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人学经济 20171209 and Books of the Year

重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-08 13:19


重要变更 :在每周按时分享人学经济杂志和最新原版书籍的同时,也希望诸位关注者向你的朋友或圈子推荐这个账号,帮忙转发账号的文章,举手之劳也帮我一个忙,谢谢。因此本周通过回复



每年到了这个时候,人学经济杂志就会出一篇名为books of the year xxxx的文章,分门别类汇总和再推荐一下之前在杂志的Books and Arts版块提到的一些书籍。人学经济选书的角度还是比较独特的,你一方面会少看到和其他榜单出现撞书的情况,另一方面也会出现有些荐书读了几页却根本读不下去了的情况,但就像我们不一定会赞同该杂志中很多文章的观点一样,我们需要一个多方位的视角去看这个世界,再加上我们自己的独立判断,要不然我们就一直生活在自己的一个世界了。

本年度的Books of the Year 2017的书籍我不能全部分享,这篇文章首先要分享的是文章副标题中“The best books of 2017 are about music, nicotine and the tsunami in Japan” 这句话所提到的三本书。其他的后面我会专门发文章来介绍。

Ghosts of the Tsunami

Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone

By Richard Lloyd Parry. Farrar, Straus and Giroux


Of the 18,500 people who perished in the Japanese tsunami in 2011, 75 were children who died at school. But a single school accounted for 74 of those deaths. This mesmerising account of the 120-foot-high wave and its aftermath, by the Asia editor and Tokyo bureau chief of the Times, explores the uncharacteristicly fierce reaction of the dead children’s parents to official evasion. In the process it tells you more about Japan than any conventional history. The finest work of narrative non-fiction to be published this year.


By Gregor Hens. Translated by Jen Calleja

Cigarettes function as punctuation for life, argues Gregor Hens, a German author and translator. Theymake it coherent and add drama, inserting commas, semicolons and ellipses (and, in the end, an inarguable and often premature full stop). Smoking is bad foryou, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun.

这本书之前有过分享,更多介绍详见 人学经济 and books 20170121

White Tears

By Hari Kunzru. Knopf

