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青岛大学《ACS AEM》:DIW打印碳基导电水凝胶,用于可穿戴自供电传感

材料分析与应用  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-07 17:00


1 成果简介

随着健康和人机交互技术的快速发展,用于人体运动和健康检测的应变传感系统已成为智能健康领域的重要组成部分。现有的可穿戴应变传感器大多依赖外部电源或实现自供电瞬态传感,大大限制了其在可穿戴应用中进行实时数据监测的实用性。 本文,青岛大学Chenhao Cong、李山东教授、韩 岭南 大学 Sang Woo Joo等研究人员在 ACS Applied Electronic Material 》“Bio-Inspired Hydrogen Bonding Cross-Linking Strategy for DIW-Printed Ca rbon -Based Conductive Hydrogels in Wearable Self-Powered Sensing Systems ”的论文, 研究 从天然生物蛋白质材料中汲取灵感,利用单宁酸(TA)作为纤维素纳米晶体(CNC)、聚乙烯醇(PVA)链和羧化多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT-COOH)之间的分子耦合桥,构建了一个多重氢键系统 多重氢键体系中氢键的动态断裂和致密导电网络的形成赋予了水凝胶卓越的性能。

这种方法制备的导电水凝胶具有丰富的内部微结构、优异的导电性(0.47 S/m)、拉伸强度(600%)、机械性能(1.76 MPa)和自恢复能力(97%),可在多个领域交叉应用。 未经改性的 TA 前驱体溶液具有优异的流变特性,可实现导电水凝胶电极的高精度印刷,以满足大规模生产和灵活定制的应用要求。 这些工艺和材料优势的协同作用使三电纳米发电机(TENG)能够收集运动能量,并通过应变传感器将其用于人体运动检测。 此外,将这一传感系统与物联网(IoT)技术相结合,并利用5G信号,有助于远程传输数据,从而实现远距离实时运动监测。 这种综合方法解决了现有可穿戴传感器的局限性,为各种实际应用场景中的持续健康监测和人体运动检测提供了强大的解决方案。

2 图文导读


图 2.(a) PVA/CNC/MWCNT-COOH 前驱体油墨,(b) DIW 印刷油墨示意图,(c,d) 物理和化学交联 PVA/CNC/MWCNT-COOH/TA (PCMT) 导电水凝胶的制备流程图。(e) PCMT 导电水凝胶的内部机理图。

图3. (a) Schematic diagram of the principle of DIW printed conductive hydrogel ink. (b) Measurement of PCM 20 T 40 conductive hydrogel electrode under OM for different printing parameters on line width. (c) Physical image of DIW printed conductive hydrogel for printing complex patterns. (d) OM images of different printed line widths by DIW printing parameters. (e) FT-IR spectra of PCM 20 and PCM 20 T 40 hydrogels. (f) FTIR spectra of PCM 0 T 40 , PCM 10 T 40 , PCM 20 T 40 , PCM 30 T 40 , and PCM 40 T 40 after varying the MWCNT-COOH concentration. Cross-sectional view of SEM images of hydrogel electrodes (g) without and (h) with TA treatment.

图4. (a) Stress–strain curves of conductive hydrogels with different MWCNT-COOH contents. (b) Stretchability of DIW printed PCMT hydrogel electrodes. (c) Adhesion test of PCMT conductive hydrogel on the surface of different substrates. (d) Schematic of the self-healing principle of PCMT conductive hydrogel. (e) Photographs of lit led before and after self-healing of PCMT conductive hydrogel. SEM images of PCMT conductive hydrogel before (f) and after (g) self-healing. (h) Plot of self-healing efficiency versus time after dropping TA solution on the cutoff hydrogel surface. (i) Photographs of the mechanical properties of PCMT hydrogels before and after self-healing.

5. (a) Variation of tensile resistance of conductive hydrogels at different MWCNT-COOH concentrations. (b) Variation of PCMT conductive hydrogel resistance with increasing strain. (c) Strain response curves of the conductive hydrogel at the same strain level and different strain frequencies. DIW printed wearable strain sensors based on PCMT hydrogel were investigated for detecting the movement of different joints in the human body including (d) fingers, (e) elbows, (f) wrists, (g) anterior side of the knee and (h) posterior side of the knee. Resistance change of (i) conductive hydrogel at 100% elongation over 300 cycles.

图6. (a) Schematic structure of PCMT-TENG. (b) Comparison of the output voltage of PCMT-TENG under different MWCNT-COOH concentrations. (c) Comparison of the output currents of PCMT-TENG under different MWCNT-COOH concentrations. (d) Comparison of output voltages of PCMT-TENG under different contact areas. (e) Comparison of output voltage of PCMT-TENG under different frequencies. (f) Dependence of output voltage and output current of PCMT-TENG on different external load resistors. (g) Dependence of power density of PCMT-TENG on different external load resistors. (h) Charging by commercial capacitors with PCMT-TENG of 0.047, 0.1, and 0.2 μF, respectively (i) continuous charging and discharging with capacitors with PCMT-TENG of 0.47 μF.

7. (a) Block diagram and operating principle of the integrated sensing system. (b) Self-powered strain sensing system for detecting actual human wrist bending. (c) Schematic of the operation of a self-powered strain sensing system for real-time monitoring of human movement using 5G signal transmission. (d) Real-time response signals of wrist movement are measured by the sensing and displayed on a phone.

3 小结

在本研究中,我们以冰晶为模板,通过冻融循环方法开发了一种由 PVA/CNC/MWCNT-COOH/TA 组成的导电水凝胶。随后,我们基于 DIW 印刷技术并结合成型方法,制作了可穿戴 TENG 和应变传感器的集成系统。该系统旨在通过可穿戴、自供电的应变传感系统提高人体运动识别能力。根据我们的研究结果和讨论,我们得出以下结论:
(1) 导电水凝胶的制备:我们利用 TA 作为分子耦合桥与 PVA/CNC/MWCNT-COOH 成分,构建了具有多重氢键系统的导电水凝胶。这些水凝胶表现出令人称道的导电性(0.47 S/m)、机械强度(1.76 MPa)、惊人的拉伸性能(600%)和有效的自愈合性能(97%)。
(2) 高精度导电水凝胶电极:利用 DIW 印刷技术在柔性基底上制作了高精度导电水凝胶电极,宽度从 150 微米到 600 微米不等。这些电极表现出良好的可控性和定制打印复杂图案的能力,这归功于前驱体油墨在 TA 改性前的优异流变特性以及优化的打印和交联过程。
(3) 应变传感器和 TENG:由 PVA/CNC/MWCNT-COOH/TA 导电水凝胶制成的应变传感器具有高灵敏度(在 0-600% 拉伸范围内 GF = 0.87)和超强耐用性(在 100% 应变下可承受 300 次拉伸-释放循环)。TENG 的开路电压为 124 V,短路电流为 18 μA,这归功于以冰晶为模板、MWCNT-COOH/CNC 为骨架结构,通过冻融循环形成的复杂而致密的物理网络结构。
