV-2 has caused the COVID-19 pandemic, currently affecting many geographic areas over the world. This disease, as other caused by different pathogenic microorganisms, needs to be investigated not only in that related to finding a cure and medical treatments for sick people, but also on environmental aspects. In fact, person to person transmission is a main key, but shedding of SARS-CoV-2 virus (and/or other pathogenic microbes) through excreta, reaching wastewater, and then watercourses or other environmental compartments (soil, plants, surface and groundwater, …) is of increasing concern. This is especially important in regions where wastewater collection and treatment is not available and sanitation is limited. In addition, the effects of weather conditions, as well of air pollutants, are being investigated for this virus and other microbes causing epidemics, and airborne transmission can be considered crucial, now and in the future, as well as eventual waterborne transmission, also with relevance due to wastewater based epidemiology, and mostly taking into account that future mutations could make more feasible fecal-oral and/or other transmission routes.

In view of that, the editors of this Virtual Special Issue would encourage authors to submit high quality manuscripts presenting new research results, as well as new perspectives or reviews on the matter, focusing on environmental aspects related to microbes with epidemic potential, and especially on SARS-CoV-2.


Waste Management

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Waste and the Circular Economy: transition, policies and law

全文截稿: 2021-01-31
影响因子: 5.431
• 大类 : 环境科学与生态学 - 2区
• 小类 : 工程:环境 - 2区
• 小类 : 环境科学 - 2区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/waste-management

Achieving a Circular Economy (CE) is of increasing importance for businesses, citizens and consumers: innovators, policy-makers and regulators need to create a synergy linking environmental and economic performances. So, for example, the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (COM/2020/98), which is part of the European Green Deal strategy, describes the challenges and foreseen actions to foster reduction in waste generation and to enhance recycling. Several crucial steps can be anticipated, involving the public as well as the private sector and requiring the building up of a well rooted and interdisciplinary knowledge base, to inform both policy and technological development. Researchers can indeed play an important role in facing and tackling these challenges.
