Reword the following sentences so that they do not use “it is,” “there is,” or “there are”:
It is vital that applicants submit their applications by the deadline.
There is a law that forbids people from importing chewing gum into Singapore.
It is clear that energy shortages and climate deterioration are major problems that are facing the world.
There are some disadvantages to employing the additional member system, including the creation of two types of legislator, voter confusion regarding the difference between the two votes, and the possibility of minor extremist parties winning representation.
It is reasonable for investors to use the new system to explore market trends and seek out new opportunities.
It is difficult to diagnose Irumodic syndrome disease quickly in patients aged 10–20 years.
There is a general consensus on the definition of ecoinnovation.
It is a blue crystalline substance with an offensive odor.
There is a lack of observational evidence to confirm this hypothesis.
There are attacks that can devastate a system with only a single packet.
Applicants must submit their applications by the deadline.
A law forbids people from importing chewing gum into Singapore.
Energy shortages and climate deterioration are major problems that are facing the world.
Disadvantages to employing the additional member system include the creation of two types of legislator, voter confusion regarding the difference between the two votes, and the possibility of minor extremist parties winning representation.
Investors can use the new system to explore market trends and seek out new opportunities.
Irumodic syndrome is difficult to diagnose quickly in patients aged 10–20 years.
A general consensus exists on the definition of ecoinnovation.
It is a blue crystalline substance with an offensive odor.
No observational evidence confirms this hypothesis or Scant observational evidence supports this hypotheses.
Attacks exist that can devastate a system with only a single packet.