桡动脉介入治疗(transradial intervention,TRI)具有术后不需限制活动、缩短住院时间、患者接受程度高等优点。由泰尔茂公司全力协办的“介入心声音”——第九届年度精彩TRI病例大赛于中国心脏大会(CHC 2017)期间已决出中国区四强,四强选手病例受邀前往日本2017复杂心血管治疗学大会(Complex Catheter Therapeutics,CCT),在“中日TRI病例竞赛”现场展开激烈角逐。本届TRI病例大赛总冠军将花落谁家?敬请期待10月27日《门诊》前方记者于日本CCT现场为您带来盛况报道!
General information(Male, 51 years)
Chief complaint: Chest pain 10 yrs, aggravate 1 month.
Past medical history: Previous MI or revascularization: No; Comorbidities: Atrial fibrillation, gastric ulcer, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis.
Risk Factors: Current Smoking 20 years,Diabetes 40 years,Hyperlipidemia 40 years,Hypertension 10 years,PAD 2 years.
Clinical Presentation: Effort and Spontaneous Angina (Braunwald ⅡB) . Echo: LV 49 mm, EF 65 %.
Coronary Angiography
Anatomic Characteristics: LM + Three vessel disease;LM bifurcation disease with severe calcification;LAD diffuse, tortuous & severe calcified disease.
1.SYNTAX Score = 46; 2.SYNTAX Score II CABG = 54.3, PCI 4 Year Mortality = 41.9%; 3.SYNTAX Score II PCI = 55.1, CABG 4 Year Mortality = 43.5%.
Strategy Selection: 1.CABG recommended but rejected by patient; 2.LCA PCI first, stage PCI for RCA; 3.LAD-LM rotational atherectomy, 1.25 Burr start, From proximal LAD to LM; 4.IVUS evaluation; 5.Provisional stenting for left main bifurcation.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Setp 1: 1.25 mm Burr Rota.
Setp 2: 1.5 mm Burr Rota.
Setp 3: 2.5×15 mm non-compliant balloon.
Setp 4: DES 2.75×22 mm;
DES 3.5×18 mm.
Setp 5: NC balloon 3.5×12mm+2.5×15 mm.
Setp 6: LAD→LM, Post stenting.
Final Angio:
1.Rotational atherectomy is necessary for severe calcified lesion.
2.IVUS could provide valuable information: Pre-evaluation sometimes not available, Post-evaluation usually more important for lesion preparation and stent optimization.
3.Knowing not only what we can do, but also what we can NOT do, and where we should stop.